

This was published 8 years ago

Refugees' restaurant provided a welcoming taste of home for survivors of the Holocaust

By John Zeleznikow

Masha Zeleznikow, who has died aged 89, formed with her husband Avram the dynamic duo that established the iconic Acland Street, St Kilda cafe Scheherazade.

Masha Zeleznikow was born in Sosnowicz, Poland in 1926. Her early years were comfortable – her father, Josef Frydman, was a successful businessman. Her mother Jocheved, who Masha loved dearly but did not see as a role model, was a stay-at-home housewife.

Avram and Masha Zeleznikow at Cafe Scheherazade on Ackland Street.

Avram and Masha Zeleznikow at Cafe Scheherazade on Ackland Street.Credit: Simon O'Dwyer

Masha's life changed greatly on September 1, 1939 when Germany invaded western Poland. Her father, aware of the potential atrocities, fled with his family to the Soviet Union. For 18 months, as enemy aliens, they were shunted around Siberia in cattle trains.

After the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941 Masha attended school in Soviet Central Asia, primarily in Kazakhstan, and helped her father in his work.

When the war ended in May 1945, the Frydmans returned to their family home. Masha began studying medicine at the University of Lodz. There she met the love of her life, the Vilna Ghetto partisan Avram Zeleznikow.

Although the Holocaust had ended, anti-Semitism persisted in Poland; 40 Jews died in the Kielce Pogrom of 1946. When it became obvious that the Polish elections of 1949 would be rigged by the communists, Josef Frydman was determined to flee to Paris. Masha was initially unhappy with his decision, because she would not be able to complete her medical degree.

Masha and Avram travelled separately. Having served as a partisan attached to the Soviet Army, Avram had to leave Poland illegally. The couple were reunited at the Scheherazade nightclub in Paris.

They married in 1948 and had a son, John, in June 1950. Eager to be as far away from the horrors of Europe as possible, the family migrated to Australia in 1951.

But Masha's life was never easy – John contracted polio in 1953, and life in Australia was harsh. There was a limited need for Yiddish teachers in 1950s Melbourne, so Avram undertook manual labour.


When, in May 1958, Masha and Avram bought O'Shea's Milk Bar in Acland Street, Masha conceived the idea of opening an Eastern European Jewish restaurant called Scheherazade. The restaurant was open 15 hours a day, 364 days a year – Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, was the only day it closed.

In the 1960s and 1970s, many patrons were single male Holocaust survivors. They longed for company and the food they had treasured as children. Masha met their needs and acted as a de facto mother. For 20 years, she worked hard to develop the restaurant.

Scheherazade was at the vanguard of Australian culture. Actors, singers, artists and politicians frequented the cafe. Joan Sutherland was a regular visitor and the artist John Howley and his family ate three meals a day there. During the 1972 election campaign Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke and Al Grassby visited the restaurant.

As well as providing nutrition, she provided support for the refugees' souls.

On most evenings and on Sundays, the restaurant and Acland Street were home to much argument and discussion of the great issues of the day.

While Avram was engaging in Jewish community politics and teaching Yiddish, Masha was busy in the shop, or engaging with her children. In October 1977, Masha lost her 17-year-old daughter Barbara in a car accident. Her son moved to the US to become a professor. Masha needed to fill a vacuum, as she found it difficult to cope with grief. She could no longer face meeting Scheherazade customers, who would commiserate with her, increasing her trauma.

Instead, she decided to help those in need. At this time Soviet Jewish refugees started arriving in Australia. The Australian Jewish community, which had so successfully advocated on behalf of the "Refuseniks", as the refugees were originally known, was not prepared to cope with their needs. Masha stepped in.

Avram had been involved with Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society since 1969, and was close to the then president Walter Lippman. They identified the needs of the refugees: meeting them on arrival, and providing accommodation, food and jobs.

Walter and Avram were excellent planners, but as always, Masha was the doer. As well as providing nutrition, she provided support for the refugees' souls.

She founded the Tuesday Club – offering lunch, entertainment and company. It has been held on the first Tuesday of every month, bar January, for the past 38 years. While open to all, its major attendees have been isolated elderly Soviet Jews. In October 1983, while visiting his son, Avram had a heart attack in Boca Raton, Florida. For the next 30 years, Masha's major goal was to care for him.

Because of his experiences during the war, Avram was driven to educate the public about the horrors of the Holocaust. With the formation of the Raoul Wallenberg Unit of B'nai Brith, Masha saw an opportunity to publicise these issues. For many years, she was active in Courage to Care, an exhibition which toured Victorian country towns, extolling the valour of righteous gentiles.

This dynamic 80-year-old Polish Jewish refugee was often seen conversing with rural Australian schoolchildren.

As a follow-up, organised funding allowed Victorian teachers to attend seminars and receive training at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Education Centre in Jerusalem.

Masha and Avram received OAMs in January 2003, in recognition of their contributions to the Jewish and wider communities. Masha was named Victorian Senior of the Year in 2015.

Masha was greatly worried about contracting dementia or becoming immobile, and spending her final years in assisted accommodation. While she will be greatly missed, she died as she often said she wanted, painlessly and quickly.

The cafe she worked so hard to establish was celebrated in Arnold Zable's novel Cafe Scheherazade and a plaque marks the place where it stood for almost half a century.

Masha was predeceased by her husband Avram and daughters Barbara and Janet. She is survived by her son John, daughter-in-law Lisa and seven grandchildren.

Written with the assistance of Arnold Zable.

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