

This was published 5 years ago


Bullied Fed chief may have just put the US on a dangerous path

Jerome Powell’s testimony to Congress on Wednesday has made it apparent that, between them, Donald Trump and US equity investors have bullied and coerced the Federal Reserve into creating a "Powell Put."

Jerome Powell's testimony to Congress was interpreted as a clear signal that the Federal Reserve is about to cut US interest rates despite an economy performing ''reasonably well.''

Jerome Powell's testimony to Congress was interpreted as a clear signal that the Federal Reserve is about to cut US interest rates despite an economy performing ''reasonably well.''Credit: AP

The Fed chairman’s clear signal that the Fed will cut its policy rate at the end of the month is reminiscent of the "Greenspan put" of the 1990s, where markets knew the Fed would bail them out by lowering rates at the first hint of stress.

There is no evidence within the US economy that signals the need to cut interest rates, with the economy growing at just over 3 per cent in the March quarter and unemployment at historic lows.

Powell described the labour market as healthy and said consumer spending had bounced back and was running at a solid pace, although business investment had slowed and inflation had declined.

"Our baseline outlook is for economic growth to remain solid, labour markets to remain strong and inflation to move back over time," he said.

So why was his testimony received by the markets – the stock market briefly spiked to another record and bond yields fell – as the strongest of signals that the Fed will reduce rates?

"Uncertainties about the outlook have increased in recent months. In particular, economic momentum appears to have slowed in some major foreign economies and that weakness could affect the US economy," he said.

The major depressants to global growth are, of course, Trump’s trade wars and, in particular, their impact on China. Even there, however, there is a hiatus, with talks resuming this week.

The Fed, which held a "patient" stance through the first part of this year, surely could maintain it until those talks either produced a truce or broke down again.


In any event, what Powell was effectively saying  was that Trump’s protectionism is damaging the global economy, which will in turn damage the US economy unless the Fed takes action to blunt its impact.


There have been reports that Trump has considered sacking or demoting Powell because the Fed hasn’t, yet, reduced rates.

While Powell again proclaimed the Fed’s independence and also said he wouldn’t step down if Trump tried to replace him, it is clear that, whether or not Trump’s threats have coloured the Fed’s thinking, his policies definitely have.

While he didn’t specifically refer to financial markets, the Fed has also demonstrated its sensitivity towards them.

Last year the Fed was raising rates and signalling more increases until the market took fright in the final quarter and the US equity market plunged. Powell calmed the markets in January by altering the Fed’s stance to one of "patience," an expression that disappeared last month.

That was interpreted as the Fed shifting towards a more dovish outlook and pushed the equity market back up and bond yields down.

Anything other than the comments to Congress that the markets interpreted as locking in a rate cut would have seen bond yields spike and sharemarkets tumble.

Thus, between them Trump, albeit indirectly and inadvertently, and the markets are dictating the Fed’s policies and creating a pro-cyclical combination of US monetary and fiscal policies without the evidence to suggest that level of stimulus is yet required.

It was notable that, among the markets’ responses to his testimony, the US dollar weakened against America’s major trading partners’ currencies.

That, too, will please Trump who has been complaining about other economies’ monetary policies (most notably China’s and the eurozone’s) weakening their currencies and providing unfair trade advantages.

Wall Street surged higher after Powell's appearance on Capitol Hill.

Wall Street surged higher after Powell's appearance on Capitol Hill.Credit: AP

He has reportedly asked his advisers to come up with mechanisms for weakening the dollar. His administration also recently introduced measures that would enable it to levy what are effectively tariffs on countries it deems to have undervalued currencies.

Just as the tariff war with China also hurts the US economy by raising prices for consumers, damaging exporters and blowing up global supply chains, lower US interest rates or a currency war will also rebound on the US.

The search for return in the low-rate environment is also inflating financial markets to levels where even a minor unanticipated development could implode them.

If the Fed does start a new cycle of rate reductions it will inevitably force other central banks, including the Reserve Bank, to follow to avoid currency appreciations that would throttle growth that, in most of the developed world, is significantly lower than that occurring in the US.

If the administration starts a currency war, either by acting to devalue the dollar or by slapping "countervailing duties" on the exports of economies deemed to have under-valued currencies, those economies will be forced to take action, either retaliatory or via their monetary policies or both, to offset the impacts on their own growth rates.

Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the Fed shifting into an easing cycle before there is strong evidence to warrant it, is economies already stuck in high debt and low growth environments will be forced even deeper into the kind of policies that in Japan have produced more than 30 years of economic winter with no apparent escape route.

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