

This was published 5 years ago

From the Archives: Two big air raids on Darwin

On February 19, 1942, Japanese aircraft attacked Darwin in two separate raids, leaving 243 people dead and extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure. We revisit the Herald's account.

By Staff reporter

Burning oil tanks following Japanese raid on Darwin, 1942

Burning oil tanks following Japanese raid on Darwin, 1942

First published in the Sydney Morning Herald on February 20-21, 1942
Feb 20 1942


Four Enemy Planes Brought Down

Two severe air raids on Darwin were made yesterday by large forces of Japanese twin-engined bombers.

The first raid made in the morning by 72 bombers accompanied by fighters, and the second in the afternoon by 21 bombers.

Announcing this in a statement which he issued late last night, the Prime Minister. Mr. Curtin, said that it was known for certain that four enemy aircraft had been brought down.

"Damage to property was considerable," he said, "but reports so far to hand do not give precise particulars about the loss of life.

Troops inspect the remains of a building following the raid.

Troops inspect the remains of a building following the raid.Credit: State Reference Library of the Northern Territory

"The Government regards the attacks as most grave, and makes it quite clear that a severe blow has been struck on Australian soil.

"In this first battle on Australian soil, it will be a source of pride to the public to know thal the Armed Forces and the civilians comported themselves with the gallantry that is traditional in the people of our stock.

"As I have said, information does not disclose details of casualties, but it must be obvious that we have suffered.

"We must face with fortitude the first onset, and remember that whatever the future holds in store for us, we are Australians and will fight primly and victoriously.

"Let us each vow that this blow at Darwin, and the loss that it has involved and the suffering it has occasioned, shall gird our loins and nerve our steel.

"We, too, in every other city, can face these assaults.

"Let it be remembered that Darwin has been bombed, but it has not been conquered."

Map of Japanese attack of Darwin from the Sydney Morning Herald, February 20, 1942

Map of Japanese attack of Darwin from the Sydney Morning Herald, February 20, 1942Credit: Staff

A communique about the first raid issued by the Minister for Air, Mr. Drakeford, earlier in the day stated that the town, shipping in the harbour, and Service installations were bombed, and there were some casualties. The raid lasted one hour.

"Some damage" was done to Service installations, but no details were available.

The Postmaster - General, Senator Ashley, said later that cable services would not be interrupted, "even if the cable system were temporarily destroyed." Communication would be carried on through other channels.

The first announcement of the morning raid was made in a statement issued by the Prime Minister, Mr. Curtin, from St. Vincent's Hospital, where he is recovering from an attack of severe gastritis.

Mr. Curtin said that he knew the people would "face it as Australians."

"The statement that has been made is official and authoritative," he said. "Nothing has been hidden. There is no ground for any rumour. If rumours circulate, take no notice of them, and deal sharply with any person who circulates them.

"Total mobilisation is the Government's policy. Until the time elapses when the necessary machinery can be put into effect, all Australians must voluntarily answer the Government's call for a complete giving of everything to the Nation."

Eye-witnesses tell of Darwin raid (February 21)

The first stories of the Japanese raids on Darwin were told by air passengers who reached Townsville last night.

Men who were there during the raids declared it was worse than anything they had experienced in London. It was a blitz of the most ferocious kind.

There was very little warning of the first raid. Within two minutes of the alert bombs were falling. The bombers came over in seven or eight waves. It was perfect formation-pattern bombing.

There were nine machines to a wave, and they came over at intervals of about three minutes.

The machines kept their formation, dropped their bombs, and passed on their way.

The raiders appeared to concentrate on the harbour, bombing from 8,000 feet or 9,000 feet and using probably 500lb bombs.

The Post Office received a direct hit. It was in this burst that nine persons were killed. Some girls met their deaths at their post in the telephone exchange.

Following the big bombers, two waves of dive-bombers came over. Some of these dived from a great height to within 100 feet of the ground, bombing and machine-gunning. Others were not so daring, and gave the impression that the pilots had one hand on the bomb-control and the other on the joy-stick, ready to rise again.

When the alert was first sounded, people naturally ran for cover, but most of them were still running when the bombs began to fall.


Some sought shelter in trenches, others ran for the bush, while others made for open paddocks.

A.R.P. and ambulance organisations functioned well, and injured persons were hurried to the hospital, which, however, was hit by a bomb and damaged. The medical staff and nurses did wonderful work. Everyone had the warmest praise for the girls of the nursing services.

There was another raid at 11 a.m., which lasted about 20 minutes. In this, said the eye-witnesses, 54 machines were engaged, two formations of 27 each.

They added to the destruction previously caused.

A flying-boat moored in the harbour suffered only two small holes in the fuselage.

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