

This was published 5 years ago

Alleged drug importer disappears despite wearing e-monitoring bracelet

By Lucy Cormack

An alleged major player of an international drug syndicate has managed to evade authorities for almost a year since he fell off the police radar while on bail, despite wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet designed to track his movements.

Questions have now been raised about the technology used to monitor the man in question and the efficacy of such devices for alleged criminals released on bail.

Missing on bail: Xu Lin.

Missing on bail: Xu Lin.

Xu Lin, 29, was one of four people arrested by the Australian Federal Police in January 2016, for his alleged role in importing 159 kilograms of methamphetamine and 340 kilograms of the drug precursor ephedrine into Australia concealed in red bar stools and small packets of soup mix.

The methamphetamine alone had a potential street value of up to $106.5 million, with Mr Lin described by AFP officers at the time as a "crucial component" of an internationally-linked Australian criminal syndicate.

But the Herald can reveal Mr Lin evaded authorities almost one year ago while on bail, some time between May 6 and May 15, the former being last time he reported at Campsie police station, in line with his bail conditions.

He has not been seen since.

Soup packets which contained drugs from the alleged importation.

Soup packets which contained drugs from the alleged importation.Credit: AFP

At the time of his disappearance, Mr Lin's bail was bound by a number of different conditions, guaranteed by a surety of more than $1 million. He was also wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet administered by global security firm Attenti.

The company has been servicing the criminal justice sector for 25 years, monitoring 200,000 individuals globally every year.


Mr Lin was wearing the device under a "defendant-funded" option offered to courts.

The bracelet is designed to send an automatic alert to a central monitoring system if a violation occurs, prompting an email to be sent to a designated address provided to Attenti by the relevant authority.

Such violation alerts are not monitored by a human, but are computer-administered.

It is understood a number of emails were sent to an AFP email address at the time Mr Lin went missing, however there were inconsistencies in how the alerts were sent.

Xu Lin.

Xu Lin.

These included alerts sent to the personal account of an officer who was on leave, meaning the messages were not seen for a number of days until the officer returned to work.

However Attenti's regional vice president David Tombs disputed any suggestion that the device had been ineffective.

"In the case of Mr Lin, the electronic monitoring device worked as it should under the system design. The system automatically reports violations as they occur in the form of alerts via the designated contact email address provided to Attenti by the AFP," he said, adding that Attenti has since given evidence to an enquiry by the NSW Director of Public Prosecutions.

"Attenti has no control, or knowledge of, what actions the AFP took in relation to any alerts."

Mr Lin's case was recently referred to during an application for bail in an unrelated matter in the NSW Supreme Court, where it was suggested that systems around the device had "failed".

Prosecutor for the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions Karthikeyan Kanagasabapathy used Mr Lin's situation as an example of the potential shortcomings associated with electronic monitoring, in opposing the bail application.

During a cross-examination of Attenti's business development manager for Australia Philipp Schluter, Mr Kanagasabapathy highlighted that a user could potentially remove a tracker if they entered an area "without a signal", such as a "carpark or basement".

Some of the drugs in the shipment were allegedly concealed in bar stools.

Some of the drugs in the shipment were allegedly concealed in bar stools.Credit: AFP

He also had Mr Schluter confirm that in circumstances where a tracker is removed, in an area without cellular coverage, "no signal would be sent to the central monitoring system".

Mr Kanagasabapathy suggested the AFP had indicated they were "receiving several nuisance violation alerts in regards to Mr Lin’s tracker," prior to his disappearance, prompting Attenti to recommend an alternative type of tracking device.

The drugs seized by the AFP had a potential street value of more than $100 million.

The drugs seized by the AFP had a potential street value of more than $100 million.Credit: AFP

The Herald understands NSW Police have previously expressed their own concerns to other stakeholders about the capability of Attenti systems and devices in bail scenarios, however a spokeswoman declined to comment.

An AFP spokesman also declined to comment on the Attenti device, but said investigators had obtained an arrest warrant for Mr Lin's breach of bail on May 28, and continued to liaise with partner agencies to locate him.

"This includes enquiries at locations he was previously known to frequent. Mr Lin was last believed to be in the company of his wife and two young children - a boy and a girl."

Information provided by the District Court said Mr Lin remained a "fugitive with the AFP investigating".

The court confirmed orders were made on November 1 by Judge Deborah Sweeney in respect of bail, ordering that an application to discharge liability under the bail security agreement was refused.

A total of $1,050,000 deposited on Mr Lin's behalf was forfeited to the Crown.

Anyone with information about Mr Lin is urged to contact the AFP on 131 444 or CrimeStoppers.

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