

This was published 4 years ago

Chinese foreign interference allegations 'deeply disturbing': Morrison

By Anthony Galloway

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has described allegations the Chinese government is actively seeking to inject agents into Australia as "deeply disturbing and troubling" but says the government is well positioned to counter any threats.

Mr Morrison said Australia was not "naive" to the threats it faced more broadly and had made significant investments and legal changes in recent years to combat foreign interference.

"The resources have never been stronger, the laws have never been tougher and the government has never been more determined to keep Australians free and safe from foreign interference," he said.

"The resources and the regime has been put in place to do its job, and any improvements, any additional matters that we would need to look at on the basis of advice to address that, the government would obviously, on our record and form ... do that."

His comments come after The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age revealed authorities were investigating claims a Chinese espionage ring tried to install an agent for Beijing in a seat in Federal Parliament. Sources with knowledge of the alleged plot believed the suspected Chinese intelligence group offered a million dollars to pay for the political campaign of Liberal Party member and Melbourne luxury car dealer Bo "Nick" Zhao, 32, to run for an eastern suburbs seat.


Mr Zhao disclosed the alleged approach to ASIO about a year ago, according to his associates and multiple Western security sources. In March this year, Mr Zhao was found dead in a Melbourne motel room. Local police have been unable to conclude how he died.

Separately, Australian authorities are considering a plea from China's Wang "William" Liqiang for political asylum after he went public over the weekend with allegations about China's foreign interference operations, including in Australia.

Mr Zhao's story is not related to the matters that Mr Wang revealed.


Mr Morrison on Monday cautioned against "anyone leaping to any conclusions about these matters - that's why we have these agencies".

He said Mr Wang's claim for asylum would be based on whether he had a legitimate fear of persecution in his home country. If it were approved, it wouldn't necessarily mean the allegations he had made were true.

"Asylum claims are assessed on their merits through an independent process which is run through the Department of Home Affairs by the relevant officials - and that's the same case for this person or any one else who might make such a claim," he said.

"He is in Australia, and we have the rule of law in Australia, and as a result you can expect to the same protections to apply to anyone who is living in our country whether on a visa or any other arrangement."

Liberal senator James Paterson, who was this month denied a visa to China over his criticisms of the Chinese Communist Party, said Chinese interference was "worse than I thought" and Mr Wang's plea for a humanitarian visa should be accepted if his claims stacked up.


Senator Paterson said it was "difficult to imagine more profoundly serious allegations than these, particularly that an Australian citizen who was a Liberal Party member received an attempt of foreign interference, disclosed that to ASIO, and subsequently has died".

"He [Mr Zhao] was a member in one of my patron seats, I don't have a strong memory of him. I think Australia just has to be really assertive about our sovereignty here. There can be no excuse for being weak or insecure about securing our national interest just because someone is a significant trading partner," he told Sky News.

"It's worse than I feared. I didn't think anyone, allegedly, would go to the lengths of trying to run someone in Parliament to try to be an agent in the Federal Parliament. That would be a profound blow to our national interests and security of that were to be done."

Senator Paterson said there was no evidence to suggest any one in Federal Parliament had received money from the Chinese government.


The nation's top intelligence officer, Mike Burgess, on Sunday night confirmed ASIO was taking "seriously" the allegations about Mr Zhao as well as Mr Wang's claims.

Deputy opposition leader Richard Marles said Australians needed to be confident the country was free from foreign interference.

"We obviously want to understand everything that we can know about this," Mr Marles told the ABC. "But on the face of it and what's in the public domain right now, this is a very, very serious matter."

Former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce said on Monday morning he was not surprised by the claims.

"I know the Chinese, in one way or another, have been trying to infiltrate our parliament, whether online or directly through politicians," he told the Seven Network. "We must be resolute and strong and realise this is the new world order we are living in."

We must be resolute and strong and realise this is the new world order we are living in.

Barnaby Joyce

Crossbench senator Rex Patrick said he had been calling for a parliamentary inquiry into Chinese influence and wanted Australian politicians to go through security checks before they were allowed to sit in parliament.

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