

This was published 8 years ago

Donald Trump may be ignorant but he has his finger on the pulse

By Tom Switzer

Let me be clear: like John Howard, I "tremble" at the thought of Donald Trump becoming president of the United States. His divisive rhetoric, erratic behaviour and lack of any core governing philosophy mean he would probably be the most unpredictable and dangerous president in American history.

But there's something else that needs to be said with equal clarity: Donald Trump is raising several issues that go to the very heart of American politics in 2016. It would be a big mistake to say his growing appeal is simply due to racism and xenophobia.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

The first issue that Trump taps into is a widespread sense of economic anxiety across the US. The real story of this election, says Francis Fukuyama in the current Foreign Affairs, is that American democracy is finally responding to rising income inequality and wage stagnation, which sharpen the divisions between the economic elites and ordinary Americans.

Nor is Fukuyama alone in detecting these trends. Leading intellectuals on both the right and left, such as Charles Murray and Robert Putnam, lay out the new socio-economic reality in disturbing detail.

Globalisation and technology, they argue, have undercut the earnings and job security of blue-collar America. But the pathologies they suffer from go much deeper than economics. Since the 1980s, divorce, crime, suicide and drug-use rates have risen dramatically among the white lower class.

The upshot is that although widening socio-economic inequality is opening ever more opportunities for the youth of the affluent, it's making it ever harder for the youth of those left behind. And although capitalism has improved living standards immeasurably across the world, it has also created losers: their numbers are growing in the US and their leaders must find ways to ameliorate their legitimate concerns.

It is (of all people) a brash billionaire buffoon and his motto "Let's Make America Great Again" that appeals to them. In this climate, Hillary Clinton is vulnerable. In recent years she has delivered several high-priced private speeches to top financial firms, yet she refuses to release the transcripts. With strong public backing, Trump demands she make public those speeches.

Trump also wants to revive the Glass Steagall Act that divides investment from commercial banking, which Clinton's husband, Bill, repealed in 1999. Many economists believe that decision greatly contributed to the financial crisis of 2008-09.

Add to this Trump's strong opposition to free-trade deals and welfare entitlement reform, and it's no wonder journalists think he is running to the left of Clinton. As a result Trump is repudiating the free-market orthodoxy that has defined the Republican Party since Ronald Reagan's ascendancy about four decades ago.


Another issue that accounts for Trump's success is foreign policy. Since the end of the Cold War the US has adopted a policy of global hegemony to exploit the "unipolar moment", as Charles Krauthammer put it in 1990. The results have been disastrous. Americans have been at war for 21 out of the 25 years since the Soviet Union collapsed and there is no end in sight.

At the same time America's power and influence has diminished considerably and the American people are suffering from foreign-policy fatigue. Whereas 25 years ago US military power was universally considered awesome, today the world is much more aware of its costs and limitations, and it is decidedly less impressed.

Not surprisingly, Trump's strident criticism of US interventions in the Middle East – wars that Hillary Clinton has enthusiastically supported – resonates with a war-weary people. It also means neo-conservatives will now more than likely vote for the Democrats.

One can imagine the left-wing critics of Trump chortling at the suggestion, but here's the truth: on globalisation, Wall Street and a Pax Americana, they agree with the 70-year-old casino and real-estate mogul more than they realise. That does not justify Trump's positions. Far from it. They would make a bad situation worse.

Slapping a 35 to 45 per cent tariff on Mexican and Chinese imports would amount to not just substantially higher prices for the kinds of goods sold to working- and middle-class people. It would also precipitate a trade war and in the process slow global growth.

To be sure, Trump has good instincts on foreign policy. The record of US meddling in the Middle East since 9/11 is abysmal. But as John Mearsheimer – America's leading realist intellectual – tells me, "he is remarkably ignorant and shoots from the hip: it's a deadly combination".

There's more to fret about: Trump's enthusiasm for the use of torture against terrorism suspects is alarming. A ban on Muslim immigrants would be unconstitutional and unworkable. And although Trump rightly rails against political correctness, his incapacity for understatement will turn off independents and moderates in November's election.

Still, as Fukuyama points out, American voters have risen up against what they see as "a corrupt, self-defeating Establishment, turning to radical outsiders in the hopes of a purifying cleanse". If the US political system does not address the kinds of problems that Trump has highlighted, anxiety will roil American politics for a long time to come.

Tom Switzer is a senior fellow at the University of Sydney's United States Studies Centre and a host at the ABC's Radio National.

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