

This was published 4 years ago

Queensland 2011 flood victims win class action

By Tony Moore

More than 6800 victims of the 2011 Brisbane flood have won a historic class action against Seqwater, Sunwater and the Queensland government over the management of the Wivenhoe Dam.

The NSW Supreme Court on Friday ruled that the dam's flood engineers relied too closely on "rain on the ground" estimates in 2011 and did not appropriately use rainfall forecasts to manage Wivenhoe Dam, as required by its manual.

The successful lawsuit opens the door to negligence claims from the flood victims.

Justice Robert Beech-Jones said the rainfall at some stages "was biblical in proportions" and he accepted the dam's management was a stressful operation.

However, he ruled that the four flood engineers who had operated the Wivenhoe Dam in January 2011 had "in some respects" breached their duty of care in managing the flow of water from the dam.

Announcing a complex ruling over almost two hours, Justice Beech Jones said Seqwater, Sunwater and the state government were "negligent".

The flood peaks in Brisbane on January 13, 2011.

The flood peaks in Brisbane on January 13, 2011.

Their actions contributed to the flooding of a sports store run by Vince Rodriguez at Fairfield Gardens.

The flooding of the store was one of four test cases put forward by Maurice Blackburn lawyers, who lodged the class action on behalf of the 6870 flood victims.


Other tests cases will now be evaluated before a further hearing in the NSW Supreme Court on February 21, 2020.

That opens the doors to a potential payout of hundreds of millions of dollars - law firms suggest it could run to a billion dollars.

Flooding in the Brisbane suburb of Fairfield.

Flooding in the Brisbane suburb of Fairfield.Credit: Paul Harris

Maurice Blackburn class actions principal lawyer Rebecca Gilsenan, who has led the investigation for five years, said the outcome was "so very sweet".

"I am pretty happy today and very, very relieved," Ms Gilsenan said.

"It has been a long and ferociously fought case, which the judge aluded to," she said.

"To get that outcome for the people and businesses of south-east Queensland is so very sweet."

Ms Gilsenan said Maurice Blackburn intended to work towards an "aggregated claim" for the 6780 individual flood claims.

Engineers relied on 'rain on the ground' models

On Friday, Justice Beech-Jones raised inconsistencies between the Wivenhoe Dam flood manual and the operation of the dams.

He said the flood engineers had relied too closely on "rain on the ground" modelling and not on forecast rainfall, particularly four- and eight-day forecast rainfall in the Wivenhoe Dam's catchment areas.

He said he accepted much of the evidence of Utah dam expert Ronald Christensen, a key witness for Maurice Blackburn's team.

A message left for Queenslanders during the 2011 flood recovery.

A message left for Queenslanders during the 2011 flood recovery.Credit: AAP

Dr Christensen had posed 10 alternative modelling scenarios for managing the Wivenhoe Dam and argued that using flood forecasts was part of the Wivenhoe Dam's flood manual.

Justice Beech-Jones noted Mr Christensen had been "vigorously cross-examined" for 22 days by Seqwater's legal teams.

However he said he was "not persuaded by the need to use eight-day rainfall forecasts", as Dr Christensen proposed.

The Wivenhoe Dam manual adopted a risk-management approach that made rainfall forecasts a central part of the flood engineers' operation of the dam, Justice Beech-Jones said.

Each flood engineer had been negligent

The lawsuit alleged that the four flood engineers were obliged but failed to sufficiently evacuate the water from the Wivenhoe and Somerset dams prior to the flood event.

Further, it alleged that the engineers "comprehensively failed to apply the flood manual during the flood event".

Justice Beech-Jones said he found that each flood engineer had been negligent "in some respects" in interpreting the Wivenhoe Dam flood manual, which was gazetted by the Queensland government in 2010, a year before the flood.

"The manual unambiguously and stubbornly required that 'best forecast rainfall' be used to make predictions for the purpose of determining the anticipated storage levels in the dams in order to select the applicable flood strategy," he said in his ruling.


Seqwater gave evidence to the class action that flood engineers believed rainfall forecasts were not reliable.

Justice Beech-Jones said Seqwater told the inquiry that engineers preferred the actual "rain on the ground'' data as the basis of future modelling, as it was more reliable.

They contended that rainfall data was "more than sufficient" to apply the scenarios in the flood manual.

Seqwater said Dr Christensen's models contained errors and various elements were untested in Australia.

The organisation also criticised other modelling proposed by Maurice Blackburn's team as using incorrect inflow levels from Lockyer Creek and from the Bremer River.

The 2011 flooding in Brisbane was influenced by a combination of the flood release flows from Wivenhoe Dam, Lockyer Creek and the Bremer River.

Seqwater and Sunwater said the four flood engineers demonstrated "competent and professional practice" and had followed the Wivenhoe Dam flood manual.

When discussing issues of duty of care, Justice Beech-Jones ruled that Seqwater, Sunwater and the Queensland government were liable.

"I accept that each of Seqwater, Sunwater and the State are vicariously liable for any breaches of the duty of care owed by the flood engineers that they each employed."

Other sections of the class action were unsuccessful.

Justice Beech-Jones said the inquiry was heard in NSW because of "an accident of time", where Queensland legislation at the time did not allow class actions of this type to be heard.

Queensland Attorney-General Yvette D'Ath said the government would spend time examining the court's ruling.

"The government acknowledges the decision of the NSW Supreme Court," Ms D'Ath said.

"The government will closely examine the judgment before making any comment on a possible appeal."


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