

This was published 6 years ago

Eighteen patients suffered 'catastrophic' adverse events in NSW hospitals

By Esther Han

Eighteen patients in NSW public hospitals suffered a "catastrophic" medical event that led to serious harm or death in the past financial year, a new report shows.

The NSW Auditor-General Margaret Crawford released her analysis of the public health system on Wednesday, identifying systemic problems including overworked doctors piling up annual leave and patients facing unacceptable elective surgery wait times.

Eighteen patients experienced a "catastrophic" sentinel event last year.

Eighteen patients experienced a "catastrophic" sentinel event last year.

Among the findings was that 18 patients had experienced a "catastrophic" sentinel event - a major adverse event that results in very serious harm or death to a patient - in 2017-18, four more than the previous year's figure.

For the first time the Auditor-General has chosen not to publish a breakdown, preventing the public from finding out the most common type of sentinel event.

A spokesman said there was a desire to focus on more "high level" data and financial issues.


All she was prepared to say was that the two most common sentinel events over the last four years were "instruments or other materials retained in the patient after surgery requiring a further operation or surgical procedure" and "the suicide of a patient in an inpatient unit".

Based on earlier breakdowns, the Herald estimates a dozen cases involve medical instruments being left inside patients after surgery and suicide.

The rest are likely to be mothers dying during pregnancy or birth, patients dying after being given the wrong medication, and patients dying or suffering "neurological damage" after an intravascular gas embolism.


While the annual number of sentinel events has dropped from a peak of 53 in 2013-14 to 14 in 2016-17, it increased this year.

"Sentinel events have the potential to seriously undermine public confidence in the healthcare system," the Auditor-General has previously said. "A low or decreasing number of sentinel events is desirable."

The report said four of the 18 sentinel events occurred at one Local Health District (LHD) - a district contains several hospitals - raising a red flag. But again, it did not reveal which one.

Maternal deaths are considered a sentinel event.

Maternal deaths are considered a sentinel event.Credit: Stock

The report also revealed only three out of 17 LHDs were able to meet all three elective surgery wait time targets, which covers all patients on the waiting list.

Last week new Australian Institute of Health and Welfare figures revealed NSW patients were waiting three times longer for some elective surgeries, such as tonsillectomy, than Victorian patients.

On a positive note, 13 out of 17 LHDs met the target of contacting a minimum of 70 per cent of discharged mental health patients within one week of discharge.

The Auditor-General singled out excess annual leave, reporting that 34 per cent of the workforce had excess balances. She also said "employee time recording continues to be a problem for some health entities".

"We found unapproved timesheets, timesheets approved before work was performed and reports indicating 'force approval' of timesheets to process payrolls," she said.

NSW Health said sentinel events were "extremely rare" and restated its committed to providing safe and reliable care.

"Over time, an increase in the number of sentinel events reported might reflect improvements in incident reporting mechanisms and organisational cultural change, rather than an increase in the frequency of such events," a spokesman said.

Jeffrey Braithwaite, a leading health systems researcher at Macquarie University, said it was important to keep in mind the 18 sentinel events was a "tiny fraction" of all the care provided.

"On the other hand, these sentinel events can be catastrophic for the patient. They are striking events that shouldn't have happened and should never happen again," he said.

"I'm in favour of transparency, they should publish the breakdown as long as the privacy of the affected patient is respected."

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