

This was published 7 years ago

Bong Joon-ho's super-pig movie Okja expected to be Netflix's first blockbuster

By Elissa Blake

For the South Korean film director Bong Joon-ho, the Sydney Film Festival was half a world away from Cannes in more ways than one.

In Sydney, Bong's latest film, Okja, the delightful yet utterly confronting story of a genetically modified, hippopotamus-sized "super-pig" and its devoted teenaged-girl carer brought viewers to their feet with tears in their eyes.

Ahn Seo-Hyun Ahn as Mija with Okja.

Ahn Seo-Hyun Ahn as Mija with Okja. Credit: AP

That enthusiasm was in marked contrast to the reception Okja received during the Festival de Cannes this year, where the film was loudly booed by cineastes, not for its quality or content, but because Okja was made for the movie streaming behemoth Netflix rather than big-screen exhibition. It is expected to be the first Netflix blockbuster.

The furore was such that Cannes will, from next year, only accept theatrically released films for its Palme d'Or competition. Films such as Okja and Noah Baumbach's independently made but Netflix-acquired The Meyerowitz Stories, starring Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller and Dustin Hoffman, will no longer be considered for one of the world's most prestigious film prizes.

Tilda Swinton as Lucy Mirando (left) and Ahn Seo-Hyun as Mija in Okja.

Tilda Swinton as Lucy Mirando (left) and Ahn Seo-Hyun as Mija in Okja.

"I think it is very peculiar and funny," says Bong. "I am just a creator, so I don't understand the French film industry from the inside. But, in the end, I think the controversy was OK. I could enjoy it because everyone was talking about Okja, Okja Okja! Hopefully when the film is released, everyone will talk about the story itself and not the controversy."

There was another thrill in store for Bong right after Okja's Sydney Film Festival screening. At the closing night party, he met Australian director George Miller. Not only is Bong a complete Mad Max freak (he has watched Mad Max: Road Warrior "more than 20 times"), he also cites Miller's Babe: Pig in the City as one of the main influences on Okja.

"I liked very much that Babe had both a fairytale feel and also a very realistic feel, to it," Bong says, through a translator in Sydney. "I like how George mixed those genres together. And he is a master at moving the camera. He is the best."

Okja revolves around a special creature, its heroic human friend Mija (Ahn Seo-Hyun), and shadowy forces (led by Tilda Swinton) in pursuit. The mood of the piece oscillates wildly from giddy action adventure-comedy to something approaching horror. What starts in the manner of Stephen Spielberg's E.T. ends in scenes reminiscent of the darkest sequences of Schindler's List.

Director, co-screenwriter and producer Bong Joon Ho and actress Ahn Seo-Hyun at the premiere of Okja in New York.

Director, co-screenwriter and producer Bong Joon Ho and actress Ahn Seo-Hyun at the premiere of Okja in New York.Credit: Evan Agostini

"It may look like a family film in the beginning but you must be aware, because parental guidance is essential for this movie," says Bong. "Simply speaking, my movies are a marketer's nightmare. From the get-go we wanted to make a movie that fell somewhere between PG-13 and R rating. Although it deals with a girl and her friendship with a loveable animal, it does deal with a very dark and graphic side of society. I always encourage parents to act as a guide."

During his research for Okja, Bong visited several abattoirs and meat-packing facilities.

"After I visited a slaughterhouse in Colorado I became vegan for two months," he says. "What I witnessed and especially the smell … it followed me. I instinctively became vegan for a while. But I come from Korea, the barbecue paradise, so it wasn't easy. In Korea, every street corner is selling meat. So, naturally, after a while, I began eating meat again but my level of consumption has decreased very much. I am mostly pescatarian, now. I only eat meat in special circumstances, like when I dine with my mother. She insists I eat it."

Okja is Bong's second English-language film. His previous big-screen release in Australia was 2013's Snowpiercer, a dystopian epic made distinctive by its wicked sense of humour.

"When I am making the film, I am too busy to think about what genre it is," he says. "I'm never conscious about making the audience laugh. There's nothing intentional about the way I use comedy but because I write my owns scripts, my sense of humour naturally seeps in."

Humour, says Bong, is the best way to convey a serious message. "I believe the heavier the theme, the funnier the film should be. The audience should laugh but when it's all done, think about why it was they were laughing."

This goes some way to explaining Bong's audacious use of John Denver's Annie's Song as a soundtrack to one of Okja's action climaxes, a highly destructive chase scene set in a shopping mall.

"My elder brother really loved that song when he was a kid," Bong says. "He played it again and again all summer vacation and back then, I was very sick of it. But I always thought of it as a beautiful song and it was during the editing of Okja that I put it in, just as an experiment. It really worked. I expected Netflix and the producers to be panicking because of the money that would be required to get the rights for it, but they were very excited. They were contacting lawyers straight away."

Bong, 47, considers himself a member of the Asian "film geek" generation. "Myself and Park Chan-wook (writer-director of Oldboy and Lady Vengeance) and Kim Jee-woon (who made his US debut with the Arnold Schwarzenegger feature The Last Stand in 2013), we didn't begin by working in the film industry itself," Bong says. "We were just fans of films and that's how we came into contact with the industry. We are from that generation who spent a lot of their time in cinemas."

Enamoured of American films from the 1960s and 70s – during this conversation he nominates Duel, Marathon Man, The Wild Bunch and Cross of Iron among his favourites – Bong's first films were made as a student of sociology.

After graduating, he enrolled in the Korean Academy of Film Art. "The teaching isn't theoretical, it's very practical and hands-on," Bong says.

A short film he made there caught the eye of Korean producers, who hired Bong to direct his first feature, 2000's Barking Dogs Never Bite. "Don't waste your time looking for it," he says, laughing. "It is a very silly and boring black comedy and it is only on DVD. Please don't watch it!"

No filmmaker is ever completely satisfied with their films, says Bong. "In retrospect, there is always something painful or excruciating in everything you make. But I think Okja is quite good."

Bong believes the way is now open for films produced for streaming platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime to compete on equal terms with those made for theatrical release. This may cause the movie theatre chains some headaches for a while, Bong believes, but the challenge will ultimately be good for filmmakers and audiences.

"It used to be that when you watched a movie at home it was cropped weirdly and full of adverts," says Bong. "These are things that make us filmmakers feel terrible. But soon, many people will have 4k projectors and TVs as well as Dolby sound systems and they will be able to have a very good cinematic experience in their home. This will force the theatres to innovate and come up with better solutions, better technology and better atmosphere. I think it is an exciting time."

Okja is streaming on Netflix now.

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