

This was published 4 years ago

From the Archives, 2005: Farewell, Sir Joh, the great divider

On April 23, 2005, Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen died aged 94. Tony Stephens remembers the "populist radical of the right" who ruled Queensland for 19 years.

By Tony Stephens

First published in The Sydney Morning Herald on 25 April, 2005.

Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, who died on Saturday night aged 94, had something in common with George W. Bush: he once told John Howard that if the Liberals were not with him they were against him.

Lady Flo Bjelke-Petersen follows the coffin of her late husband, the controversial former Queensland Premier, Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, at his State funeral, Kingaroy Town Hall, 3 May 2005.

Lady Flo Bjelke-Petersen follows the coffin of her late husband, the controversial former Queensland Premier, Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, at his State funeral, Kingaroy Town Hall, 3 May 2005.Credit: Andy Zakeli

The then Queensland premier was making it clear, or as clear as his famous incoherence would allow, that the Bjelke-Petersen forces would stand candidates in every seat at the 1987 federal election. "It's as simple as this: you can only go a certain way and if you don't want to go we will put someone against you and get rid of you, spend a lot of money to get rid of you, whether you are a Liberal or whatever."

He was speaking at the launch of Australia, the Worst is Yet to Come, by John Leard, a former managing director of Australian National Industries. The radio broadcaster Alan Jones had introduced him as "a source of great pride to the conservative forces of Australia".

Did Sir Joh think that Australia needed a new conservative force in our parliaments or would it simply be an enlarged National Party? "Oh, I'm National Party through and through. That's very simple. I'm not going to change. There's no problem. You have the parties, you have the policies and you have the men." Who would be leader? "There's no one in sight yet. They have no credibility."

What about himself? "Don't you worry. It will all flow through, flow through in time ... If they are not with us they are against us. I've told John Howard ... I am going to say, 'This is what the policy is.' If they don't like it they are against us. I think I am entitled to say that. We have always been very successful in Queensland."

Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, at the Hilton Hotel, April 19, 1990.

Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, at the Hilton Hotel, April 19, 1990.Credit: Simon Alekna

Many Australians were excited by the prospect of Sir Joh, then 76, going to Canberra. Nadia Weiner, who ran Centre 2000, the nerve centre of the Sir Joh campaign, spoke of the coming "Joh revolution".

The political commentator Katharine West said Sir Joh would be Australia's next prime minister. John Stone, a former Treasury head, costed his flat tax policy. The historian Geoffrey Blainey said Sir Joh was "one of the quiet giants in Australian history". Lang Hancock called on Mr Howard and the Nationals' leader, Ian Sinclair, to fall in behind Sir Joh, and the deputy president of the Queensland National Party, Charlie Holm, offered to fix him up with a seat.


Other supporters included: Mike Gore, the property developer who brought Frank Sinatra out to open Sanctuary Cove and had $25 million available for Sir Joh's campaign; Milan Brych, who claimed he could cure cancer; Stephen Horvath, who said cars could run efficiently on hydrogen; the Conservative Alliance; People Against Communism; and the Women's Rural Action Committee.

Sir John, himself, said: "I'm a bushfire raging out of control."

Although he was a joke to many - he rang the Queensland Treasurer's office in 1980 to ask "what makes interest rates go up and down?" - he tapped into the disenchantment felt for the two major political forces, led by Bob Hawke and Mr Howard. By early 1987 the Joh-for-Canberra push was attracting 20 per cent in opinion polls.

The Herald wrote: "It requires a quantum leap to see him as prime minister. But it is now a probability rather than a possibility."

Lady Flo Bjelke-Petersen, then a senator, told Ray Martin: "I believe that the dear Lord up above [pointing] plans our lives, and if that's his scheme, that [being prime minister] possibly could be the end result."

He didn't even need to form a new party. "You can call it Joh's Party ... they will come in."

Mr Hawke's main reason for calling the 1987 election was the divisions within the Opposition ranks. When the Queensland Nationals failed to get their act together in time, Sir Joh took a back seat in the campaign, although he refused to endorse Mr Sinclair as National Party leader.

Joh Bjelke-Petersen, March 27, 1987.

Joh Bjelke-Petersen, March 27, 1987. Credit: Brendan Read

The Joh-for-Canberra push failed so badly that Labor gained ground in his own state. It was the beginning of his end. Opinion polls gave his intervention as the main reason for Labor's return to power.

Historians are likely to list Sir Joh's achievements as the formation of a National Party Government in its own right, his outspoken campaign for state rights and his being the first premier to abolish death duties.

Painted as a conservative, he was, rather, a populist radical of the right who said the two most influential things in his life were the Bible and Norman Vincent Peale's The Power of Positive Thinking and who fought for an undeveloped state far from Canberra powerbrokers.

But he will best be remembered for his cronyism, the deals done for mates, the making of his tropical knights. And his Johisms.

Justin Hickey, a Sydney insurance businessman who became a knight bachelor in the Queensland honours list, told ABC's Four Corners in 1982 that he was knighted after giving $100,000 towards a senior citizens' home in Sir Joh's electorate. Sir Edward "Top Level Ted" Lyons established the Bjelke-Petersen Foundation in 1979 to raise $2.5 million for the National Party, asking businessmen for donations that would be "in the protection of your commercial future as well as your basic democratic lifestyle". He was knighted for services to "commerce and finance".

"Don't you worry about that," Sir Joh said all the time, and "The trouble is that Queensland gets branded as being part of Australia."

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