

This was published 5 years ago

'The Great Replacement': an idea now at the heart of Europe's politics

By Nick Miller

In January this year Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban held a press conference calling for “anti-immigration forces” in Europe to combine their efforts and “elevate the protection of Christian culture almost to the level of a political obligation”.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the Fidesz party headquarters in 2018.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the Fidesz party headquarters in 2018.Credit: Bloomberg

There were countries in Europe “where a mixed civilisation is already an inevitability”, he warned, adding “population growth in Africa and Asia is outpacing the capacity of those continents to sustain such populations.”

It is a regular theme for Orban. The month before he declared the need to save “the Christian identity of Europe”, and told German newspaper Bild that refugees should rightly be seen as “Muslim invaders”.

If these sentiments sound newly familiar, it’s because they recall the so-called manifesto of the alleged Christchurch shooter Brenton Tarrant, which was titled “The Great Replacement”.

The extremist political creed that phrase represents is resonating through Europe – and beyond.

Controversial Canadian blogger Lauren Southern.

Controversial Canadian blogger Lauren Southern.

And the politicians who are promoting it, echoing it or influenced by it are predicted to form a new, powerful bloc in Europe's parliament this year.

This May’s European Parliament elections could see “a group of nationalist anti-European political parties… win a controlling share of seats,” Susi Dennison and Pawel Zerka, from the think tank European Council on Foreign Relations, warned in a paper published last month.

“Among them number many figures who are … in favour of pulling the drawbridge up against migration.”


After May they could wield influence on appointments to the organs of power in the EU, shaping European policy in the medium term and threatening the EU itself in the long term.


“The battle of ideas that they are launching looks set to reshape Europe’s political landscape for years to come,” they wrote.

The term ‘the great replacement’, since adopted by white supremacists and nationalists, originated with French author Renaud Camus, who published Le Grand Remplacement in 2012. In it he argued native “white” Europeans were being reverse-colonised by non-white immigrants.

“The great replacement is very simple,” he has said. “You have one people, and in the space of a generation you have a different people.”

In Europe his argument formed part of the core creed of the so-called Generation Identity, or Identitarians, a group of often young far-right activists. It spread quickly to the white supremacist and alt-right movements in America, where marching neo-Nazis and alt-right supporters shouted “you will not replace us” at rallies such as the notorious one in Charlottesville, Virginia.

French far-right politician Marine Le Pen.

French far-right politician Marine Le Pen.Credit: Thibault Camus

And it spread through viral videos: Canadian alt-right vlogger Lauren Southern, who is close to several members of Generation Identity in Europe, posted a video in 2017 titled The Great Replacement that has been viewed more than 600,000 times.

Camus himself rejects the term “identitarian”, saying he doesn’t want to play the identity politics “game”, and simply “wanted France to stay French”.

However he has expressed his support for anti-immigrant politician Marine Le Pen.

In December an undercover Al Jazeera investigation revealed close ties between Generation Identity and National Rally – the rebranded populist National Front that Le Pen leads.


Reporters filmed the leader of GI in Lille claiming he wrote speeches for leaders of the RN (National Rally) and helped GI members find jobs within it.

Al Jazeera saw evidence of entryism into RN, which has tried to purge itself of overtly racist members: “a broader bid by GI to infiltrate Le Pen’s party and shape its policies”.

Le Pen's right-hand man, Florian Philippot, a reformer who led FN’s "de-demonisation" strategy, left the party in September 2017 claiming it was making an "absolutely terrifying" return to the dark days of its most hardline past.

Former RN MP Marion Marechal, Le Pen’s niece who has left politics but is seen as a potential leader of the future should Le Pen fall, has reportedly called Camus’ Great Replacement theory “not absurd”, quoting a study that suggested “indigenous French” would be a minority by 2040.

We want our country back: Marion Marechal-Le Pen.

We want our country back: Marion Marechal-Le Pen.

“We want our country back,” she told a US audience in 2018, saying “France is in the process of passing from the eldest daughter of the Catholic Church to the little niece of Islam… this is not the France that our grandparents fought for.”

She added there “is a youth ready for this fight in Europe today”.

Marechal, like most Identitarians, insists she is opposed to violence but wants to achieve her aims through politics.

It is a common disclaimer deployed for extreme views.

In the Netherlands, Party For Freedom leader Geert Wilders is even more frank than the French.

Firebrand Dutch anti Islam lawmaker Geert Wilders.

Firebrand Dutch anti Islam lawmaker Geert Wilders.Credit: AP

“We are being replaced with mass immigration from non-western Islamic countries,” he Tweeted in October, saying the solution was “close our borders and stop Islam, now”.

His express aim is to “de-Islamise” the Netherlands, calling Islam an “existential threat to our survival as a free nation”.

He has claimed “77 million” immigrants would enter Europe in the next 50 years and “most of them are Islamic”.

“If we do not stop them we will… be colonised and Islamised. We will cease to exist.”

An election campaign poster of the German nationalist anti-migrant party AfD, Alternative for Germany, reading "Burkas? We like bikinis."

An election campaign poster of the German nationalist anti-migrant party AfD, Alternative for Germany, reading "Burkas? We like bikinis." Credit: AP

Across the border in Germany, the far-right AfD used Identitarian tropes in its campaign for the 2017 election which put its MPs in the national parliament for the first time.

One advertisement featured a pregnant white woman with the slogan “New Germans? We’ll make them ourselves.” Other slogans included “get your country back”. The party warned that Angela Merkel’s welcoming of refugees was leading to “slow cultural extinction”.

The AfD has fed off a wider radical street movement, dubbed Pegida or “Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West”. And both are linked to the Identitarians. German publisher Gotz Kubitschek has close ties to Pegida and the Afd, and he attended one of the first meetings of the Bloc Identitaire in France in 2012.

In northern Europe, so far, most Identitarian-friendly parties are far from power.

But in Italy they are in government.

Lega leader, deputy prime minister and the country’s most powerful politician, Matteo Salvini, has called for a Europe-wide alliance against “mass immigration”, linking the “defence of borders” with the “wellbeing of children”.

Salvini’s Lega party used to be a separatist movement for northern Italy. Then it adopted a new slogan: “Italians first!”. In 2016 Salvini complained that the Pope’s welcome to immigrants would “encourage and fund an unprecedented invasion”.

Salvini’s close Lega ally Lorenzo Fontana has said he sees “an identitarian conception of politics awakening all across Europe”, with the turning point coming in the May 2019 election.

“It will change a lot,” he told Politico last year.

EU figures are worried. The Brexit debacle has helped to dampen anti-EU sentiment, they say, but European Parliament elections are seen as a “second order” vote and low turnout means anti-establishment parties do disproportionately well, one official said.

Internal EU polls show clearly that immigration is a big concern for voters across the continent, though not the only one.

In Italy, Hungary, Germany and Austria voters pick immigration as their top concern.

Extrapolating from current polls and we “see a shrinking middle ground”, the official said. Two decades ago the centre-left and centre-right combined for two-thirds of all EP seats, but in this election they are expected to get less than a half.

In theory, the extremists are in the majority.

If there is hope for centrists, it is in the likelihood that the wide range of anti-immigrant and anti-EU parties will not be able to work with each other. Attitudes to Russia , for example, vary strongly between right wing politicians in Poland (where the legacy of World War 2 and the Cold War still rouse strong emotions) and Italy (Salvini is reportedly a big fan of Vladimir Putin).

Dennison and Zerka, from the ECFR, don’t predict a stable anti-immigration compact in parliament – but they do expect extremists to cooperate tactically on migration issues.

More anti-immigrant MEPs in the next parliament means “their voices would become much stronger than they are today, which could limit the capacity of member states and the Council to seek a humanitarian and solidarity-based approach towards migration challenges – instead of securitising the issue,” they say

“This would limit the EU’s credibility to contribute to the resolution of challenges in other regions of the world and at the global level.”

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