

This was published 5 years ago

Former NSW Labor boss Jamie Clements took $35,000 in cash from Huang Xiangmo

By Michaela Whitbourn and Tom Rabe

Former NSW Labor boss Jamie Clements has told a corruption inquiry that controversial billionaire Huang Xiangmo gave him $35,000 in a wine box to cover his legal bills with the pair becoming "very close" before he quit as party head.

Mr Clements, who made a long-awaited appearance at the Independent Commission Against Corruption on Wednesday, said he worked as a consultant for the wealthy developer after leaving the party. The job paid $4000 a week for three years from February 2016, totalling $624,000.

Former NSW Labor boss Jamie Clements outside the ICAC on Wednesday.

Former NSW Labor boss Jamie Clements outside the ICAC on Wednesday.Credit: Peter Rae

Mr Clements had stood aside as NSW Labor Party general secretary in August 2015, after police sought an apprehended violence order against him on behalf of a female staffer. The application for the AVO was later withdrawn.

Mr Clements said he was in "all sorts" of trouble at the time and had been "hit by an AVO".

"I'd admitted to my wife I'd had an affair," he said.

Mr Clements said Mr Huang summoned him to his Mosman mansion in August 2015 and gave him the wine box filled with cash.

He said Mr Huang told him that "we were friends and that he cared about me as a friend and he felt that I would be OK". Mr Clements said he became "very close" to Mr Huang in the second half of 2015, before he quit as boss of the party in January 2016.

Asked if he was "surprised" by Mr Huang's gift, Mr Clements said, in a reference to former NSW Labor Senator Sam Dastyari: "Well, he'd paid Sam's fees so I suppose I wasn't."


Mr Dastyari resigned from Parliament in September 2016 after the Herald revealed Chinese donors paid travel and legal bills on his behalf.


Mr Clements said the $35,000 in $100 notes was "wrapped in green paper" with an accompanying note that the money was for his legal fees. He said Mr Huang "screwed the piece of paper up and we ... had a cup of tea".

Mr Clements said that in about May 2015 Mr Huang's assistant had also given him an envelope containing $10,000 in cash that he believed was for a union campaign.

He said he felt uncomfortable about the $10,000 because "while it's not illegal" there was a chance he would "end up in a commission like this and be answering questions about it".

He agreed he later worked as a consultant for Mr Huang when he quit the party in January 2016 and the $4000-a-week retainer covered "a variety of services".

Controversial Chinese billionaire Huang Xiangmo.

Controversial Chinese billionaire Huang Xiangmo.Credit: Ryan Stuart

The ICAC is investigating allegations that the NSW Labor Party engaged in a scheme to circumvent the state's ban on political donations from property developers to bank an illegal $100,000 cash donation from Mr Huang shortly after the March 2015 state election.

The inquiry has heard that Mr Huang delivered the cash to Mr Clements in a plastic Aldi shopping bag at NSW Labor's head office in Sussex Street in Sydney after the developer attended a Chinese Friends of Labor fundraising dinner. Mr Huang denies making the donation.

Mr Clements said the then NSW Labor MP Ernest Wong told him in 2017 that the party's community relations director, Kenrick Cheah, had told authorities that Mr Huang had given Mr Clements the cash in the Aldi bag. Mr Clements said he initially believed he said "Audi, as in the car".

Mr Clements said his "mind was blown" by the claim and he replied: "Why the f--k would Kenrick say that?"

He said he "cultivated" Mr Huang as a potential donor for the 2016 federal election campaign. Political donations from property developers are not banned federally.

The former party boss told the ICAC he delegated state election campaign fundraising activities to his then assistant secretary, Kaila Murnain, and did not "micro-manage" her during the 2015 campaign.

"I had the faith in her to get it done," he said. "Nobody knew that office better than Kaila. Nobody was able to master detail better than Kaila."

Asked by counsel assisting the ICAC, Scott Robertson, if he was "trying to deliberately distance [himself] from fundraising issues because you know that they’re of interest to this Commission", Mr Clements replied: "No, I'm not."

He said he did not inquire as to the success of the Chinese Friends of Labor dinner because he had "massive, massive things on my plate".

Asked by Mr Robertson if it was "fair to say you and Kaila hate each other's guts", Mr Clements replied:  "I think she hates my guts. I don't know if I hate her."

He added that the pair were "not friends" and "I have a bad relationship with Kaila but I don't hate her".

Mr Clements said there was no written record of him delegating fundraising activities to Ms Murnain but "laxness" in written procedures was "was something I inherited" in the job.

Asked how he kept himself informed about fundraising activities in ethnic communities in particular, Mr Clements said that was "under Kaila's management" and "I couldn't micro-manage Kaila about something like this".

The ICAC's Chief Commissioner, Peter Hall, QC, put it to Mr Clements that he was "not a detail man".

"That's correct," Mr Clements replied. "It was the sort of role ... where something would go wrong every couple of days and I needed to be able to be free to sort stuff out."

Ms Murnain, who succeeded Mr Clements, was suspended as NSW Labor's general secretary in August after telling the ICAC that Mr Wong told her in 2016 that Mr Huang was the source of the $100,000 donation. She will not return to the role.

The inquiry continues.

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