

This was published 7 years ago

How Qld Labor is ticking off the 21 demands of the man who gave them power

By Felicity Caldwell

It's been more than two years since Annastacia Palaszczuk formed a minority government with the support of independent MP Peter Wellington and most of his demands have been met.

Mr Wellington reached an agreement with Labor on 21 issues, in exchange for support on confidence motions.

Speaker Peter Wellington helped Labor form government, in return for their help on a few issues.

Speaker Peter Wellington helped Labor form government, in return for their help on a few issues.Credit: Bradley Kanaris

They ranged from opposing asset sales to ensuring the Committee of the Legislative Assembly includes a member of the crossbench.

But some have not been ticked off, such as a bill of rights and an inquiry into political donations.

Mr Wellington said the government had delivered on a lot of the issues but some were still to be completed.

He said he tried to find common ground with the government, which he worked well with, and there was still "time on the clock" before the election, when he planned to retire.

"Two matters that haven't been delivered yet are the protection of sub-contractors in Queensland and the bill of rights," Mr Wellington said.

While not on his original list, Mr Wellington's hopes for an inquiry into end-of-life choices seemed dashed, with a parliamentary committee recently saying it was unable to agree on whether to hold an inquiry.

"I was disappointed that the committee wasn't prepared to hold an inquiry into end-of-life matters when other states have," he said.


Mr Wellington said everyone worked harder with a minority government.

"Sometimes they don't get everything they want... It puts pressure on everyone to work harder, the opposition works harder," he said.

"There's a better capacity for the compromise, of finding that middle road, than a government that has a massive majority they just say we're going to steamroll this through, we don't have to consult, we don't need to listen to other people's views."

A spokesman for Ms Palaszczuk said the government's commitments to Mr Wellington were delivered or well advanced.

Here is a list of the demands and where they stand:

Opposition to asset sales

Delivered: The Palaszczuk government regularly voices its opposition to asset sales.

Commit to the 'Fitzgerald principles' of accountability and, as 'a principle' not use 'any urgency motions to bypass or truncate the committee system'. In cases where this arises, the crossbench will be consulted first

Partially delivered: Two bills were not sent to committee for consideration. The first was the Magistrates Amendment Bill 2015, introduced in May 2015. It was seen as essential to pass quickly because it would retrospectively validate decisions of acting magistrates who had sworn the incorrect oath on their swearing-in since 2013. Opposition and crossbench MPs were consulted. The second was a 2015 bill to restore community objection rights in relation to mining projects and was considered urgent by the government so it could apply to the New Acland mine stage three project. The government was also criticised for forcing an amendment to an LNP bill to introduce compulsory preferential voting in 2016, which did not go to a committee for review.

Reintroduce the $1000 donation disclosure threshold. Work with Electoral Commission of Queensland to develop a 'real-time online system of disclosure'

Delivered: A real-time political donations portal is online and every donation of $1000 or more needs to be declared.

Advertise 'as a priority' for a new Crime and Corruption Chair

Delivered: The government advertised for a replacement crime watchdog chair in March 2015. Alan MacSporran was confirmed as the new chair in July 2015.

Amend the Parliament of Queensland Act to ensure membership of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly includes a member of the crossbench

Delivered: Labor amended section 81 of the Parliament of Queensland Act in May 2015.

Appoint all directors-general on a merit basis. Review all Queensland Health contestability processes. Restore its previous policy of employment security and no contracting out provisions

Delivered: The government has committed to merit-based selection for directors-general of line agencies. The Public Service Commission has been leading a process for merit-based appointment of all directors-general roles. All directors-general positions have now been finalised.
Health Minister Cameron Dick reviewed contestability processes in Queensland Health and has closed the contestability branch. Reinstated employment security provisions for public servants.

Establish a commission of inquiry into organised crime and an inquiry into political donations

Partially delivered: Michael Byrne QC held a commission of inquiry into organised crime, leading to $3.2 million for Taskforce Orion and $69.9 million to fight serious organised crime in the 2016 budget.
The government is still looking at how to initiate a public inquiry into the links, if any, between donations to political parties and the awarding of tenders and contracts.
In terms of a political donations inquiry, Mr Wellington said the government could not direct the Crime and Corruption Commission to do an inquiry, but the audit office had conducted investigations.
Mr Wellington said due to other changes made, the pressure for an inquiry into political donations was no longer there, like it was after the previous government.

Open Community Cabinet meetings to the public

Delivered: The government has also introduced "governing from the regions", with meetings with the public, community groups and businesses, and town hall meetings.

Provide more resources to independent members in minority governments

Delivered: The government provided two extra staff for Mr Wellington - an additional electorate officer and a policy officer. The government has also provided an extra electorate officer and policy officer for each Katter's Australian Party member and an extra policy adviser for member for Mount Isa Robbie Katter. Crossbench MPs also have access to briefings from the Premier's staff and the public service on policy issues or proposed legislation or motions, and policy advisors are available to brief crossbenchers.

Seek to review travel allowances for MPs in large electorates

Delivered: The Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal decided in October 2015 to increase the travel allowance for Band 3 electorates by $16,000 per annum.

Look at adopting a bill of rights for Queensland

Not delivered yet: A parliamentary committee investigated the possibility of a Human Rights Act but it was unable to agree on whether it would be desirable. However, the government expects to introduce legislation mid-2017, a spokesman for Ms Palaszczuk said.

Reinstate the right to object and appeal to mining developments for communities, residents and individuals

Delivering: The government has reinstated the right to object to developments without harsh financial penalties, community objection rights for environmental authorities for projects assessed by the Co-ordinator General were restored, and the Mineral and Other Legislation Act will restore community and landholder rights in relation to mining projects.

Scrutinise the Acland mining approval processes

Delivered: Review into approval process of the New Acland Mine completed and released publicly in May 2016.

Review subcontractor payment laws

Delivering: New laws will ensure security of payment for subcontractors and from January 1, 2019, every construction project over $1 million will have to operate a project bank account.

Not dump dredge spoil in the Caley Valley wetlands

Delivered: In March 2015, the government announced a new plan for the disposal of dredge spoil from the expansion of the Abbot Point port.

Review awarding of road maintenance contracts, particularly in relation to the Sunshine Coast

Delivered: Independent consultant PGL Financial was appointed to conduct the review.

Equitable allocation of responsibility for infrastructure charges, particularly in relation to Caloundra South

Delivering: In November 2016, a tripartite infrastructure agreement for the Caloundra South Priority Development Area was signed between Economic Development Queensland, the Sunshine Coast Regional Council and Stockland and other works are being done.

Review Halls Creek development

Delivering: The draft SEQ Regional Plan includes Beerwah East as a greenfield growth site, with Halls Creek identified as a potential future growth area, although that does not imply any part of the area will be made available for urban development in the future, the spokesman said. Mr Wellington said a review of the planning scheme was being held: "A lot of the concerns that were raised have been clarified."

Have Building Queensland create a cost-benefit analysis of the Sunshine Coast rail duplication

Delivering: The duplication is one of the government's priority infrastructure projects for federal funding submitted to Infrastructure Australia and Building Queensland is leading the development of a business case. Mr Wellington said the duplication also needed federal funding. "I've never held a shotgun to the government's head, the government is working through it in a sensible way and there are some, I believe, some affordable solutions that the government is able to fund in this year's budget."

Reinstate Nambour Rail Station funding upgrade as a priority project

Delivering: Subway and platform works at Nambour station have begun and are expected to be completed late March 2017.

Look at Nambour Hospital parking issues 'to determine a solution'

Not delivered yet: It was agreed the parking requirements at the Nambour Hospital would be examined after the opening of the Sunshine Coast University Hospital, which is due in April 2017.

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