This was published 8 years ago
Not Now, Not Ever report made 140 recommendations. What happened?
By Amy Mitchell-Whittington
Systemic failings faced by domestic violence survivors were thrown into sharp relief in the pages of the Not Now, Not Ever report handed down in 2015.
After speaking with hundreds of domestic violence survivors, service providers and support groups the domestic violence taskforce, chaired by Dame Quentin Bryce, saw three common areas that needed to be addressed immediately: Changes in culture and attitudes, reform to the responses to incidents of abuse and its victims and reform to the response from our justice system.
The Not Now, Not Ever report made 140 recommendations to end domestic violence.Credit: Wolter Peeters
"Alarmingly, the taskforce heard many stories where the workings of the law and justice system (police and courts) only served to further victimise or marginalise victims," the report read.
"This report makes recommendations to government to reform this system so that it supports survivors, achieves fair and protective outcomes for victims and makes perpetrators of violence accountable."
Former Governor-General Quentin Bryce chaired the Queensland domestic and family violence taskforce.Credit: Andrew Meares
While a majority of the 140 recommendations have been fulfilled, there are some women who are still falling through the cracks in terms of responses from the police and the Queensland justice system.
Fairfax Media approached the office of Attorney-General Yvette D'Ath and Police Commissioner Ian Stewart regarding the below recommendations that call for reform within their respective departments and how they have been addressed so far.
The Queensland Government makes provision in legislation for domestic and family violence related convictions to be recorded, consistent with the approach adopted in New South Wales.
An amendment was made to the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 in December 2015 to include a section titled 'Convictions for offences relating to domestic violence' that states where an offence is recorded, that it also be recorded as a conviction of a domestic violence offence or otherwise—that the offence be entered in the offender's criminal history as a domestic violence offence.
The Queensland Government considers the sufficiency of penalties to hold perpetrators to account for repeat contraventions of Domestic Violence Orders.
In December 2015 the government made changes to the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 that increased the maximum penalty for breaching a Domestic Violence Order to two years imprisonment.
The Queensland Government employs court support workers for all Magistrates Courts for domestic and family violence matters for all applicants and information/liaison officers for all respondents.
A spokesperson for the Attorney-General said there were two Domestic and Family Violence Duty Lawyers (one for applicants and one for respondents) who provided services at each of 13 locations across Queensland.
"The Domestic Violence Court at Southport has double that capacity, employing four specialist DV lawyers," the spokesperson said.
"The $200 million allocated to tackling domestic and family violence in the 2016-17 Queensland budget includes $42.4 million over four years from 2016-17 allocated to roll out specialist courts, building on learnings from the DV court trial at Southport."
The Courts Queensland website lists more than 100 Queensland sites where Magistrates Courts sit.
The Queensland Government develops a position description and guidelines for the duty-lawyer service to ensure the provision of legal advice before and after court appearances, assistance with drafting court related documents...and legal representation during court appearances.
The Queensland government is providing $54.6 million over four years across the Department of Justice and Attorney-General to support domestic and family violence initiatives.
Responsible agencies in Government should make provision for the inclusion of coordinating appropriate justice supports for victims of domestic and family violence exposed to criminal proceedings.
A spokesperson for the Attorney-General said victims of domestic violence have 'special witness' status, so they do not have to face their attackers when testifying.
Out of the eight recommendations targeted towards the Queensland Police Service from the Not Now, Not Ever report, three have been implemented so far.
Recommendation 137: appointment of Deputy Commissioner (Regional Operations)
Recommendation 136: the reinstatement of the DFV State Coordinator
Recommendation 114: interpreter requirements on DFV applications filed and other court related matters.
Of the remaining five recommendations, A spokesperson for Queensland Police Service outlined their progress on three recommendations.
The Queensland Police Service develops and implements a strategy for increasing criminal prosecution of perpetrators of domestic and family violence through enhanced investigative and evidence-gathering methodologies.
A Queensland Police Service statement confirmed the service is progressively implementing changes to police procedures that strengthen the legal processes and increase accountability for DFV offending.
The Queensland Police Service adopts a pro-active investigation and protection policy which requires consideration of safety of the victim as paramount when deciding the course of action to be taken against the perpetrator and prioritises arrest where risk assessment indicates this action is appropriate.
A Queensland Police Service statement said it had sought a number of provisions in the Domestic and Family Violence Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 that will reshape the way domestic and family violence services are delivered by police, particularly related to the Police Protection Notice and information sharing.
The Queensland Police Service increases staffing numbers based on rigorous assessment of demand and appropriate allocation and resourcing of these positions across the State.
A Queensland Police Service statement confirmed a report on the outcomes from the demand assessment of the DFV Coordinator network is scheduled for consideration by the Queensland Police Service senior executive in the near future.
The Queensland Police Service facilitates an external independent audit and review of training packages currently available to officers.
An Independent external audit of domestic and family violence police training products has commenced; being undertaken by Queensland Centre for DFV Research (QCDFVR). A report on the audit's findings, including recommendations, is planned for May 2017.
Confidential support and advice for women affected by domestic violence is available by phoning DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week).
Help is available for men from DVConnect Mensline on 1800 600 636 (9am to midnight, 7 days a week) or Lifeline on 13 11 14 (24 hours).