

This was published 6 years ago

Canavan warns industry gas export trigger on the table

By Cole Latimer

Federal Resources Minister Matt Canavan has warned energy industry heads the government will not hesitate to slash gas export levels if there is a domestic shortage.

The export trigger, the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism (ADGSM), was a tool developed by the Turnbull government to ensure gas was diverted from booming export markets to domestic markets in the case of  shortages.

Senator Matt Canavan has kept the threat of the gas export trigger in play to ensure no domestic gas shortages.

Senator Matt Canavan has kept the threat of the gas export trigger in play to ensure no domestic gas shortages. Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

Last year, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission had forecast a major domestic gas supply shortage of more than 100 petajoules by 2019 (one petajoule can supply a city the size of Wollongong in NSW for a year).  This was driven in part by high LNG export levels.

It was averted by gas companies promising to divert increased supplies to domestic customers, pushing out a potential shortfall until 2030, although Victoria still faces a shortage in 2021 due to heavy winter demand.

“A few weeks ago I heard directly from gas users about their real-world experiences of gas prices and availability. I put these concerns to gas producers and highlighted the critical importance of the gas industry itself taking action to boost production before I make any decision on controlling gas exports next year,” Mr Canavan said.


“The message from today is that the government will make sure that we have sufficient gas domestically to meet demand. We hopefully will not need to trigger export controls.”

Following the meeting, the head of the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, Malcolm Roberts, said the industry was "providing as much downward pressure on prices as can be done".

It comes only a day after energy analyst firm EnergyQuest’s chief Graeme Bethune warned that the government is eyeing off the trigger as a tool keep power prices down.


“East coast gas producers should prepare for heavy-handed political intervention over the next year,” Mr Bethune said.

At the meeting on Wednesday, gas industry representatives also agreed to examine extending the gas Heads of Agreement, which priorities domestic gas supplies and gives domestic users the first option to buy uncontracted gas, potentially warding off the use of the ADGSM, which is still yet to be triggered.

“We've discussed recommitting to the heads of agreement, there has been broad agreement in principle to do that, and I'll work with the industry and discuss with the Prime Minister in the next few weeks, finalising the words around a new heads of agreement to cover us in the coming years,” Mr Canavan said.

Global energy research firm Wood Mackenzie has forecast gas shortages as domestic users compete with exporters for a limited supply.

“Based on our supply forecast, from 2028 there is not enough gas to meet both LNG contracts and demand,” said Nicholas Browne, Wood Mackenzie’s director of gas and LNG research.

“More gas will need to be developed and commercialised, or LNG imported, to meet the needs of both the domestic market and to fulfil LNG contracts.”

Mr Browne said gas prices would likely sit between $8.50 and $11.50 a gigajoule through to 2021, rising to between $10.70 and $12.70 per gigajoule by 2025.

Wood Mackenzie research found that without more gas projects being developed in the next few years, prices could reach between $14.30 and $15.90 a gigajoule by 2030 and continue to grow after that, depending on international oil prices.

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