

This was published 5 years ago

The horror, the horror: Mosman residents reject Woolworths

By Harriet Alexander

The very notion of a retail giant setting up shop among the boutiques on Mosman's high street has been enough to send a collective shudder through the well-heeled suburb.

But the daggiest premises on the strip is enjoying an unexpected benefit from the controversy.

The Mosman strip that Woolworths is targeting for a mixed use development.

The Mosman strip that Woolworths is targeting for a mixed use development.Credit: Louise Kennerley

Since Mosman residents started mobilising last year in preparation for an advance by Woolworths  - galvanised by the discovery that the supermarket chain had acquired six neighbouring properties on Military Road - the local RSL has noted a 5 per cent growth in membership.

The spike in new members ensured that Mosman Club chief executive Gerard Boyle comfortably achieved his Key Performance Indicator for membership growth last year.

"I've been down at reception so many times and people have said, 'We're here to join the club and where do I vote against Woolworths?'" Mr Boyle said.

Situated in the middle of a block on Military Road where Woolworths has been purchasing properties, the Mosman Club has become the target of lobbying by the Mosman Village Community residents action group, which is concerned about the detrimental effect that a supermarket would have on traffic and local businesses.

"Woolworths has big, bad and ugly plans for Mosman Village," its website warns. "It needs to acquire or get control of the Mosman Club." One member of the Mosman Club told the Sun-Herald: "The people of Mosman are fighters, they're not going to let this happen."

Woolworths supermarket at Double Bay.

Woolworths supermarket at Double Bay.Credit: Dallas Kilponen

In the first glimpse of what shape such a development might take, Woolworths last week presented to Mosman Council a proposal to co-develop a mixed use precinct that would include a supermarket, residential units, open space and community amenities.


The development would mimic Woolworths's joint ventures with Woollahra and Lane Cove councils, which resulted in new libraries and upmarket shopping centres and breathed new life into the retail strips at Double Bay and Lane Cove.

Mayor Carolyn Corrigan said the concept presented by Woolworths representatives earlier this month did not receive support from the majority of councillors.

"My view is that the community would need convincing that there was a sufficient benefit to outweigh the impacts that such a large scale proposal would generate," Ms Corrigan said.

Most people shopping on Military Road last week were opposed to a Woolworths.

"It would ruin our village," said Kerry Spence, who is nearly 80 and has lived in Mosman all her life. She worried about the competition to local businesses, the traffic hazard for nearby schools and the increase in trucks.

Kerry Spence is opposed to a Woolworths opening on Military Road.

Kerry Spence is opposed to a Woolworths opening on Military Road.Credit: Nick Moir

But others, such as Amy Sacco - pregnant and wheeling three children in a pram - noted the convenience it would offer. "I can understand why people don't want it but for selfish reasons it would actually be great," Ms Sacco said.

Councillor Roy Bendall said given there was no development application, the controversy was premature.

"It's a bit of a storm in a teacup," he said.

"The real issue we have in Mosman is we're having a hollowing out of the retail sector. We've got closing shops all the time, there's 'For Lease' signs all over the place and our community doesn't want change.

"If you want to have a village community, at some stage there's not going to be a community to protect."

Amy Sacco would enjoy the convenience of a Woolworths in Mosman.

Amy Sacco would enjoy the convenience of a Woolworths in Mosman.Credit: Nick Moir

Former Woollahra mayor Geoffrey Rundle, who initially opposed the proposed Woolworths development for Double Bay before embracing it in exchange for a revamped library and the title on the property that the supermarket previously occupied, said his deal had worked in favour of residents.

"It's a magnificent library," Mr Rundle said.

"Double Bay was going through tremors, primarily because in 2004 landlords were putting up rent and made it unviable for a lot of shop owners to continue. The library became a focus for people to come to Double Bay."

Double Bay local Mirjana Jecmenica, 47, said the supermarket had been a welcome addition to the suburb."It's pretty handy, especially when you forget something," she said, adding she couldn't go back to living in an area without the convenience factor of a major store.

Her nine-year-old son Lucas goes to the library to do his homework, and her seven-year-old daughter Elena loves the slide which operates at the library in the afternoon. "We love the library," Mrs Jecmenica said. "It's beautiful, I love the design and architecture."

Woolworths Head of Property Development Andrew Loveday said the supermarket had begun consulting the Mosman community in small workshops.

"While no decisions have been made and we are still evaluating our plans for the area, we believe we can create a vibrant and convenient location for the local Mosman community," Mr Loveday said.

Woolworths held high level discussions with the Mosman Club last year about the possibility of renovating or rebuilding the club as part of its development but it has made no offer.

Mr Boyle said the club's recent renovation had won industry prizes and brought in younger members and it felt no pressure to negotiate with Woolworths.

"We've never been more relaxed," Mr Boyle said.

With Matt Bungard

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