

This was published 5 years ago

'I realised I had been sleepwalking': the women pushing back against Trump

These midterms have seen a surge in female candidates as women rail against their president – including in Iowa's prairie country, where being “nice” has its limits.

By Matthew Knott

Credit: Mark Stehle

Out here on the prairie, they call it “Iowa nice”. The phrase describes the stereotypical Iowan: friendly, unfailingly polite, ready to help strangers and eager to avoid conflict. It's an image locals in the Midwest have embraced, and for a long time Kristina Castañeda did too.

Then the 2016 election happened. She decided she'd had enough of agreeing to disagree.

“In my life I've always tried to make people comfortable but now I realise that sometimes people should be uncomfortable,” Castañeda, 42, says at a cafe in downtown Dubuque, a city that sits at the intersection of Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois.

“There are family members, friends I don't talk to anymore and that's OK. Right now for me everything is political.”

Castañeda is a middle-school art teacher and mother-of-two. But, with her leather jacket and nose ring, she looks more punk than her biographical shorthand would suggest.


At the time of the last election, she was convinced America was moving inexorably towards a more progressive future. After all, same-sex marriage had been legalised, the first black president was in power and Hillary Clinton seemed destined to succeed him.

“The day after the election I was teaching and could barely function,” she says. “At lunch, when the kids left, I shut the door and sobbed. I realised I had been sleepwalking."

Magnifying the shock was the fact that Dubuque County, which had supported every Democratic presidential nominee since 1960, voted for Trump.

Previously, Castañeda's political involvement started and ended with voting. Now she is a member of Dubuque Indivisible, one of the 6000 estimated groups that sprang up to resist Trump's agenda.

She has joined Moms Demand Action, a group dedicated to reducing gun violence. She is a member of a local group supporting refugees, and has become an active member of the Democratic Party.

“The last election," she says, “got my ass involved”.

Kristina Castaneda: "The last election got my ass involved."

Kristina Castaneda: "The last election got my ass involved."Credit: Erich Schroeder


Castañeda is part of the cohort that Harvard sociologist Theda Skocpol says has experienced the most profound political transformation in the Trump era: college-educated, middle-aged women living in the suburbs.

Many of these women attended the Women's March in Washington DC after Trump's inauguration and then took on leadership roles in the grassroots resistance to Trump.


“Far from the bluest strongholds, a huge demographic swathe of forgotten Americans is remaking politics,” Skocpol wrote this year in Democracy: A Journal of Ideas.

The surge of female activism reflects the unprecedented gender chasm that has opened up in American politics since Trump's election.

An October poll by Quinnipiac University found that Trump has a net approval rating of plus four percentage points among men and negative 25 among women.


If the Democrats seize control of the House of Representatives on November 6, it will be because female voters decided to send Trump a message: you don't represent us.

Dubuque County, Iowa.

Dubuque County, Iowa. Credit: Erich Schroeder

Driving around Iowa, you see golden rows of corn swaying in green fields. Silver silos standing like spaceships ready to launch. It's late harvest season, and flakes of snow are already in the air.

This state has more “pivot counties" – areas that voted for Obama in 2012 before flipping to Trump – than anywhere else in the country.

But the people here don't match the stereotypical image of a Trump convert: the retrenched coal miner, the car manufacturing worker whose job got shipped to China, the disgruntled victim of globalisation.

The unemployment rate has been among the lowest in the country for the past decade and currently sits at 2.9 per cent.


In Dubuque, a city of 58,000 people by the Mississippi River, the narrative is not one of decay but revitalisation.

Downtown Dubuque, Iowa.

Downtown Dubuque, Iowa. Credit: Erich Schroeder

Dozens of the downtown buildings are covered in extravagantly covered murals. Brazen Open Kitchen, a restaurant whose menu includes duck tacos and dan dan noodles, is booked out many nights. Monk's Kaffe Pub, a bar and coffee shop that would not be out of place in hipster Brooklyn, receives the highest compliment possible from a visiting Israeli tourist: “The best coffee I've had since I was in Melbourne.”

Speaking to voters like Dave Grothe, a former electrician and army veteran, suggests Trump's success here had more to do with culture than economics.

“This country is changing way too fast,” Grothe, 69, says while eating breakfast with his wife at the Sunshine Family Restaurant, a diner in Dubuque. He voted Democrat most of his life, including for Obama in 2008. But he feels the party abandoned people like him.

“This country is becoming Mexico North. The Democrats want Hispanics here for their votes.”

Joey Fautsch and her husband Lou have breakfast at the Sunshine Restaurant in Dubuque.

Joey Fautsch and her husband Lou have breakfast at the Sunshine Restaurant in Dubuque.Credit: Erich Schroeder


Iowa is around 90 per cent white and outside the big cities it's rare to see a black or Hispanic person.

Yet concern about immigration is high. Even among more left-leaning voters, you find a lot of support for building a wall on the Mexican border.

“Trump is right about some things,” says Jane Schmitt, a school cafeteria worker. “Something needs to be done about immigration.”

But she won't be voting for him: “I really hate him as a person. He makes me want to puke.”


Not all women dislike Trump. Republican Joey Fautsch, 72, says: "He's a good man underneath.

"He's one of the richest men in the country yet he relates to working people."

But among female voters here antagonism towards Trump dominates. Even among husbands and wives who both dislike the president, the response from women tends to be more visceral and intense.

Several mention they are worried about the example he is setting for their children and grandchildren. The word "bully" comes up a lot.

“I'm usually Republican,” Dubuque grandmother Ann Kluesner says. “I am pro-life and believe we need new immigration laws. But I don't care how often Donald Trump runs. I will never vote for him. He is egotistical, he has no real feelings. I have friends who voted for him and they hate the way he speaks to people. Every time he comes on the TV, I turn it off.”

Reyna Evans playing Scrabble at Monks in Dubuque, Iowa.

Reyna Evans playing Scrabble at Monks in Dubuque, Iowa.Credit: Erich Schroeder

Playing Scrabble with her husband at Monk's, the cafe with the Melbourne-quality coffee, is nurse Reyna Evans. She is one of the 52 per cent of white women who voted for Trump in 2016.

Show me another candidate and I could vote for them. I could vote for Oprah.

“I liked the fact he didn't need to be politically correct all the time, that he told it like it was. But he needs to grow up and get off Twitter. He is so extreme, he's such a loose cannon. Show me another candidate and I could vote for them.”

She pauses, thinking of her ideal candidate. “I could vote for Oprah.”

Trump now has a net approval rating of negative eight among white women, according to Quinnipiac University.

Kristina Castañeda says: “I know women who voted for him thinking, how much damage could he do in four years? Now we know.

“Seeing children being separated from the mothers at the border was hard for a lot of women. They are ashamed to say they voted for this guy.”

Abby Finkenauer is running for Congress in Iowa's first district.

Abby Finkenauer is running for Congress in Iowa's first district. Credit: Erich Schroeder

In the weeks leading up to polling day, Castañeda has been door-knocking regularly for Abby Finkenauer, the Democrat candidate for Iowa's first district, a seat that includes Dubuque County. Finkenauer, 29, is trying to win the seat from Rod Blum, a Tea Party style Republican who was elected in 2014.

In her campaign, Finkenauer has emphasised her support for unions and her opposition to Trump's tariffs, which hit many corn, soybean and pork farmers in Iowa hard.

“She comes from salt-of-the-earth, working-class people," says Becky Olafsen, a public school teacher and long-time Iowa Democrat. “She's a woman who stands up to the male establishment, she is fearless ... This is the year of the woman – and hopefully the year of sanity.”

Finkenauer is one of the 235 women on the ballot for this year's House of Representatives elections, easily surpassing the previous high of 167 in 2016.

“Across the board, at all levels of office, we are seeing a record number of women running for office,” says Kelly Dittmar, a professor at Rutgers University's Centre for American Women and Politics.

Like so much else in American politics today, the influx of female candidates is a strictly partisan affair. Eight out of 10 of the women running for the House of Representatives this year are Democrats.

Many of the first-time candidates were drawn into politics through opposition to Trump.

“For many women, the 2016 election seems to have been the catalyst for them to take the plunge and run for office,” Dittmar says. “It created a sense of urgency, the feeling that there was too much at stake for them to sit on the sidelines.”

Dittmar says it is not just significant how many women are running, but the way they are doing it.

“Women are campaigning in ways that are authentic to them.

“They are running advertisements featuring their young children, celebrating the fact they are mothers.

“That is something they would have previously been told not to do – people would have been asking if they could be a politician and still be a good mother.”

Polls show that female candidates are performing strongly, including in traditionally conservative seats and areas that swung towards Trump in 2016.

In Georgia, Stacey Abrams, campaigning to become the first African-American female governor in US history, is in a virtual tie with her Republican opponent.

Stacey Abrams with talkshow host Oprah Winfrey, at a town hall talk in Atlanta just days before the midterms.

Stacey Abrams with talkshow host Oprah Winfrey, at a town hall talk in Atlanta just days before the midterms.Credit: Alamy

Sharice Davids – an openly lesbian, Native American and former professional mixed martial arts fighter – is on track to win a House seat in Kansas. And former fighter pilot Amy McGrath is locked in a close struggle to win a district in Kentucky that Trump won easily in 2016.

If Finkenauer is successful in Iowa, she and New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will become the first women younger than 30 ever elected to the US Congress. Polls show her in the lead thanks to overwhelming support from female voters.

“Women have just gotten so pissed off,” Castañeda says. “Anger can be a powerful fuel.”

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