

This was published 9 years ago

Treasurer Joe Hockey awarded $200,000 in defamation case against Fairfax Media

By Louise Hall and Michaela Whitbourn

Treasurer Joe Hockey has had a partial victory in his defamation case against Fairfax Media, with a court finding he was defamed by the words "Treasurer for Sale" on a poster and two tweets and awarding him $200,000 in damages.

However, Federal Court Justice Richard White ruled on Tuesday that the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times had not defamed him by publishing a series of articles on May 5 last year about the operation of a Liberal Party fundraising body, the North Sydney Forum.

Justice White awarded Mr Hockey $120,000 damages for the Herald poster and $80,000 for the two tweets from The Age's Twitter account.

He said the articles were of "considerable public interest".

Joe Hockey arrives at court during his defamation case in March.

Joe Hockey arrives at court during his defamation case in March.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

However, in the case of the Herald, if the articles had been found to be defamatory, the defence of qualified privilege would have been defeated because of malice on the part of the publisher. Further, Mr Hockey wasn't given "reasonable notice" of the nature of the story in a list of questions sent to his office, Justice White said.

Justice White appeared via video link from Adelaide. He said the damages were designed to console Mr Hockey for his hurt feelings and to "signal to the public the vindication of the applicant's reputation".

He conceded that much of Mr Hockey's hurt and distress was said by him to result from the articles that he found were not defamatory.


But Justice White said even if Fairfax Media's conduct in publishing the articles was reasonable, it does not follow that it was also reasonable to publish a poster or tweets with a defamatory meaning to promote interest in them.

Justice Richard White of the Federal Court.

Justice Richard White of the Federal Court.

He estimated more than 1 million people would have seen one of the 2,466 posters with the "strong and eye-catching headline" placed outside newsagents and other places selling the newspaper.

A very large number of them would not have gone on to read the article either in print or online, which put the words "Treasurer for Sale" in context. The headline also appeared on the front page of the Herald and The Age.

Mr Hockey had claimed the articles, by the Herald's state political editor Sean Nicholls and chief political correspondent Mark Kenny, and the related publications defamed him by suggesting he was corrupt and accepted bribes paid to influence his decisions as Treasurer.

But Justice White said ordinary reasonable readers who read the articles as a whole would have understood that "the SMH was reporting on a method by which access to Mr Hockey in his important role as Treasurer could be obtained by the payment of significant sums, but not that Mr Hockey himself, or his judgment or discretion, could be bought".

"The articles make it plain that the fundraising is for the purposes of the Liberal Party or Mr Hockey's own election campaign rather than any decision to be made by him in his capacity as Treasurer, and I consider that the ordinary reasonable reader would have understood them in that way."

However, in "the circumstance of the heightened consciousness of issues of corruption in NSW at the time" ordinary reasonable readers who only saw the posters "are likely to have understood that the poster was indicating that the SMH contained an article concerning corrupt conduct by Mr Hockey".

"The words "for sale" implied that that conduct involved the receipt by him of payment of an improper kind, or a willingness on Mr Hockey's part to receive such payments," Justice White said.

"Those readers who later read the SMH article would, for the reasons given earlier, have appreciated that that was not what the SMH was in fact conveying."

In defamation law, a poster is regarded as a discrete publication while a headline is to be read in the context of the article as a whole.

Justice White applied similar reasoning to tweets sent from The Age's Twitter account, which reproduced the "Treasurer for Sale" headline.

However, he said the tweets are likely to have been read and "taken in" by fewer people than in the case of the SMH poster.

Fairfax had denied the meanings pleaded by Mr Hockey were conveyed. But if the court disagreed, Fairfax Media said it had a defence of qualified privilege, because the matters were in the public interest, and they acted reasonably and without malice in publishing the material.

Mr Hockey had contended the articles were motivated by "personal spite and ill will" and "payback" by Fairfax for having to publish an apology and correction to an earlier article.

Justice White said that in the case of the Herald, the defence of qualified privilege would have been defeated by malice.

He said Herald editor-in-chief Darren Goodsir "had lost objectivity" and was "motivated by his animus towards Mr Hockey and that he sought a headline which would be hurtful of, or damaging to, Mr Hockey".

"If it was not for his desire to get back at Mr Hockey, I consider it probable that he would have selected a less provocative headline."

He found Nicholls, Kenny, Age editor-in-chief Andrew Holden and Herald news director Ben Cubby were not motivated by malice and acted responsibly.

And he dismissed Mr Hockey's claims that the publication was deliberately timed to coincide with preparations for the 2014 budget.

Justice White criticised Mr Hockey's barrister Bruce McClintock, SC, for asking for further or aggravated damages because of the conduct of Fairfax Media's lawyers during the trial. Mr McClintock's claim that barrister Dr Matthew Collins, QC, tried to "embarrass" Mr Hockey during cross-examination was "inappropriate", Justice White said. He also dismissed Mr McClintock's pronouncement during closing submissions that Fairfax Media's defences of qualified privilege were "hopeless".

He also dismissed Mr Hockey's claim that access provided by the NSF is the same as the occasional access obtained by an ordinary member of the CWA, Rotary, a member of a Chamber of Commerce and Industry, or for that matter the person in the street.

A spokesman for Fairfax Media said the court found the articles were "well researched and accurate".

He said reporting in Tuesday's SMH and The Age on political donations paid by Mafia figures to Liberal Party fundraising vehicle the Millennium Forum shows "Fairfax journalists remain fearless in their pursuit of information that is in the public interest".

He said the company will consider the full 127-page judgment before deciding whether to appeal. The matter will return before Justice White on July 14 for submissions on costs, interest and injunctions and final orders. The company will then have 21 days to appeal.

Mr Hockey wants an injunction restraining future publication of the defamatory imputations.

A spokeswoman for the Treasurer said Mr Hockey was unlikely to respond to the judgment on Tuesday.

Mr Hockey has been in Beijing and Hong Kong for the last two days to meet with Chinese government figures including the Finance Minister, Lou Jiwei, and to discuss Australia's decision to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. In Hong Kong he met with the state's Monetary Authority.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott recently suggested at Parliament's Mid-Winter Ball that Mr Hockey might well make a donation to the Mo, Evie and Otis foundation, which was set up by Mr Abbott's chief of staff Peta Credlin and the Herald to remember the three Maslin children who died in the Malaysian Airlines MH17 tragedy.

The charity was established to resolve a complaint over a potentially defamatory letter published by the newspaper.

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