

This was published 5 years ago

Rewriting an icon: David Wenham on the ABC's 'difficult' Les Norton adaptation

By Robert Moran

Despite Aussie TV's romantic fixation with tales from our underworld, the ABC's new series Les Norton still seems an unlikely proposition.

Based on the cult novels of larrikin-lit author Robert G. Barrett, its rabble-rousing lead – a naive Queensland country boy who falls into Kings Cross' criminal '80s – has been described in the past as "a feminist's nightmare, a pacifist's nightmare". The series itself pulls largely from Barrett's earliest collections, short stories originally published in Penthouse magazine in between nudie pics.

A prestige series based on such PC-challenged, if idiosyncratically "Australian", material may appear a tough sell for our public broadcaster, but Barrett has his champions: the Bondi born-and bred author, who revelled in playing up his outcast reputation among Sydney's hoity-toity literary set, had sold more than a million books across 27 years of writing by the time of his death, aged 69, in September 2012.

David Wenham, with Alex Bertrand and Rebel Wilson in Les Norton. 

David Wenham, with Alex Bertrand and Rebel Wilson in Les Norton. Credit: ABC

Surprisingly, actor David Wenham was unfamiliar with Barrett's work before taking a gig on the series.

"I was sent the script to gauge my interest, and it was unlike anything I'd read for a number of years. It was really distinct, it wasn't just another homogenised drama or comedy," he says of creator Morgan O'Neill's take on Barrett's crunchy one-liners.

"Afterwards I read the first book in the series You Wouldn't Be Dead for Quids (1985) and, you know, it's certainly written for another time. However, I could see what the producers on the TV series were doing with the adaptation. They've been very clever, taken all the good bits from the book and made it a series for a contemporary audience, which is no small feat."

David Wenham as Price Galese.

David Wenham as Price Galese.Credit: ABC

Set in 1985 in Sydney's criminal underground, Wenham stars as illegal casino operator Price Galese, an old-school mobster who hires fish-out-of-water Norton (Alexander Bertrand) to be his bouncer-cum-standover man. A remarkably detailed set, peppered with baccarat tables and peanut shells, built in the hollowed-out remains of a former children's court in inner-city Glebe, became Wenham's main port of call.

Like most of Barrett's characters, Galese has a real-world counterpoint: notorious Sydney gambling identity Perc Galea. Wenham says he dove into a rare biography of Galea, who died in 1977, "because it was fascinating reading more than anything else".


"He was a very flamboyant character that people in the community, in a bizarre way, seemed to revere," Wenham says. "He was well-known in the racing community and punters loved him because he was very open with his tips.

Wenham's Galese is based on notorious Sydney identity Perc Galea.

Wenham's Galese is based on notorious Sydney identity Perc Galea.Credit: ABC

"There was one famous occasion on the Melbourne Cup, where he was asked on television who he thought would win. Not only did he pick the first past the post, he picked second and third – so punters would just back him... Price, in the series, would regard himself as similarly honourable. As long as people don't cross his line, everything's going to be hunky-dory."

Around Wenham is a remarkable cast, including Hunter Page-Lochard and Justin Rosniak as Price's cronies, and Rebel Wilson as his nemesis, off-kilter brothel madam Doreen Bognor. But it was relative newcomer Bertrand who most impressed the screen veteran.

"I thought, well, this is going to obviously succeed or fail on the strength of who they cast in the lead role, because the whole show is on this guy's shoulders, and off the top of my head I couldn't think of anybody who would be the perfect casting choice for it. But when I met Alex for the first time in the production office, I was bowled over," Wenham recalls.

"Here is Les in flesh and blood. He looks like Chesty Bond. In the very first read-through, I thought: 'Yep, he's got it – he's got the laconic, wry, slightly innocent delivery that Les should have.' Yep, the perfect choice, and he's been a joy to work with. He's taken the opportunity with both hands and just run with it as only Les Norton would've."

Creator Morgan O'Neill has voiced some anxiety on what the books' fans might think of the creative updates he's taken with Barrett's source material, including gender-flipping Norton's debauched flatmate Woz (played by Kate Box) and Price's casino manager George Burman (played by Pallavi Sharda). Is Wenham anticipating blowback from Barrett purists?

"Look, who knows... Morgan will have to deal with those aficionados," he laughs.

"There's obviously huge fans of those books out there, but it would've been very difficult to make a screen adaptation that's completely faithful to the books as they are; I honestly don't think they would've stood up. So I think Morgan's doing them a huge service – he's taken the essence of all the characters, but polished them with a contemporary piece of cloth."

Les Norton premieres on ABC, Sunday, August 4 at 8.30pm.

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