

This was published 5 years ago

Canberra's candour with Trump only deepens his impeachment woes

By Matthew Knott

New York: It's an exceptionally rare day in America when a news story about Australia dominates the headlines.

Even when Donald Trump hosted Scott Morrison for an opulent state dinner at the White House last month, it caused barely a murmur in Washington.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison with US President Donald Trump during his visit to the White House.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison with US President Donald Trump during his visit to the White House.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Not so with the revelation that Trump asked Morrison to help his efforts to discredit the Mueller inquiry into Russian election interference.

This story landed with the force of a thunderclap. The New York Times, which broke the news, splashed it on the top of its website. Twitter went into a frenzy.

Australia was suddenly at the centre of the raging national debate about whether Trump should be just the third president in US history to be impeached.

Jenny Morrison, US first lady Melania Trump, Prime Minister Scott Morrison and US President Donald Trump during a ceremonial welcome at the White House.

Jenny Morrison, US first lady Melania Trump, Prime Minister Scott Morrison and US President Donald Trump during a ceremonial welcome at the White House.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The story arrived just a few days after the White House released a summary of Trump's now infamous phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. It showed Trump prodding Zelensky to dig up dirt on his potential 2020 Democratic rival Joe Biden.

The Trump-Morrison call has similar overtones, which is why it made such an impact in the US. In the convulsive atmosphere of impeachment, stories that would have been relatively minor just a few weeks ago become monumental.

The Morrison call shows Trump, again, asking a foreign leader to help him out politically.


And just as with the Zelensky call, the White House restricted access to a transcript of Trump's call with Morrison to a small group of officials.

There are some big differences, however.

In his call with Zelensky, Trump was trying to influence an upcoming American election.

In his call with Morrison, Trump was trying to influence an investigation into events linked to the last presidential election.

That makes the Zelensky call significantly more troubling and serious.

Then there is the question of pressure.


At the time of the Zelensky call, Trump was withholding $US400 million in financial aid from Ukraine.

According to the whistleblower who triggered the scandal, the Trump administration made clear that Ukraine needed to "play ball" on the Biden issue to avoid being put in the diplomatic deep freeze.


Trump didn't need to exert any such pressure on Morrison. Just four days after he announced the investigation into the FBI's Russia probe, Australia's ambassador to Washington, Joe Hockey, wrote to offer Australia's full co-operation in the matter.

The Australian government's view is that it has nothing to hide so why not co-operate. Trump was pushing on an open door.

But the story is still politically damaging for Trump at one of the most vulnerable moments of his presidency.

The Morrison phone call reinforces the image of a president using his leverage with foreign leaders to advance his own narrow political interests rather than the nation's.

Trump promised an "America first" foreign policy; this looks like "Trump first".

It's been a terrible few days for Trump: first an impeachment inquiry, then the damning transcript of his call with Zelensky, then the release of the original whistleblower complaint.

A series of new polls shows a massive upswing in support for impeachment from just a week ago.

The Morrison story made a bad situation worse.

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