

This was published 9 years ago

Still on my tail, the terrors of tailgating

By Paul Biegler

It's hard to picture Phillip Adams on the run but when an eighteen-wheel behemoth has you in its sights on a dark and lonely highway even veteran polemicists get spooked.

One spring night in 2008 Adams was driving his sleek Citroen to his Hunter Valley home when he was confronted by a semi-trailer that appeared intent on mowing him down.

dob020405.001.013.jpg.  Sunday age news.  Pic by Dominic O'Brien.  Story by Dan Silverman on traffic infringements.  A tailgating truck on the Monash freeway.

dob020405.001.013.jpg. Sunday age news. Pic by Dominic O'Brien. Story by Dan Silverman on traffic infringements. A tailgating truck on the Monash freeway.Credit: Dominic O'Brien

The illustrious broadcaster and polymath was forced to seek sanctuary in a small town off the highway.

"I managed to get in a side street and hid assuming he'd thunder past and feel some victory that he'd vanquished me", says Adams.

"To my astonishment I saw him stop the truck and block the road then climb out with a crowbar obviously intent on smashing the windscreen then smashing me. I just shoved it into drive, narrowly avoided knocking him over and could only get out of the street by manoeuvring along the footpath."

Adams immortalised the saga in his newspaper column next day but the truckie was never caught.

Few will endure such a harrowing re-enactment of Stephen Spielberg's 1971 film Duel, in which a colossal tanker terrorises a travelling salesman across the byways of California's Canyon Country.

But as tailgating – failing to keep sufficient distance from the car in front to allow safe stopping – has become all too common on Australian roads growing research shows it is taking a significant toll on drivers yet little is being done about it.

In April, nose-to-tail collisions again topped the annual AAMI Crash Index accounting for nearly a third of vehicle collisions. In 2013, VicRoads reported 2585 rear-end collisions leaving 10 people dead and 475 people seriously injured.


Tailgating is a major cause of rear-enders, but driving up close to the boot of the car in front is fast becoming the norm.

A US study found at 100 kilometres per hour 95 per cent of motorists will leave a gap less than the mandatory 2 seconds or 11 car lengths.

Half of drivers only leave four car lengths which, on standard reaction times, makes crashing a near certainty if the leading car hits the brakes.

With 40 per cent of compulsory third party insurance claims coming from rear end collisions the Motor Accident Insurance Commission of Queensland has funded a major study into "close following" driving.

Lead researcher on the study Dr Judy Fleiter, from the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety at Queensland University of Technology (CARRS-Q), says it will examine CCTV footage of black spots, profile those most likely to offend, and ask drivers how they measure a safe gap.

But tailgating can hurt even if you don't crash. Dr Bryan Higgs, a Postdoctoral Fellow in Civil Engineering at the University of Memphis, re-created the pressure cooker of modern roads in a driving simulation that gave participants a five minute deadline to make their destination.

Higgs upped the ante midway, sandwiching drivers between a dawdling car and another motorist tailgating and blasting the horn.

How did drivers react? Almost all decreased the distance to the car in front, on a baseline where most were leaving gaps of 1.5 seconds and the most hawkish followed at just 0.5 seconds.

Says Higgs: "Aggressive drivers still responded like the other drivers, but just became more aggressive", with one reducing the margin to a heart-pumping 0.25 seconds.

Higgs also found being tailgated activated drivers' "fight or flight" response causing spikes in heart rate and a sense of hyperarousal, key indicators of stress.

PhD researcher Lauren Shaw is investigating the psychology of driver aggression at CARRS-Q. She had motorists log their worst driving experiences every 48 hours and found the most frequent irritants were cutting off and merging with honking and tailgating coming in third and fourth.

Most drivers had an inflated sense of their own ability and justified aggression on the road to "teach others a lesson" for being "rude" or "negligent". Aggressive driving was more likely in personalities high on "anger rumination", a tendency to stew over perceived injustice or conflict.

"Tailgating sends the message 'your behaviour is not right' and 'you should be in a different lane'," Shaw says.

That message is increasingly being presented in the design of car fronts that look meaner with each passing year.

Humans are prone to seeing faces in things that don't have them, like the man in the moon and beatific saints in burnt toast. Put another way, we are "hyperactive agency detectors" possibly because evolution had us assume anything face-like was a predator, just in case.

And we see faces in cars. A recent study in the open-access scientific journal PLOS ONE had people peruse the business end of cars including Mercedes, Jeeps and Fiats while having their brains scanned. Looking at car fronts lit up the fusiform face area, the same region active in human face recognition.

In other research people rate cars as "powerful" if they have smaller windscreens, elongated bonnets and angled headlights that resemble an angry frown.

These cars are seen as dominant, arrogant and hostile, and they are popular – with both males and females – possibly because research shows they alter the lane-changing behaviour of other motorists who are more inclined to get out of the way.

Such cars effectively aid and abet drivers who tailgate out of aggression, to intimidate or through sheer frustration.

Eric Stoddard, US-based design manager at Ford, told the Wall Street Journal in 2006 when he was a designer at Hyundai, "An aggressively styled car says, 'Get out of my way'."

But Todd Willing, Asia-Pacific design director at Ford, rejects assertions their vehicles are designed to look intimidating to other road users but concedes some styling "gives a presence and sends a powerful message".

Mid-segment vehicles aimed at business customers have horizontal lines and a calmer more refined look. But on the front of performance vehicles such as the RS Focus Willing says "the positioning of the openings communicates that it's a heavy breathing powerful vehicle".

Associate Professor Ian Glendon, a traffic psychology researcher at Griffith University, says not all tailgating comes from hostility. "Yes, some people are aggressive and tailgate to intimidate, but in the main there is a frustration at not being able to reach the desired speed".

For example, Glendon has found that trucks, always subject to commercial time pressures, are more likely to tailgate.

Some countries are taking action to stop tailgating. Last year Dubai had 532 tailgating crashes in which 22 people died. In July they rolled out 50 LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) cameras that measure the precise distance between vehicles at any speed and photograph violations.

Victoria seemed on the brink of tightening tailgating rules in February 2013 when the Baillieu government Roads Minister Terry Mulder announced new legislation and detection technology. The pledge was contained in Victoria's 2013 Road Safety Strategy but has since gone missing in action.

According to a spokesperson for the Department of Justice and Regulation a working group including Victoria Police, VicRoads and the Department of Justice found that "tailgating technology was not the most effective tool to change driver behaviour".

It is unclear why the group eschewed LIDAR but Glendon points out that infringements may be prone to legal challenge on the basis that some tailgating is momentary, for example because someone has cut in front of you.

The working group recommended "more focus be placed on educating drivers to safely share the road, and to communicate the dangers of following too closely".

In April, VicRoads launched its Travel Happy Share the Road website which reminds motorists to keep a safe distance from other cars and that, among others tips, "A wave is a simple and effective way to communicate on the road. Whether it's saying thank you or sorry ... you'll win friends with this humble gesture."

Whether such entreaties for conviviality on the road achieve anything remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, other countermeasures have had some success.

The use of chevrons – V-shaped signs painted on the road surface at intervals showing the safe gap at the speed limit – paired with road side signs advising "keep apart 2 chevrons" reduced tailgating and aggressive driving by 60 per cent in a study in the US states of Pennsylvania and Minnesota and crashes by 56 per cent in another study on a UK motorway.

Glendon wants to see greater use of signage, chevrons and a public education program based on well designed and evaluated slogans, similar to the "Arrive Alive" genre of TAC campaigns.

When the Pacific Motorway was upgraded at the Gold Coast in 2007 Glendon sent the Queensland Department of Main Roads a carefully argued letter advocating chevrons and signs for the new road. He got no response.

But doing nothing is not an option for many people being tailgated. US research shows 17 per cent slow down, 12 per cent tap the brakes, 12 per cent speed up and 5 per cent flip the bird, all risky manoeuvres.

Only 15 per cent of drivers ignore a closely following car while 34 per cent change lanes to let the tailgater past.

In the current environment of inertia the best advice for tailgated drivers is to maintain speed, stay focussed on the road ahead and, if safe, let the tailgater overtake.

Says Phillip Adams: "I find it the most offensive form of passive aggression when people do it and it drives me nuts, but if I can get out of the way I get out of the way".

And the penalty if you are successfully prosecuted for tailgating in Victoria? A $221 fine. No demerit points.

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