

This was published 8 years ago

Malcolm Turnbull aghast at Darwin Port sale a week before it was announced

By Heath Aston

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was so concerned about the sale of the Port of Darwin to a Chinese company linked to the Communist Party that he asked for a review of Australia's foreign acquisition law a week before the controversial deal was announced by the Northern Territory government.

An insight into the concern around the cabinet table when the port deal came before the national security committee was revealed by Defence Department secretary Dennis Richardson on Tuesday.

He told a Senate inquiry into the much-criticised sale that Mr Turnbull had requested advice on whether the Foreign Acquisition and Takeovers Act needed to be changed.

The takeovers law deems that the sale of a state or territory-owned piece of infrastructure does not have to be approved by the Foreign Investment Review Board – something Mr Richardson described as "an apparent systemic issue" with the act.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Due to the exemption, the Commonwealth would have been powerless to intervene to stop the sale even if federal security agencies had raised objections.

Both Defence and ASIO gave their blessing for the sale to proceed.

But the signing of the 99-year lease over the port to Landbridge Group angered Australia's key military ally the United States and led to a direct rebuke by President Barack Obama when he met Mr Turnbull in Manila recently.

The secretary of Landbridge, He Zhaoqing, is a former military officer and Landbridge runs what it calls "a people's armed militia".

The change comes in the wake of the controversial approval of the sale of the Port of Darwin to Chinese investors.

The change comes in the wake of the controversial approval of the sale of the Port of Darwin to Chinese investors.Credit: Fairfax Media

Mr Richardson, a former Australian ambassador to Washington, conceded it was an "oversight" that the US was not briefed that Landbridge had won the 99-year lease but also argued it was the US embassy's job to monitor a process that had not been kept a secret.

"It was an oversight ... Any criticism we should have advised the US in advance is fair and I take accountability," he said.

Department of Defence secretary Dennis Richardson.

Department of Defence secretary Dennis Richardson.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

He said Defence, which had been monitoring the port sale since early 2014, had cleared the deal as if a FIRB process was going to go ahead because Treasury had only alerted officials of the exemption on September 15, a month before Landbridge was named as the winning bid.

"We did our due diligence very carefully. Nothing that has been said since the announcement has given us pause for thought," he said.

Of the October 6 discussion by the national security committee, Mr Richardson said: "Specific attention was drawn to the fact that, even if departments and agencies had have objected, there was nothing the Commonwealth would have been able to do about it because of the 1976 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act," he said

"As a result of that the Prime Minister asked the Treasurer [Scott Morrison] and the Attorney-General [George Brandis] to review that aspect of the legislation to see whether it should be changed."

Earlier, Peter Jennings, executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said there were real security and intelligence concerns around the sale.

He said the Chinese would have a "deep driving interest" in watching the operations of "competent Western military organisations" and the Port of Darwin hosts about 100 naval vessels a year. Northern Australia is also to host up to 2500 US marines in coming years.

"I would see that as 100 intelligence-gathering opportunities in terms of the interest China would have to find out big things and little things about how naval forces operate," he said.

He said the 99-year horizon is the same period into the future as the Gallipoli landings are in the past and there is no way to know what the defence relationships will be like between the US and China and their relationships with Australia, Mr Jennings said.

"It's impossible to know how the broader strategic world is going to look over the broader term of the lease."

Mr Jennings warned that the sale had the ability to affect the US alliance and the US Navy would "deep concerns" about tying up and unloading in a Chinese-run port.

Mr Jennings pointed out that the US had knocked back Dubai Ports from buying into American ports.

Later, Mr Richardson, who was Washington ambassador at the time, said the Dubai deal was cleared by authorities but was overturned after it was announced.

"It ended up being a political decision," he said.

Michael Hughes, director of Landbridge Australia told the inquiry that company approached FIRB on June 19. He said there were "no issues raised through the entire process" by FIRB or Defence.

Northern Territory Chief Minister Adam Giles has labelled the backlash to the port sale as "xenophobic".

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