

This was published 11 years ago

The Criminal Law (Criminal Gangs Disruption) Amendment Bill

By Amy Remeikis

• The Criminal Law (Criminal Gangs Disruption) Amendment Bill will amend the Criminal Code throughthe insertion of new offences and circumstances of aggravation for existing offences that target the members of criminal organisations.

• An additional limb will be added to the Criminal Code definition to include criminal organisations that are prescribed by regulation.

• The Bill will create 3 new offences aimed at preventingmembers of CMGs from gathering in groups or at prescribed locations and promoting or recruiting for their organisation. The current maximum penalty for affray will be increased to 7 years where the offence is committed by a member of aCMG.

• These offences will be punishable by a mandatory 6 months imprisonment and any vehicle used before during or after the commission of the offence will be confiscated and crushed.

• CMG members will face a mandatory 1 year imprisonment for serious assaults on Police and their drivers licenses will be disqualified for a mandatory period of 3 months upon conviction for CMG related offences.

• The Bail Act will be amended so that there is a presumption against bail for CMG members and they will be forced to surrender their passport if they get bail.

• The Bill will double the penalty for CMG members whoevade police and will provide for mandatory confiscation and crushing of any vehicle used in the offence.

• The Bill will also give additional powers to the CMC and will:

o Expand their powers to allow for intelligence gatheringand emergent hearings in relation to CMGs

o Allow for the use of any information gained in CMC hearings for unexplained wealth prosecutions


o Clarify that fear of retribution is no longer a reasonable excuse for refusing to give evidence to the CMC if you are a member of a CMG

o Mandate imprisonment for a first contempt offence; 2.5 years for a second and 5 years for a third; and

o Allow QPS to detain individuals pending contempt charges

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