

This was published 6 years ago

Paul Tully defends role in Ipswich council-owned business entities

By Tony Moore

Ipswich's longest-serving councillor, Paul Tully, on Tuesday afternoon defended his role in five council-owned business entities that have this afternoon been referred to Australia's corporate watchdog for the second time in 12 months.

Gary Duffy, an unsuccessful mayoral candidate in Ipswich, also on Tuesday sent three reports by consultants McGrath-Nichol into the five entities to Federal Attorney-General Christian Porter.

Ipswich councillor Paul Tully, right, with Ipswich mayor Wayne Wendt.

Ipswich councillor Paul Tully, right, with Ipswich mayor Wayne Wendt. Credit: Tony Moore

"I did it because I believe money is being wasted," Mr Duffy said.

Mr Porter immediately referred the allegations of breaches of the Corporations Act to  the Australian Securities and Investment Commission.

Fairfax Media has seen a reply confirming that the allegations have been sent to ASIC on July 24, 2018.

Cr Tully, for decades Ipswich's planning and development committee chairman and a former director of Ipswich City Properties, this morning confirmed he, former mayor Paul Pisasale and former Ipswich chief executive Carl Wulf were all funded as Ipswich City Properties executives on a private plane trip through the United States in 2010.

He said two trips were funded by Ipswich City Properties, which is itself funded by a loan from Queensland Treasury Corporation to redevelop the Ipswich Mall.

The mall has not been fully redeveloped — aside from landscaping and rotundas — since it was built in 1989, although the Icon building was bought and sold for $93 million as part of the process.

"One trip was between Indianapolis, New York and Washington on the one day stretching from 6am to 10pm at night," Cr Tully said.


"The advice given was that it was cheaper, given the costs of internal flights in the US at the time, to hire a private plane to go to those three cities on the one day," he said.

"I think Paul Pisasale, I think the ex-CEO Carl Wulf was there and I can't remember who else was."

Mr Pisasale, Mr Wulf and his wife, Sharon Oxenbridge, all face a charge of official corruption on unrelated matters linked to their time at at Ipswich City Council.

On Tuesday morning, Queensland's Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said the council-owned entities — Ipswich City Properties (to redevelop the Ipswich Mall), Ipswich City Enterprises (to manage call centres with the Local Government Association), Ipswich City Developments (to provide limited development in the city and Ipswich suburbs) and the Ipswich Motorsport Park Precinct — were set set up to avoid scrutiny of the Local Government Act.

He received cheers of support from 20 or so protesters in the Ipswich Mall.

Mr Hinchliffe said he planned to forward allegations contained in the reports to the Crime and Corruption Commission.

Cr Tully said Ipswich City Properties was set up in 2009 to redevelop the Ipswich Mall, which today remains a wasteland with contracts to redevelop 20,000 square metres put on hold while the Queensland Government dismisses the Ipswich City Council and appoints an administrator.

Cr Tully said the five council-owned entities — reduced to one after last year's Ipswich City Council elections — were registered under "federal or ASIC law".

He argued it was a private company and as such travel expenses could not be released.

"Travel expenses and any other expenses of the company; it's a private company and it is registered under federal law," Cr Tully said.

"All the information that has been requested has been provided in accordance with RTI laws.

"So yes, we have been overseas on two occasions I think paid for by the company."

Cr Tully denied that lawyers were paid to hide details of his trip with Mr Pisasale and Mr Wulf.
He said law firm Clayton Utz was paid $83,000 to defend an "essential legal principle" from News Limited's law firms investigating travel expenses at Ipswich.

"My understanding was that there was an essential legal principle involved in this. The RTI principle applies to councils and not to third-party companies.

"That was a matter of principle for all councils in Queensland."

As the media conference began to close, Cr Tully conceded Ipswich City Council had between "Buckley's and no chance" of surviving.

Ever-colourful, he harked back to comments by a Sydney backbencher, Eddie Ward — "the firebrand of East Sydney".

"I remember what Eddie Ward said in federal parliament over 70 years ago," he said.
"Never complain, never explain and never resign.

"And I've been saying that to my colleagues for many, many years."

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