

This was published 4 years ago

Guaranteed funding and new online courses under university relief package

By Fergus Hunter

The federal government will safeguard university funding for domestic education and introduce discounted online courses under a relief package aimed at helping the higher education sector weather the COVID-19 crisis.

Universities and other tertiary education providers have been crying out for support since the pandemic began, warning their viability is at risk from billions of dollars in revenue losses. The disruption has also forced providers to fund a rapid shift to online delivery and support international students in financial hardship.

Education Minister Dan Tehan says a relief package will provide "ballast" for higher education providers and opportunities for Australians.

Education Minister Dan Tehan says a relief package will provide "ballast" for higher education providers and opportunities for Australians.Credit: SMH

The newly announced relief package will guarantee funding for universities this year based on expected levels of Commonwealth-supported domestic enrolments before the hit to student numbers from the crisis. Ordinarily, the amount of funding provided would be revised throughout the year based on variations to enrolments.

The government will seek to bolster revenue for universities and private colleges by creating new certificates for six-month, discounted online courses. The courses are targeted at national priority areas and are intended for people to learn new skills during the recession and period of social distancing.

"What this does is provide ballast for the university sector to help and support them through the coronavirus pandemic," Education Minister Dan Tehan said.


"For those people who have lost work or might be looking to use this time to transition or reskill in the workforce, we have created for the first time a diploma certificate and we are expanding graduate certificates."

The courses will start in May and focus on priority areas including nursing, teaching, counselling, maths, English, languages, agriculture, allied health, IT, engineering, environmental studies and science. Students can get HELP loans for the courses, which will cost either $1250 or $2500.

Mr Tehan said the package could potentially support 20,000 places for the online courses across the sector but the availability will vary between institutions. Some universities have delayed their enrolment deadlines for this semester and are awaiting final confirmation of the decline in student numbers.


Mr Tehan said guaranteed government funding levels had been the "number one priority" for universities during their negotiations.

Asked if there would be any further relief, he said: "This is the package to get the sector through the pandemic."

A funding increase of $80 million this year for public universities, previously tied to new performance measures, will also be guaranteed.

The university sector has estimated it could lose $3 billion to $4.6 billion or more this year. The University of Sydney expects a $470 million loss, UNSW expects a $600 million hit and the University of Melbourne projects $500 million.

Universities are deferring major capital projects, executives are taking pay cuts and they are entering negotiations with the National Tertiary Education Union, with staff anxious about their job security.

There are acute fears for smaller universities that lack the margins and financial security of the major institutions. Private colleges could also be at risk, facing similar declines in domestic and international student numbers.

The relief package will include regulatory and fee relief for the vocational education and training sector, refunding and waiving fees imposed by regulators and deferring cost recovery requirements.

"These measures will put some $100 million back into the cash flow of Australian education and training businesses so this money can be used to retain employees, reshape education offerings and support domestic and international students," said Employment and Skills Minister Michaelia Cash.

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