

This was published 5 years ago

Boris Johnson vows to get Brexit done despite ruling he broke the law

By Nick Miller

London: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was due to fly home from New York on Wednesday to confront a political crisis that threatens to sink his Brexit plans and his government, after a court found he had broken the law by telling the Queen to shut down Parliament.

After yet another historic and chaotic day in Brexit Britain, Johnson faced calls from opposition leaders, some rebel ex-Conservative MPs and at least one government minister for him to resign.

Parliament was due to reconvene on Wednesday morning, UK time, after 11 Supreme Court judges ruled unanimously that Johnson’s advice to the Queen in late August had been “unlawful, null and of no effect” – the legal equivalent of “a blank piece of paper”.

Johnson said he would respect the decision but “strongly disagreed” with it.


The court declared the shutdown on September 9 had frustrated Parliament in its critical role of holding the government to account.

It stopped just short of accusing Johnson of deliberately misleading the Queen by advising her to prorogue (suspend) Parliament for five crucial weeks in the lead-up to Brexit.

“It is impossible for us to conclude … that there was any reason – let alone a good reason – to advise Her Majesty to prorogue Parliament for five weeks,” the court said in a unanimous judgment that set a new precedent limiting the powers of governments under the UK’s unwritten constitution.

The length of the prorogation – longer than any since 1930 – risked “that responsible government may be replaced by unaccountable government: the antithesis of the democratic model”, the court said.


Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn made an unscheduled speech at his party conference in Brighton calling for Johnson to resign.

“The highest court in the land has found that Boris Johnson broke the law when he tried to shut down democratic debate and accountability at a crucial moment for our public life,” he said.

“He has failed … [he] has been found to have misled the country. This unelected Prime Minister should now resign. That would make him the shortest-serving British prime minister in history, and rightly so.

“[His action] demonstrates a contempt for democracy and an abuse of power by him and I invite Boris Johnson, in the historic words, to consider his position.”

Jeremy Corbyn made an unscheduled speech to Labour Party members in Brighton.

Jeremy Corbyn made an unscheduled speech to Labour Party members in Brighton. Credit: AP

Scottish National Party leader Nicola Sturgeon said Johnson should do the “decent and honourable thing” and resign, and the SNP's Joanna Cherry, who took the case to court, said the ruling was an "absolutely momentous decision" and Johnson’s "position is untenable and he should have the guts, for once, to do the decent thing and resign".

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage said Johnson must, "as a matter of honour", offer his resignation to MPs in Parliament on Wednesday.

But the government was defiant.

In New York, where he was attending a United Nations climate conference, Johnson said he “would not be deterred” in his plan to take Britain out of the EU on October 31.

“I have the highest respect of course for our judiciary and the independence of our courts, but I must say I strongly disagree with this judgment,” he said.

Corbyn said the political crisis in the UK could only be settled with a general election.

However Labour appears unwilling to use the return to Parliament to stage an official vote of no confidence in the government, which would trigger an election.

Corbyn said the election would take place “as soon as this government’s threat of a disastrous no-deal [Brexit] is taken off the table”, saying Johnson could not be trusted not to use an election campaign as cover to let the country crash out of the European Union on October 31 without a formal Brexit withdrawal deal.

British PM Boris Johnson was at the United Nations General Assembly with Donald Trump on Tuesday.

British PM Boris Johnson was at the United Nations General Assembly with Donald Trump on Tuesday.Credit: AP

And Labour might not have the numbers for a no-confidence motion. The Johnson government cannot command a majority in Parliament, after expelling more than 20 rebel MPs who crossed the floor on Brexit votes, but many of those rebels still consider a Corbyn government a worse option than a reformed Conservative one.


Instead the return of Parliament could see further action to ensure the government cannot deliberately leave the EU without a withdrawal deal.

The Prime Minister is likely also to be called to give evidence to a senior parliamentary committee.

House of Commons Speaker John Bercow said he had instructed the House to prepare for the resumption of business on Wednesday morning, local time. The House of Lords will resume in the afternoon.

The return of Parliament is likely to throw the annual Conservative party conference, due to begin in Manchester this weekend, into chaos, with MPs worried they could be stranded out of London while their opponents make hay in Westminster.

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