

This was published 6 years ago

The tech world's real, but seemingly opt-in, crisis for democracy

By Chris Zappone

Austin, Texas: Twitterhouse stood relatively empty as the bustling South by Southwest crowd passed by on Rainey Street, in Austin, Texas.

The club, converted into a showcase venue for the social media company, proclaimed Twitter’s historic launch at SXSW 11 years ago on its wall. But for now, the young media flak told me, Twitterhouse was hosting a private event.

“Come back at 3.30 to 4pm” she told me. “They’re letting people in then.”

After 3.30? I asked. She corrected me: “Only from 3.30 to 4pm.” The company was filming the event. Then she said under her breath: “They probably want a big crowd for the cameras.”

Twitter’s troubles are only part of the tech world’s recent woes.

Twitter’s troubles are only part of the tech world’s recent woes.Credit: AP

As I left I wondered: weren’t artificial crowds what got Twitter in trouble in the first place? The trolls. The bots. The fake voices that aim to manipulate politics.

But this is SXSW, one of the biggesttrade show/gabfest/PR events for the all-important tech industry. Shaping perception here is critical for companies, speakers, brands and entertainers.

Besides, Twitter’s troubles were only part of the tech world’s recent woes. There was also Facebook’s opacity on Russian meddling. The recognition of how divisive – and addictive – social media is. And the realisation that much of the industry had no workable plan to fix any of these issues.

How did we get here?

Jon Lebkowsky, a long-time adviser to SXSW, has been active on the internet since the 1980s when it was a niche form of communication that attracted enthusiasts and activists. In a subtle Texas twang, Lebkowsky, admits the scale of the changes since then have surprised him.


"The idea that all media would converge into digital media? I wouldn’t have predicted that."

In the early days, the internet was driven by blogs, says Lebkowsky, who runs Polycot Associates, a worker-owned web development cooperative. “We believed that we would see competing perspectives on the same truth, and that readers would be able to read various versions and get a better sense of what was real,” he says.

Jon Lebkowsky, a long-time adviser to SXSW.

Jon Lebkowsky, a long-time adviser to SXSW.Credit: Chris Zappone

Then came social media. Then came the 2016 US presidential election. Then the growing awareness of the Russian influence campaign. And as Lebkowsky says: “I think we knew to some extent that bad things could happen, but that’s a really bad thing – and it’s probably worse than we would have thought about.”

Asked how he feels about the technology world today, he’s blunt: “I feel like s--- about it.”

People are very dependent on technology and “at the same time it’s very manipulable”, Lebkowsky says. It’s not simply Russian operatives, but corporations. “Even the internet companies that are trying to be relatively reputable, they are certainly manipulating people to some extent.”

Lebkowsky stresses, however, that he believes the ”network” remains “a net positive”. We’re just in a particularly bad time facing both “information chaos” and “political chaos”.

The sense of crisis afflicting the industry appeared to be seeping in at SXSW, too. The number of expert sessions on topics like “disinformation” and “democracy” and “propaganda” almost rivalled the sessions about artificial intelligence and blockchain.

But for many people, tech business is business as usual. Showcases for all the major tech companies, nations and business packed the conventional hall. University student Seun Ibitoye, attending a SXSW start-up function, said: “I think with the Russia thing it’s not affecting everyday people. It’s the government so it doesn’t have anything to do with me.”


Yet to varying degrees, social media companies realise they can’t go on doing business as usual. YouTube’s CEO announced at SXSW the company would counter the conspiracy theories so prevalent on the video-sharing site by adding “information cues”, factual context sourced from third parties.

A week earlier, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey announced the company would try to chart the “health” of discussion on the platform, presumably to address trolling and malicious activity.

But where the companies’ duty of care ends and the responsibility to investors begins remains to be determined. By whom – no one can say.

The fundamental question is whether these platforms should be considered publishers in their own right or simply conduits of information. They became giants because they could set aside content considerations, thanks to a 1996 US law called Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. It states: "No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider."

The Electronic Frontier Foundation – a digital rights advocacy group formed to defend cyberspace from government overreach – points out that Section 230 means platforms that “host or re-publish speech are protected against a range of laws that might otherwise be used to hold them legally responsible for what others say and do”. In the early days, this allowed start-up internet companies to grow without the fear of major lawsuits.

The freedom was largely assumed to be a good thing because it helped the sector. The election of US President Donald Trump changed this perception and prompted unsettling questions from beyond Silicon Valley about how the new technology can ensure truthful political discussion.

On a weekly basis, more stories reveal how bots, trolls, and influence campaigns are seeded throughout social media platforms. They underscore how technology, in the wrong hands, can manipulate the political process.

Just last month, when a former student massacred 17 people at a Florida high school, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones took to YouTube to falsely accuse student survivors of being "crisis actors". With no checks on social media for accuracy, this content can actually earn money for its producers. 

Should these social media companies still be largely free from responsibility over content, as they have been since they were start-ups?

Democratic senator Mark Warner, another SXSW participant this year, thinks the topic is open for discussion.  “The notion platforms and companies can’t find a responsible way to be aware of the content,” is not true, he says. “History has shown they can if they want to.”

As the ranking Democrat on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Warner has called upon the social media companies to testify on how their platforms affect democracy, and issued sharp words for their "inadequate" responses.

“I think we need a full debate about responsibility,” he told an audience at SXSW.

Senator Mark Warner at the South by SouthWest conference in Austin.

Senator Mark Warner at the South by SouthWest conference in Austin.Credit: Bloomberg

Warner, who has a background in technology, compares social media companies today to the auto industry in its early years. Although the first cars were on roads in the late 1800s, causing fatalities, it wasn't until the 1930s that US states began to require driver's education. As car makers grew more established, the public expectation that they made safe products grew as well.

Asked if there would be willingness among Republicans and Democrats to consider the issue of social media platform's responsibility for content, Warner told Fairfax Media: ”If they fail to do so, they fail to do so at their own peril.”

Whether the government would act on the issue, or the companies would take change upon themselves is still a key question.

Matt Lembright, from cyber security start-up Enabld, said the “honeymoon period of technology” in the public’s eye has ended.

In terms of security, “the internet was developed as a platform like a park instead of a bank", Lembright says. But now we realise “all the other nefarious things the internet and social media can be used for". Still, he believes the problem will eventually self-correct.

Lembright says people are only "now understanding the solutions that are out there”.

It’s easy to forget that only three years after Twitter’s public launch in Austin in 2007, the Arab Spring occurred – enabled by social media – and rocked the Middle East. Now the West is deeply rattled by social media technology. No one foresaw the effects of the relative fair play of democracy having no protections online.

Fake crowds are fair for real-life marketing events. But for the realm of democratic politics, it’s a different story.

Yet even though democracy can be actively and easily subverted online – and it has been – no one is actually compelled to confront this fact. The crisis, a bit like the political crisis shaped by social media itself, feels as if it’s opt-in affair.

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