

This was published 8 years ago

Disillusion and dislike of Hillary Clinton: how Donald Trump can win

The US presidential election contest reminds one of Henry Kissinger's joke about the Iraq-Iran war of the 1980s: "It's a pity they both can't lose." That is how many Americans feel about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Seldom in modern history have the American people felt so disillusioned with the major political parties and their candidates. Indeed, in 50 days, they will elect someone whom close to two-thirds of the country does not trust.

Colin Powell reflected the prevailing mindset in leaked emails last week. According to the decorated war veteran and former secretary of state, Trump is a "racist", a "national disgrace" and "an international pariah". Clinton fared a little better. "Everything she touches," he emailed, "she kind of screws up with hubris."

It's hard to disagree. Take the casino and real estate magnate, whose insults alone could amount to a book. Trump is, to put it mildly and politely, incapable of understatement. More serious, he peddles conspiracy theories and appeals to people's worst instincts.

 illustration: Jim Pavlidis

illustration: Jim Pavlidis

This was the bloke who in 2011 had sold the so-called "birther" theory that Barack Obama was born somewhere other than the US and therefore was unqualified to hold power. A few days ago, Trump finally said Obama was indeed born in the US.

Virtually every seasoned observer of American politics, including this writer, has all too often dismissed Trump. We either laughed at his orange face and his weird hair or recoiled in horror at the prospect of a buffoon with no political experience controlling the world's largest nuclear arsenal.

Trump, we assumed, would get mugged by political reality. Eventually, normal programming would resume. And yet, as things stand, the Republican standard bearer could win the election. Sounds unbelievable, I know, given that demography and the electoral arithmetic point to a Clinton victory on November 8. But in the past fortnight he has slashed the polling gap from double digits to even-steven, including across several battleground states. A Trump presidency is no longer a far-fetched scenario.

Why? What the heck is going on?

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Canton, Ohio, last week.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Canton, Ohio, last week.Credit: AP

One obvious explanation is that his Democratic opponent is the most untrustworthy, unpopular and polarising presidential candidate in living memory – bar one (Trump).

In the 1990s, Clinton was associated with various scandals that dogged her husband's presidency. During her four-year stint as secretary of state, she maintained a private email server to hide official emails and lied about it to the American people. She mixed her State Department duties with the Clinton Foundation by doing favours for donors in office.

Hillary Clinton is the most polarising candidate in living memory (bar Trump).

Hillary Clinton is the most polarising candidate in living memory (bar Trump).Credit: Andrew Hamik

She has a Nixonian contempt for the press. She is so stiff on the campaign trail she makes Bill Shorten look animated. Her campaign is funded by the kind of corporations that displaced workers have come to blame for their economic woes. The lack of transparency over her health problems adds underlining and an exclamation mark.

Another explanation is a widespread perception across middle America that the US is in a seriously bad way. For more than a decade, large pluralities have thought their country is heading in the wrong direction and is in serious decline. Faith in institutions is at an all-time low.

Every day the American people hear about their nation's declining power and influence and they find the US too often seeming hopeless and helpless at home and abroad.

Last week, the President of the Philippines – one of America's closest allies in Asia – gave the middle finger to Uncle Sam. Rodrigo Duterte vowed his nation would not help the US patrol the South China Sea, for fear of upsetting China. He also called for the departure of some US troops and wants to shop for weapons from China and Russia. All this after having called President Obama a "son of a whore".

The Great Recession of 2008-09 has damaged confidence at home in ways that most Australians can't understand: sluggish growth, widening income inequality, stagnant real wages, loss of manufacturing jobs.

Add to this rising polarisation and a sense among the grassroots of having been betrayed by both party establishments – problems exacerbated by political dysfunction and screaming talk radio and social media – and it's no wonder people are angry and they want someone to blame.

Don't get me wrong: the US remains overwhelmingly the world's most powerful nation, with a remarkable record of bouncing back from setbacks. It's just that for many Americans attracted to Trump – including many who don't usually vote – radical socio-economic change means losing the country they know and love. They complain that false leaders in both major parties – Obama, the Clintons, the Bushes – in cahoots with Wall Street have betrayed them.

In what may turn out to be the turning point in this wild and crazy election campaign, Hillary Clinton said half these people amount to a "basket of deplorables". In Trump, however, the great unwashed have found a leader who will tell them that the US can be a winner again. If the brash billionaire can turn out enough of these people on November 8, and at the same time suppress Clinton's base vote, he will become America's 45th president.

Tom Switzer is a senior fellow at the University of Sydney's United States Studies Centre and host of Between the Lines on ABC's Radio National.

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