

This was published 5 years ago

Pisasale sentenced to two years' prison, suspended after 12 months

By Lucy Stone

Disgraced former Ipswich mayor Paul Pisasale, 67, has been sentenced to two years' prison, suspended after 12 months, after he was convicted on two counts of extortion.

Chinese-born escort Yutian Li, 39, who was also convicted on the same two charges, was sentenced to 15 months per charge, partially suspended. She will serve seven months in prison and is likely to be deported following that sentence.

Ipswich lawyer Cameron James McKenzie, 37, who had been convicted on one count of extortion, was sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment, suspended after nine months.

All three spent the night in custody on Wednesday before returning to the Brisbane District Court on Thursday afternoon to hear the sentences handed down by Judge Brad Farr.

The trio was charged by the Crime and Corruption Commission after an extensive investigation in early 2017 that included tapping Pisasale's phones and recording his conversations.

In phone calls previously played to the court, Pisasale could be heard planning to extort about $10,000 from Li's ex-boyfriend, Sydney man Xin Li.

Paul Pisasale on Wednesday, shortly before he was found guilty.

Paul Pisasale on Wednesday, shortly before he was found guilty.Credit: Dave Hunt/AAP

Yutian Li had told Pisasale to "punish" her ex-boyfriend and later handed over photographs of Xin Li's personal documents.

Pisasale gave those documents to McKenzie, who wrote a letter of demand for $8400 to Xin Li, and later drafted a second letter that made reference to Xin Li's immigration status.


That letter was never sent.

In June 2017, the CCC raided Pisasale's home and McKenzie's offices.

"You have demonstrated a complete lack of remorse for your offending conduct," Judge Farr told Pisasale as he sentenced him to two years per charge to be served concurrently, suspended after one year.

Yutian Li was likely to be deported after serving her sentence.

Yutian Li was likely to be deported after serving her sentence.Credit: AAP

Judge Farr said it was "quite apparent" that Pisasale and Li had embarked on an attempt to punish her ex-boyfriend, and it was "almost incomprehensible" that Pisasale posed as a private investigator to demand money.

"You invented a completely false story for Mr Li, and in an act of breathtaking hypocrisy, at one stage you accused Mr Li of trying to blackmail Ms Li," Judge Farr said.

The two-year sentence given to Pisasale would have been higher, he said, but for Pisasale's "exemplary" history of community service in Ipswich, and his health.

"Your fall from grace has been from a great height and very public," Judge Farr told Pisasale.

Wearing the same clothes as yesterday, the trio sat in the dock in front of a packed courtroom of supporters, onlookers and media.

The first to be sentenced, Yutian Li looked anxious, her hair down and her hands clasped, without make-up.

As the court interpreter translated Judge Farr's sentencing remarks to her, she glanced about the courtroom, at one point glancing at Pisasale and looking away.

Li interrupted Judge Farr as he sentenced her, saying in English: "It wasn’t my intention to extort him for money."

"I understand that but you’ve been convicted of this charge so I’ll continue on," Judge Farr said.

A short time later Li again tried to speak and the judge told her it was not time to speak. As she was sentenced she bowed her head and looked distressed.

Ipswich lawyer Cameron James McKenzie outside the District Court last week.

Ipswich lawyer Cameron James McKenzie outside the District Court last week.Credit: Dan Peled/AAP

McKenzie was the last to be sentenced, standing as his punishment was handed down.

"Like Mr Pisasale, your fall from grace has been from a great height," Judge Farr told McKenzie.

Judge Farr told McKenzie he suspected the lawyer had paid little attention to what he was being asked to do and little attention to the documents that he was given by Pisasale.

"I accept that you co-operated with investigators, although I note that you did not admit that Pisasale had told you that he had pretended to be a private investigator, until the existence of the recorded conversation was revealed to you," Judge Farr said.

"I do not accept that you had merely forgotten that fact. That stretches credulity beyond its limits."

After a week-long trial in which recordings of those phone calls were played in court, the jury spent more than eight hours deliberating before reaching its verdict on Wednesday afternoon.

In sentencing submissions made by the Crown and the defence barristers on Wednesday, Judge Farr heard that the Crown wanted sentences of three to four years.

Pisasale's barrister Lincoln Crowley told the court the CCC's investigations and the charges had triggered a physical and mental collapse in the former mayor.


Pisasale had a "severe" stress reaction after the charges were laid, he said, and suffered serious mental health issues.

Li's barrister Joshua Fenton told the court his client was in Australia on a temporary visa and was appealing after her visa was cancelled.

Mr Fenton said Li was the youngest of three sisters and had grown up in the northern China province of Heilongjiang, where her elderly mother still lived.

She had little connection to Australia, Mr Fenton said, and was likely to be deported following her serving any prison sentence.

McKenzie's barrister Isaac Munsie put forward that the recently married lawyer, whose wife was in court to support him, should receive a suspended sentence.

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