

This was published 6 years ago


Why Trump's crackdown on a Russian called Oleg is hitting Australia

The Australian dollar has fallen nearly two percentage points against the US dollar in less than a week as US bond rates have spiked in response to the unintended consequences of the Trump administration's sanctions and trade policies.

The $A, which was trading at just under US78 cents only last Wednesday, is now worth fractionally over US76 cents and is more than five percentage points lower than its highest point this year of US81.10 cents in late January.

Oleg Deripaska, billionaire and president of Rusal.

Oleg Deripaska, billionaire and president of Rusal.Credit: Bloomberg

As the dollar has been sliding, Australian bond yields have been edging up, with 10-year bond yields up about 23 basis points in the last month and, at 2.88 per cent, within sight of the 3 per cent yield levels last seen in 2015.

The 10-year bond yields in this market are converging with those in the US, where the 10-year bonds are yielding 2.97 per cent, despite the latest CPI data confirming that local inflation levels are still tracking below the Reserve Bank's target range.

The weakening of the Australian dollar and run-up in long bond yields have little to do with the domestic economy, they are being driven by the volatile US markets.

The recent rise in US rates is being attributed to the strength of commodity markets, a strength that would historically have resulted in a big boost to the Australian dollar.


While there are some particular reasons for the surge in oil prices - the continuation of the caps on the output of OPEC members and other key producers - the Trump administration can claim some responsibility for the recent boom in key commodity prices. It may also be an exacerbating influence on the oil price too.

This year the administration imposed tariffs on imports of aluminium and steel but the action that really impacted markets was sanctions on some Russian entities and individuals, most notably Rusal's Oleg Deripaska.


Given that Rusal is one of the world's largest aluminium producers, the sanctions and the ban on US citizens doing business with Rusal or non-Americans who ''knowingly facilitate signifiant transactions'' with Deripaska and Rusal have set the aluminium price alight.

It leapt 30 per cent following the announcement, peaking this week above $US2500 a tonne - its highest levels since 2011 - before plunging nearly 8 per cent last night as the US, slightly panicked, softened its previously hard line.

Air strikes in Syria could drive up oil prices.

Air strikes in Syria could drive up oil prices.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the US might lift the sanctions on the company (but not Deripaska); would allow a longer period for companies to keep trading with Rusal and said that non-US companies wouldn't be sanctioned for transactions that related to the winding down of existing contracts with the company.

The sanctions were narrowly targeted - Deripaska was the major casualty - but generated ripple effects across other commodity markets, like oil, because of the potential for the US to take similar action against other oligarchs and Russian government officials and state-owned companies.

The US shifting its stance overnight reflects an emerging concern - in markets, US economists and now, it appears, US Treasury - that the sanctions and Trump's  protectionist agenda are harming US companies and the economy.

The sudden surge in some key commodity prices, including aluminium and oil, has inflationary implications -- as do Trump's trade policies - even as the administration's debt-funded tax cuts and expanded deficits policy inject a big dose of stimulus into an economy already operating at near full capacity.


It is that concern about inflation and the implications of a sudden lift in the inflation rate for the US Federal Reserve's monetary policy that is pushing up US bond yields towards the 3 per cent level last seen more than four years ago.

The Fed, having raised its policy rate by 25 basis points last month, has flagged another two US rate rises this year. However, nearly half its 15 Open Market Committee members think there could be another three.

If inflation start to kick up, that prospect of an extra rate rise and more aggressive action by the Fed into 2019 and 2020 will see bond yields surging and probably equity markets sliding, if not tumbling.

The centrality of the US to the global economy means that developments in US bond and equity markets generate spillover effects elsewhere.

Australian interest rates are still historically low because, in the post-crisis environment, US rates were, and still are, ultra-low. Too big a differential would have seen foreign capital pouring into the domestic markets and the Australian dollar at levels that would eventually have choked off growth.

The rise in US bond yields is dragging up local yields, which will impact bank funding costs if the trend is sustained and eventually flow through to higher costs for credit, but the cross-over of the rate structures - US two-year and ten-year bonds now yield more than their Australian counterparts - is weakening the value of the Australian dollar as capital flows towards the higher-yielding market.

The Trump administration is unpredictable, which means there is no certainty that the current financial market trends will persist.

The prospect of an extension of the Russian sanctions to oil has receded with the softening of the existing measures and  Trump's tweet this week that ''OPEC is at it again.''

''Oil prices are artificially very high! No good and will not be accepted!'' he wrote.

OPEC is, of course, a cartel and always has been. The oil market, because of OPEC, has always had a degree of artificiality to it.

The production limits, which have driven the price up to about $US75 a barrel, have had their own consequences for the US.

The higher prices might be inflationary but they are a windfall - and stimulus to investment and production -- for a US onshore oil sector that is already producing at record levels.

They also reduce the US historical reliance on Middle Eastern oil, with all the political and military entanglements that has created, although they will complicate Trump's threatened reintroduction of sanctions on Iran, which would cause oil prices to rise further if Iranian production is withdrawn from a market now balanced between supply and demand.

A continuing rise in oil prices would, if sustained, have an impact on global growth which, for the first time since the financial crisis, has been positive, albeit off a weak base, across the developed world economies. With the Saudis looking to float their state-owned Aramco, and hoping for a valuation of $US2 trillion, reports that they are targeting a price of $US80 a barrel or more have some credibility.

Given that LNG pricing is oil-linked and Australian gas prices are (since the opening of the three export LNG plants at Gladstone in Queensland) directly exposed to international pricing, further increases in oil prices would be good for oil and gas producers but painful for consumers and manufacturers.

As has been painfully obvious since the GFC, economic, financial and political developments in the US or China - or even the Middle East - heavily shape the settings in the Australian markets and economy.

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