By Jordan Baker
Parents and schools are at loggerheads over how to handle increasing numbers of children with "incredibly difficult" problems moving into mainstream classrooms, a world-leading expert in child behaviour disorders has warned.
Professor Mark Dadds said legal and ethical concerns left teachers hesitant about discipline at school, but sending children home on suspension risked encouraging the behaviour. "I think this is coming to a head and it needs to be thought through very carefully," he said.
"It's feeding into this terrible blame game that seems to be growing in Australia, where schools are saying that the children are to blame, and the parents are increasingly saying the school is not managing the child right."
Experts are concerned about an escalating blame game between teachers and parents about in-school discipline.Credit: Michele Mossop
Last year more than 600 NSW kindergarten students were suspended from public schools alone. Almost 150 of them received long suspensions of between five and 20 days for physical violence or persistent or serious misbehaviour.
Parents of students with autism, anxiety and ADHD say their children are being punished for their disability, and schools need to train teachers to cope. Many have resorted to home schooling after multiple suspensions in primary school.
But principal and teacher groups say teachers are faced with extreme behaviour that puts staff and other students at risk, and disrupts learning. They say many parents refuse to acknowledge their children's bad behaviour. A discipline policy review is underway.
Professor Dadds runs the Child Behaviour Research Clinic at Sydney University, which treats children aged between two and eight with oppositional behaviour, anger, aggression and conduct problems.
His staff are increasingly being called on to help resolve these disputes, and are trying to help schools and families work together.
"This is going to be increasing," he said. "We are increasingly main-streaming kids with severe developmental problems into schools. The education department is having to manage these quite severe behavioural disturbances."
Professor Dadds said schools were often reluctant to use alternative discipline techniques such as time out, which some decry as segregation but research showed was a proven way to manage angry, defiant behaviour.
"We've seen situations many times where a child is throwing a tantrum, and rather than dealing with it and helping the child to regulate and discipline them, they'll evacuate the whole classroom and suspend the child," he said.
Suspensions could be a circuit breaker, but they could also act as a reward. "These kids often prefer to be at home with their parents, [so] the child is learning to what level they have to escalate in order to be able to go home," Professor Dadds said.
He called on schools to set up "positive, pro-active" discipline strategies, which included time out. An overall strategy for dealing with difficult behaviour could then be fine tuned depending on the causes of that behaviour.
He understood why parents worried about schools failing to cater for their children's needs, but empathised with school staff, too. "These children are extremely difficult to manage. This is not fair on teachers," he said.
"If we decide the kind of world we want is one where every child is integrated, we are going to have integrate the child mental health services into the mainstream to help cope with that."
NSW Teachers Federation president Maurie Mulheron supported the suspension policy. "Once a child is no longer abiding by the reasonable instructions of the teacher, there are concerns about the safety of the child, and the safety of the others," he said.
In Parliament last week, Education Minister Sarah Mitchell said more needed to be done to reduce suspension rates and "support schools in managing student behaviour, especially where students have complex needs or challenging behaviours".