

This was published 6 years ago

'Our legacy was pretty good': Nick Greiner's 30-year anniversary

By Deborah Snow
Nick Greiner was in reflective mood in Sydney this week.

Nick Greiner was in reflective mood in Sydney this week.Credit: Wolter Peeters

Nick Greiner doesn’t really do nostalgia.

But the 70-year-old former Liberal premier was in reflective mood as he looked back this week on the 30th anniversary of his coming to power in March 1988, when he unleashed a kind of economic shock and awe on the state’s voters through what came to be known as “NSW Inc.”

Greiner marked the anniversary with a long lunch at his Eastern Suburbs home last Sunday. Among the 28 guests were those of his former ministers “still living and well enough to be there”, a dozen or so former minders, and the triumvirate that helped put his vision into practice: then head of the cabinet office Gary Sturgess, Premier’s department head Dick Humphry, and then head of Treasury Percy Allan.

“We rapidly decided that our legacy was pretty good,” Greiner says, with his trademark Cheshire Cat grin. “I said in my welcome speech that I thought the reason the government was well remembered, even though it's distant, is that we actually did have a positive vision, whereas most oppositions who get elected do so with either a small target or a big negative approach.”

It was “easier” to run with a positive campaign back then, he says. “The power of the negative is much greater now with social media. Anyone who is half smart can start quite a vicious negative campaign, without much constraint on credibility or knowledge or anything. It’s a climate where there isn’t much natural authority.”

Greiner, just 40 when he became premier, was a leader in a hurry, determined to shake up a state that had been in the grip of Labor for the previous 12 years.  Greiner took a hard-eyed, efficiency-seeking, bottom-line approach to the enterprise of government that reflected his family’s business background and the principles he’d imbibed as a Harvard MBA student.

Nick Greiner in 1991.

Nick Greiner in 1991. Credit: Dean Wilmot/Fairfax Media

He began the disposal of state-owned assets, selling off the Government Insurance office and privatising coal and grain handling. He cut the public sector workforce, abolished tenure for senior bureaucrats, took on the unions, lifted productivity, increased charges and introduced the first toll roads, and pushed relentlessly ahead with getting the state’s finances in order. He was hugely dominant inside his own cabinet – taking on the jobs of treasurer, minister for ethnic affairs and minister for Aboriginal affairs as well as the premier’s job. That dominance worked in his favour for a while, but eventually contributed to his downfall. People, he said, were “generally not inclined to argue with me”.

Too much of a hurry


He concedes now he was in too much of a hurry. I ask what advice he would have given his 40-year-old self. He replies: “That the old chestnut of good policy being its own reward is overstated.”

“I was never really a politician’s politician,” he says. “I was really a businessman in government. I had the view that you got elected with an agenda, do what you believe is right and let the results speak for themselves.”

But what he didn’t do was “balance the politics with the policy. I would have given [myself] the advice to better balance the politics and the speed of reform with the capacity of the community to absorb change. I didn’t pay enough attention to the politics of staying in power.”

In 1991, Greiner went to the polls and copped a massive backlash from voters. He lost his working majority in the Parliament, and was reliant on independents to stay in government. Ultimately, this set the scene for his brutal exit from politics the following year: brought down by the very body he had created, the Independent Commission Against Corruption, at the time hailed as a trailblazer for the rest of the country. Though he was later redeemed by the courts, ICAC found that a public service job offer he had helped engineer for a disgruntled former minister, Terry Metherell, fell within the definition of corrupt conduct, because Metherell’s departure from Parliament would have reduced the government’s reliance on  independents.

Yet Greiner still hails ICAC as one of his achievements. “I have never regretted it for a moment. ICAC was a bold but ultimately desirable idea, and its been amended [by Baird] and that's fine. But the ultimate problem with these organisations is, like most things, the quality of the people you get to run them.”

What he most rues, he says, is not the ICAC episode, but the loss of his parliamentary majority.

“I would have done the asset recycling that Baird eventually did. I was going to do many of the things that [Victorian premier] Jeff Kennett did later.” In any case, he says, he would not have stayed beyond 1994, believing in the need for party “renewal”.

Greiner successfully went into business after politics, at one stage garnering criticism for the number of directorships he held. These days he has cut back to “five or six or seven commercial things” including Champ private equity.

A new role in politics

In mid-2017, he stepped back into a political role, taking on the role of federal Liberal party president. It was at the request of Malcolm Turnbull, he says. “I did ask him if he could give me one reason why I should do the job and he said ‘it's a good cause'. I think he wanted someone he got along with; you don’t want the organisation leader and the parliamentary leader at cross-purposes. And he probably assumed that I would do a reasonable job of managing.”

Restoring party finances has been a top priority. “Money is clearly a big problem for the Liberal Party. Societies have changed, and Labor state governments have made rules that I personally think are ridiculous, like saying that property developers are such bad people that they can’t contribute.”

He says a combination of those and other restrictions,  and “some interesting High Court decisions”, has tilted the donations balance too far in Labor’s favour. Major companies, he says, have “mostly retired from the battlefield”.

Turnbull’s personal donation of $1.75 million to the Liberal campaign for the 2016 election exceeded, he says, the combined total of donations given by company members of the Business Council of Australia.

“I don’t think that reflects so much on Malcolm Turnbull, that reflects on the business community and maybe our capacity to influence them. They have been intimidated by a range ... of changing attitudes, changing laws and so on. It puts us at a serious competitive disadvantage …  I think the best thing would be to confine donations to individuals not organisations. So not BHP, not the CFMEU, not GetUp! And I would cap donations as well, and have real-time disclosure.”

As well as trying to repair finances, he is focused on sharpening the party’s campaigning capability, “especially in terms of social media”.

More Liberal women

The Hungarian-born Greiner says the party has diversified substantially since he took over as state opposition leader in 1985, but accepts there are too few women in its parliamentary ranks.

“I am going around the states saying we need to represent the community and we can’t represent the community [without boosting women in winnable seats]. I have made it as clear as I could, but the federal president has very little power.”

The introduction of quotas - which Labor has done - would “get the speed of change up” but  "are not a desirable principle" he says. “I think it’s not a winnable argument in the Liberal or National parties. But I think eventually it probably will be if the system does not deliver … So there is momentum. But it’s clearly not sufficient momentum.”

Gladys and Mike

One standout success story for Liberal women is NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian.  “I like the fact that a woman of Armenian parentage and small business, or middle class or whatever you want to call it, can make it to the top of the centre-right party.” But he was disappointed that Mike Baird (who left after less than three years as premier) did not stay in the top job longer.

“He was a breath of fresh air, a genuine reformer ... I struggle to see that greyhounds or even council amalgamations [both of which caused huge angst for Baird] are at the core of the question ‘is it a good government’? Baird was a bit like me in terms of gung-ho and devil take the hindmost. Gladys is genuinely, by nature, more consultative, more cautious. There is this huge wave of reform, so the fact that there is a more cautious person riding the surfboard on the wave ... I don't think is a bad thing.”

For two years, Greiner chaired Infrastructure NSW set up by Barry O’Farrell. But he is reluctant to be drawn on controversies around stadiums and toll roads. WestConnex, he says, was “meant to fix Parramatta Road. It has veered from its original purpose. But I really don’t want to go there.” He remains a supporter of current immigration levels and a “big Australia” but “I do think it's a pity we can’t seem to get greater population growth around regional centres.”


Greiner, who championed same-sex marriage last year, likes to think he was  “warm” as well as being economically “dry”.

“I didn’t make that point strongly enough as premier. I was seen as being all about competition and not compassion, but it's not a binary thing.  You do good economics because it's good social policy”.

He set up the Environment Protection Authority;  he points out that he was the first conservative leader to come out in favour of decriminalising homosexuality in 1984. “I did think warm, dry and [small ‘g’] green was a compelling political position; I still think that," he says. "It’s actually where most people are.”

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