

This was published 5 years ago

The rise of ScoMo, the PacMan of Australian politics

By Jeff Sparrow

Venom: Vendettas, Betrayals and the Price of Power
David Crowe
HarperCollins, $34.99

In the Elizabethan and Jacobean theatre, audiences thrilled to tragedies of revenge, plays in which obsessed protagonists covered the stage with corpses in pursuit of retribution. David Crowe’s Venom, the latest book about the brief prime ministership of Malcolm Turnbull, might be read as a 21st-century contribution to the genre – a kind of updated version of Thomas Middleton’s Revenger’s Tragedy, with Tony Abbott cast as the implacable Vindice.

The drama begins with Abbott’s decision to knight Prince Philip. ‘‘No single moment defines a career,’’ writes Crowe, ‘‘but this marked the beginning of the end for Abbott as Prime Minister – and the genesis of the feuds that would destroy the leader who came after him.’’

Bizarrely – or perhaps symptomatically – Abbott didn’t consider the gesture at all controversial. He’d heard somewhere that the Queen wanted the honour for Philip and so he made his captain’s call. ‘‘I gave it 20 seconds thought,’’ he told Crowe, who is chief political correspondent for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

In David Crowe's book, Joe Hockey refers to PM Scott Morrison as PacMan because he eats up all his political foes.

In David Crowe's book, Joe Hockey refers to PM Scott Morrison as PacMan because he eats up all his political foes.Credit: AAP

He thought considerably more about his subsequent removal by Turnbull, brooding upon it with a cold fury that would not be amiss on the Jacobean stage.

As Abbott sets about dismantling the administration that replaced him, Crowe depicts Turnbull as consistently ineffectual, disarmed by a strange combination of arrogance and naivety. Repeatedly, he dismisses warnings about the machinations against him, declaring, ‘‘I’m the only thing the Liberal Party has got going for it’’.

Meanwhile, Peter Dutton plays another stock figure from early modern theatre: the buffoon with aspirations greater than his talents. ‘‘Surely you know,’’ says Christopher Pyne as Dutton’s camp gets systematically outmaneuvered by Morrison, ‘‘those blokes are as sharp as a bowling ball.’’

Next to the obsessive Abbott, Scott Morrison appears as a plotter of a different kind, a man clever enough to work his schemes through others. In Crowe’s telling, Morrison encourages the backbench dissent that brings down Abbott – and performs the same trick to unseat Turnbull, all the while keeping his own hands unctuously clean. At one point, Joe Hockey describes ScoMo as PacMan, voraciously eating up all the other contenders in the political game.

Perhaps most interestingly, Crowe documents the central role of the media in helping the drama unfold.


With Turnbull’s leadership collapsing, Lachlan Murdoch arrives in town, and summons all of his senior staff: a gathering that includes Peta Credlin, Paul Murray, Rowan Dean, Ross Cameron, Ticky Fullerton, Ben Fordham and Sharri Markson. According to some witnesses, Murdoch asks, ‘‘When’s the latest Turnbull can get rolled?’’

Several of the conservative pundits delight in ostentatious displays of their power over politicians. During an interview with Dutton, Ray Hadley publicly rebukes Liberal ministers as cowards for not tackling Turnbull – and forces Dutton to meekly nod along.


On another occasion, when Josh Frydenberg describes, with obvious accuracy, Tony Abbott as ‘‘cut[ting] across what the Prime Minister has been saying lately’’, Credlin publicly rebukes him on Sky. ‘‘I’ve had a conversation with [Frydenberg],’’ she tells Andrew Bolt, ‘‘I’m not going to go into it on air but I don’t think you’ll see that again.’’

Meanwhile, Alan Jones calls coalition MPs and urges them to vote against Turnbull.

Venom covers much of the same material as Nikki Savva’s Plots and Prayers, albeit with better prose and considerably less bloat. But Crowe also struggles with the same issue that besets Savva’s book – namely, Morrison’s eventual victory. That surprise result turns a revenger’s tragedy into a revenger’s triumph – or, at least, a story that concludes without the parliamentary carnage that Crowe evidently expected.

After the poll, it’s the Labor Party and not the Liberals that plunges into crisis, with Morrison – a man wrist deep in political bloodletting – talking piously of the Liberals putting the past behind them. Of course, whether that will be possible remains to be seen.

Crowe quotes some striking statistics about the decline of the parties in Australia. The conservatives who obsess about the Liberal ‘‘base’’ rarely mention that more than half of Victorian members are now over 70, while Shorten’s attempts to bolster Labor’s sagging numbers have failed spectacularly, even as the unions continue to decline.

That lack of institutional support makes political leaders far more vulnerable than their predecessors, as, Crowe suggests, Morrison may yet discover. Abbott’s gone, of course, but politics always breeds more Vindices seeking recompense for the sleights of the past.

‘‘He that climbs highest,’’ Thomas Middleton warned, in 1606, ‘‘has the greatest fall.’’ Malcolm Turnbull knows something about that.

David Crowe is in conversation with Tony Wright at Readings Hawthorn on August 19

He is in conversation Jacqueline Maley at Better Read than Dead, Newtown on August 27

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