This was published 7 years ago
Ryan Johnson on writer wife Tamara Asmar: 'She's never written me a sex scene'
By Stephen Lacey
Actor Ryan Johnson, 37, is known for his role as Matt Knight in the Australian TV series Doctor Doctor. His wife, Tamara Asmar, 40, is a screenwriter for the show and a playwright. They have a four-year-old daughter, Alia.
RYAN: We met in 2001 in my acting agent's building in Sydney's Surry Hills. Tamara was the hot chick working in the office downstairs. I'd often wander down, say hi, tell jokes and see if I could warm her up. I thought she was gorgeous with her jet-black hair and big blue eyes. I didn't see her for a couple of years, then I was out having drinks with a friend at a pub and there was Tamara. I was besotted.
Tamara Asmar and Ryan Johnson.Credit: James Brickwood
She went away on a trip to visit her dad and I kept sending her emails. One was really cheesy: "Be careful walking past construction sites, because you're so gorgeous you might cause an accident." It was just terrible. When she got back we went out to the pub and have been together ever since.
She worked in PR for a long time and was getting frustrated, wanting to do more creative stuff. She even considered acting. I said, "Don't do that. It's heartbreaking and awful." She ended up doing a writing course at NIDA. In the early days, I directed one of her plays, Ninja. We got slammed in two reviews, which was horrible. In the theatre world there seems to be this notion that it's got to be brilliant or nothing.
After that, she got the idea of moving into TV. Her first break was writing two episodes of Crownies. Then Doctor Doctor's creator, Tony McNamara, called her, offering a writing gig on the show. Six months later I had the chance to audition for the role of Matt Knight.
Tamara has never written me a sex scene in the show. Usually the scene will end with my on-screen wife Charlie [Nicole de Silva] resting her head on my shoulder. Other writers would have had us jumping into bed!
We got engaged in 2008. I set a white tablecloth in our lounge room with seafood and champagne. I read her my speech, which was a seven-page handwritten monologue asking her to marry me. We rang our friends to tell them and it was very exciting. Then there was this epic comedown and we sat there looking at each other. "So this is it, then … we're getting married." We had our honeymoon in Mexico. It was amazing, although we did get stalked by two elderly swingers who took photos of us in the spa.
We started trying for a baby when Tamara was 34. It took us a few years. The birth of our daughter was the happiest day of Tamara's life. I remember seeing her snuggled up with Alia, passed out from a 20-hour labour.
In the early days, it was a bit confronting for Tamara to see me in kissing scenes. She said all I needed to do was to tell her that it was horrible and technical and bland and that I didn't like it. There was a time I had to pash Gyton Grantley on House Husbands because I was playing his boyfriend. Tamara thought that was the best comeuppance for all the times I've had to kiss beautiful girls at work.
TAMARA: Ryan was the cute guy with a Discman, a turned-up collar and spiky hair. One night we went to a pub with mutual friends. I thought he was quite charming. I went on a trip to Yemen to see my father and Ryan started sending me emails. There was a spelling mistake in one, and I did wonder whether I could go out with someone who couldn't spell. But then I'm completely innumerate, so together we kind of work.
He's always looking at his screen. It drives me crazy. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Flipboard. He maintains that he needs it as a man-time space away from the intensity of living with me and his toddler. There's too much oestrogen in the house, he says.
We fight about the way we fight. He's big and loud and he shouts. He's hard to reach because he can go from zero to 10 really quickly. Most people don't see that side of him. I don't think he's good under pressure. Also, having a child, you argue about who is the most tired and who's done more. The child becomes a ping pong ball that you use to score points off each other.
I’m in a strange position where I write the scenes in which Ryan is with his TV wife Charlie. There are lots of jokes going around that Tamara doesn’t write sex scenes.
When we first got together, the fact he had to kiss other women as a component of his job was quite confronting. But over the years I've got to see it as a fairly unromantic, technical thing, with 20 people standing around watching. I'm in a strange position now where I write the scenes in which he is with his TV wife, Charlie. There are lots of jokes going around that Tamara doesn't write sex scenes.
Sometimes it presents challenges working on the same show. I get self-conscious in the writers' room if I have to bring up his character. I don't want the producers to think I'm trying to push a storyline because it's Ryan.
Being an actor is hard: the highs are very high, but the lows can be very low, with long periods of unemployment. He's been able to act without having to do another job, but he gets frustrated that he's not further along his career path. I've learnt to keep my mouth shut about offering advice on how to deal with that downtime.
When we first had Alia, Ryan wasn't working, stuck at home and sleep-deprived. I think he had some male postnatal depression. He did get help; he's got a great counsellor he talks to.
I wish he drank less. He's really good during the week, but sometimes on the weekend he has one drink too many. We grew up in very different drinking cultures. I grew up in the Middle East, where my parents made wine in their cellar, whereas we go up to Ryan's dad's house on the Gold Coast and there's an entire fridge dedicated to wine. I can never keep up.
The second season of Doctor Doctor airs on Channel Nine in mid-August.