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From the Archives, 1967: Harold Holt vanishes during Portsea swim

By Staff Writers

First published in The Age on December 18, 1967


Massive hut fails to find his body

The Prime Minister (Mr. Holt) is missing believed drowned. He disappeared in heavy surf off Portsea’s ocean beach soon after noon yesterday and late last night had not been found.

An army search party equipped with two-way radio look for Harold Holt on Cheviot Beach.

An army search party equipped with two-way radio look for Harold Holt on Cheviot Beach.Credit: The Age Archives

It has been disclosed that Mr. Holt, normally a strong swimmer, was under medical treatment for a back complaint.

A massive sea and air search will resume at first light this morning. The Victoria police and units of the three armed services in the State were mobilised for yesterday's search.

At 8.30 last night the Prime Minister's press secretary (Mr. Tony Eggleton), said at Portsea that the searchers still retained a slim hope of finding Mr. Holt alive.

"This is the opinion of the Government at the present moment and will remain so until an official statement is issued from Canberra."

Mrs. Holt, who was spending the weekend in Canberra, was flown to Melbourne yesterday afternoon and driven to the Holt holiday home at Portsea. Last night Mrs. Holt was joined at the holiday home by her three sons and their wives.


Several close family friends joined them.

Mr. Eggleton said Mrs. Holt was being "extremely brave."

Skin divers join the search at Cheviot Beach.

Skin divers join the search at Cheviot Beach.

"I don't think I know any woman who could show equal courage and composure in these circumstances," he said.

The Deputy Prime Minister (Mr. McEwen) flew to Canberra from his Stanhope property last night and informed the Governor-General (Lord Casey) of the situation.

No administrative action will be taken to appoint a new Prime Minister until either Mr. Holt's body is found or all hope is abandoned.

Mr. McEwen said last night: "We will all pray that despite the grim situation the Prime Minister may still be found safe.

"This evening we all share with Mrs. Holt and the family their terrible anxiety."

Lord Casey announced that he had informed the Queen of the situation. She had expressed her "extreme distress."

President Johnson of the United States has asked the American Embassy in Canberra to keep him informed of any developments.

The search for Prime Minister Harold Holt at Cheviot Beach, 1967.

The search for Prime Minister Harold Holt at Cheviot Beach, 1967. Credit: The Age Archives

All Federal Ministers have been alerted to be ready to go to Canberra for an emergency meeting if Mr. Holt's death is confirmed.

In this event, Mr. McEwen is expected to be sworn in as Prime Minister until the Government parties elect a successor.

Mr. Holt was spending the weekend at his seaside weekender at Portsea.

With a friend

He was swimming with a friend, Mr. Alan Stewart, director of Port Quarantine Station at Portsea, when he disappeared.

The two men swam out from the shore in heavy surf. They became separated in strong currents.

Mr. Stewart raised the alarm about 12.40.

A full-scale search and rescue operation was immediately mounted.

RAAF and civil aircraft began sweeping the ocean front. Police and naval boats sped to the area. Civilian craft joined the search and police divers went into action. Soldiers, police and civilians began combing the shore line.

The front page of The Age, December 18, 1967.

The front page of The Age, December 18, 1967.Credit: The Age Archives

Search headquarters were set-up in the Officer Cadet School at Portsea, and the beach was cordoned off to all but official searchers.

Word of her husband's disappearance was immediately flashed to Mrs. Holt, who was at the Prime Minister's official residence, The Lodge, in Canberra.

Accompanied by Mr. Eggleton, Mrs. Holt left Canberra at 3.36 p.m. in a RAAF Jet.

She was met at Essendon by an official car, which, under police escort, sped her to the family's holiday cottage at Portsea.

At Portsea, the crowds broke away from police when Mrs. Holt arrived at the house with a police escort.

Mrs. Holt was sitting in the back seat of the Commonwealth car with another woman.

She was hatless, and wearing a blue dress with a white collar.

She appeared shocked.

At the entrance to the home, she had to be assisted inside.

Harold Holt spearfishing at Portsea shortly before his disappearance.

Harold Holt spearfishing at Portsea shortly before his disappearance. Credit: Alan Lambert

Her sons and daughters-in-law, with whom the Prime Minister had been spending the weekend, were waiting for her.

By dusk more than 200 Army, Navy, police, and civilian searchers had failed to find Mr. Bolt.

The place where the Prime Minister was dragged under is called Cheviot Bay, a rock-strewn shoreline at the base of the Portsea Commonwealth Quarantine Station.

As the searchers left the area last night, squads of soldiers moved down on to the beach with full bedding gear to resume the search at first light today.

The Prime Minister entered the water near high tide at about 11.30 a.m. He swam and waded through the surf to a pothole 30 yds. by 50 yds., ending at one end in a narrow rip only 80 yds. out from the breakers.

It was one of his favorite spots for swimming and spear fishing.

Mr. Stewart watched Mr. Holt push off from the rock shelf and strike out strongly for the centre of the 40 ft, deep hole, his silver hair barely visible in the broken water.

Minutes later, the Prime Minister was gone.

Mr. Stewart later told Mr. Eggleton: "The water did not look very inviting at all but the Prime Minister took off his shirt and strode into the waves.

The Prime Minister, Harold Holt.

The Prime Minister, Harold Holt. Credit: Tom Linsen

"Even though it was cold I decided to follow him but after a short while I turned around and returned to shore.

"When I reached the shore the tide was going out fast and the Prime Minister was swimming strongly with it.

"Frankly, I began to feel some concern because of the size of the waves which were breaking over the reef.

"I watched for about three minutes and then Mr. Holt suddenly disappeared. When I failed to catch sight of him after a few more minutes I gave the alarm."

Mr. Stewart told Mr. Eggleton that at no time did he hear Mr. Holt cry out and at all times up until when he disappeared from sight Mr. Holt had appeared to be in complete control.

Searchlight hunt

A Navy search and rescue launch was last night sweeping the sea six miles off the beach with a searchlight. A ports and harbor vessel, the Wyuna, was also making searchlight sweeps.

Four helicopters from the RAAF base at Fairbairn, Canberra, are being sent to Portsea to join in this morning's search.

A team of naval divers flew from Sydney to Melbourne last night to join the search.

Harold Holt and Zara Holt at Portsea in 1966.

Harold Holt and Zara Holt at Portsea in 1966. Credit: National Archives of Australia

Mr. McEwen was spending the weekend on his farm at Stanhope, in northern Victoria, when he received news of the Prime Minister's dis-appearance.

After conferring by telephone with official of the Prime Minister's Department, he drove to Mangalore and joined the aircraft, which had taken Mrs. Holt to Melbourne, and flew to Canberra.

The Prime Minister's office in Canberra last night disclosed that Mr. Holt had developed muscular soreness in his back — believed to be severe fibrositis — during the recent Senate election campaign.

He postponed medical treatment until after the election and had been receiving treatment over the past three weeks.

A Government House spokesman said last night that the Queen was "extremely distressed by the news about her Australian Prime Minister."

She asked Lord Casey-to keep her fully informed

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