

This was published 4 years ago

Gone to the movies: the future for cinemas after coronavirus

By Stephanie Bunbury

After "All This" – as this weird period of deep-dive Facebooking, elaborate cooking, excessive drinking and slow-mo couch potato weariness is often called – what is going to happen to movie-going?

Movie distributors are holding back their best films for as long as possible.

Movie distributors are holding back their best films for as long as possible.Credit: Getty Images

It’s a serious question. With a fistful of newish subscriptions to every available streaming service on television, will you really be bothered going to see a film in a cinema again? Assuming cinemas are still in business, of course.

Inevitably, social isolation has hit cinemas around the world. In Australia, Village Roadshow and Event Cinemas and Hoyts have closed their doors, cut executive salaries and watched their share prices plummet, but their official announcements have yet to take on a truly apocalyptic tone.

“Our primary focus is to get through this," Village chief executive Clark Kirby has told the Australian Stock Exchange.

“Our primary focus is to get through this," Village chief executive Clark Kirby has told the Australian Stock Exchange. Credit: Viki Lascaris

"We will plan for our businesses to open again once it is safe and prudent to do so,” Village chief executive Clark Kirby told the Australian Stock Exchange on March 22. “Our primary focus is to get through this.”


Benjamin Zeccola, chief executive at Palace Cinemas – which shut a week before the multiplexes – says they negotiated with landlords to stop paying rent but have kept paying all staff. He remains upbeat. “We just can’t wait for the green light to be given so we can open up again and put everyone back to work,” he says.

Tidings from elsewhere, however, hint at worse possibilities.

The world’s biggest cinema chain, AMC – founded in 1920 in Kansas City and now carrying a staggering $US4.75 billion debt - is likely to declare bankruptcy any day, according to trade magazine Variety. Europe-wide Cineworld, the world’s second largest chain, has said that if a lockdown lasts longer than two months, it will fold. In Europe, the arthouses have banded together to plead for funds from the European Union. Some are already saying that they may never open again.


Meanwhile, many of the hundreds of film festivals that are the launching pads and negotiating tables for the independent film sector have been cancelled. Cannes Film Festival, the daddy of them all, is traditionally held in early May and had been provisionally delayed until June or July. This week, director Thierry Fremaux admitted that couldn’t happen but insists it would be unthinkable to stream the films to festival delegates instead. "Directors of ‘films’ are driven by the idea of showing their movies on a big screen and sharing them with others at events like festivals,” he told Variety. “Not for their works to end up on an iPhone.”

The unthinkable, however, has already been thought. CPH-DOCS, the world’s biggest documentary festival, took the whole festival online a few days after lockdown, selling "tickets" to audiences to stream the films at home.

Tribeca is putting part of its program online; Al Cossar, the director of the Melbourne International Festival, which was due to take place in June, says the festival is looking at possibilities and to “watch this space”; even Toronto, which doesn’t happen till September, is making provisions for an online festival.

“From a democratic perspective, it was remarkable; we reached people we never reach, including 30 per cent outside Copenhagen which never happens,” says CPH-DOCS founder Tine Fischer. She now wants to make the digital program part of the festival.

Some say that COVID-19 has just brought into focus the changes to cinema-going that were happening anyway. Thanks to video and DVDs, we have been able to watch movies at home since the late '70s.

Cannes Film Festival organisers are exploring what form the festival will take this year.

Cannes Film Festival organisers are exploring what form the festival will take this year.Credit: Invision/AP

The streaming services have changed the game, however, by making their own films with star directors – Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman, Alfonso Cuaron’s Roma – and original series of cinematic quality, all for a modest monthly fee. The televisions on which we watch them, moreover, are now huge. We have surround sound. The HD image is clear and crisp. Staying at home is not a Cinderella deal.

Until now, cinema has ostensibly held its own. Last year, global box office was US$42 billion: an all-time high. For the first time, however, people spent more – US$53 billion – on streaming platforms. And more options keep coming.

Six months ago, Disney+ entered the field and already has 50 million subscribers even before reaching China. Next month, HBO Max – which has the entire Warner Bros movie and television archive as part of its offer – comes online in the United States.


It has already registered a trademark in Australia, where there are currently over 14 streaming services – plus free-to-air on-demand services providing even more at-home viewing choices. Figures from Roy Morgan show that 14.5 million Australians had access to a paid TV subscription service last year. Understandably, subscription rates have jumped since we’ve been housebound. This is what is getting us through lockdown! The question is whether, by the time we get the all-clear, we’ll be entrenched in our lounge rooms forever.

So here are a few arguments that say that’s not going to happen. Firstly, the people who watch movies at home are the same people who go to the cinema: US figures show that streaming service users are twice as likely to go to the cinema as non-subscribers. Secondly, the successes of Netflix’s Marriage Story and The Irishman notwithstanding, streaming services aren’t the easiest places to find movies.

The people who watch movies at home are the same people who go to the cinema.

The people who watch movies at home are the same people who go to the cinema.Credit: Getty Images

Going into the annals of Amazon or Netflix is nothing like a trip to Blockbusters used to be. You can’t browse, except across their homepages; the only way to find something outside their current highlighted list is to search for it specifically. You’ll never be surprised by that random cover that caught your eye; you’ll never be nudged, as you are by cinemas, to see something you wouldn’t have known about otherwise.


Thirdly, cinema has its own dynamic. Watching a film in a dark room full of strangers united for that purpose is the polar opposite of sitting on your couch with a cup of tea, occasionally checking your emails. You don’t concentrate in the same way; there isn’t the same focus, communal feeling or sense of occasion. The arthouses increasingly include a bar, maybe a restaurant and a clubby, classy atmosphere that reminds you that this is a night out – and when All This is over, a lot of us are going to be dying to go out pretty much anywhere.

Multiplexes are temples of technological excellence, thanks to years of investment to ward-off the streaming challenge, immersing audiences in whizz-bang action in a way nothing at home can match. “I think when people feel safe to go out and mingle, cinemas are absolutely going to boom," says Zeccola. "And there is a whole slew of great product waiting to be released as well.”

It is true that distributors are holding back their best films for as long as possible. Some have offloaded smaller films to Netflix and quite a few – Onward, The Invisible Woman, The Hunt - moved online to VOD platforms faster than they would have otherwise. But there has been no suggestion that any of the big-ticket films postponed until the coast is clear – Mulan, A Quiet Place II, Fast and Furious 9 and, of course, the latest James Bond – will be released digitally. Not yet, anyway. Of course, if the pandemic lingers, that could change.

And even if everyone manages to hold out, the return to cinemas is going to be complicated. Al Cossar points out that safety restrictions, such as a limit on numbers of people in one place, may remain in place well after the pandemic has ostensibly passed.

Fear of a secondary wave may mean we have to maintain our distance. And, having already lived with fear for months, we may want that anyway. That presents cinemas of all sizes with logistical problems, but particularly smaller ones.

“From an economic standpoint, the cinema can’t operate by selling every third seat, for example,” says Zeccola. “Cinemas would open purely to lose money. So I think that’s a really dangerous moment for the industry. When it’s time to restart, we need to be able to restart properly.” What potential audiences can afford to spend is also an issue, Cossar points out, if the pandemic is succeeded by the predicted recession.

Of course, the death of cinema has been foretold many times. Each time, it has managed to mutate, survive and thrive. When cinemas reopened after the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918-19, audiences came back in bigger numbers than before. The same could happen again.

Cossar imagines people holed up with their films, books and televisions rediscovering “the broader value of art, creative expression and storytelling itself … In that mindset, post lockdown they’ll come rushing back to cinemas with open arms.”

Others worry quietly that audiences, particularly the older audiences who sustain arthouses, will feel safer staying at home with Netflix. At this stage, as with so much to do with COVID-19, we just don’t know.

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