

This was published 4 years ago

Greens lambasted for being penned behind 'the goat's cheese curtain'

By Noel Towell

State Labor MP Jane Garrett has taken aim at her Greens rivals, accusing them of 10 years of policy failure driven by a taste for too much goat's cheese and inner city cafes.

The Victorian Greens tasted success in State Parliament on Wednesday, winning an inquiry into the state’s “extinction crisis” but their win was served up with a broadside from one of their long-term inner city adversaries, Ms Garrett, a self-confessed “proud member of the goat's cheese curtain”.

Some goat's cheese.

Some goat's cheese.Credit: Bloomberg

Ms Garrett, whose former seat of Brunswick fell to a Green in last year’s state election, told the chamber that in the decade since the Greens won their first and only federal seat, the cause of the environment had gone backwards.

Too much goat's cheese, consumed by Greens in inner city cafes, was big part of the problem, said Ms Garrett, who conceded that she had “enjoyed a lot of goat's cheese, a lot of avocado and a lot of lattes” in her inner-Melbourne neighbourhood.

“But I am also not blind, having lived there, to the fog that can come down in the goat’s cheese circle, when an overindulgence of goat’s cheese is taken and people get a little bit of indigestion and perhaps inflict that on the rest of the community,” Ms Garrett.

The MP, who now represents Eastern Victoria in the state’s Upper House, taunted the Greens, with whom she once vied for inner-city voters, over their failure to reach their electoral potential.

Jane Garrett now sits in the Upper House.

Jane Garrett now sits in the Upper House.Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui

“The concept of the never-ending Greens Party on the march, achieving change and turning back the tide of climate extinction, has not occurred,” Ms Garrett said.

“In fact I would suggest that a lot of the vitriol and a lot of the not listening to the broader community has actually hurt the progress of change.


“For all of the vitriol, the statements and the charging from the cafes of inner-city Melbourne, we still have a very conservative federal government, half of whom do not accept that climate change is real.”

The Labor attack on the Greens’ approach comes as ALP federal leader Anthony Albanese tries to re-position his party away from the climate and energy positions it took to defeat at the national polls in May, policies now considered to have cost Labor vital support among working class voters.

Ms Garrett said it was possible to take strong positions on climate and the environment to an election in modern Australia and win in a barb at the Greens that might have been directed at her federal colleagues.

But the triumphant Victorian Greens were not interested in talking about cheese on Wednesday as they celebrated their win on the extinction inquiry.


“We urgently need solutions and our inquiry will help identify problems and solutions. Let’s hear from experts in the field and communities that see the impact of habitat loss, and consider the best path forward,” party leader Samantha Ratnam said.

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