

This was published 11 years ago

Windsor welcomes greater CSG oversight

By Nick Perry

Many regional communities will be celebrating now that water resources will be protected under federal law from potentially harmful coal seam gas (CSG) projects.

Under the laws, which passed parliament on Wednesday, water will act as a trigger in Australia's national environment legislation for the first time.

Any new CSG or large coal project that could impact on groundwater will need to be assessed by an independent expert scientific committee before being approved by environment minster Tony Burke.

The committee was formed last year and granted $200 million in federal funding following NSW Independent MP Tony Windsor's negotiations with the Gillard government around the mining tax.

Community anxiety over CSG and coal mining has been rife in Mr Windsor's NSW seat of New England and the MP is pleased finally see the water trigger become law.

"After seven years of fighting alongside local communities for a more balanced mining approvals process, I know farmers and many others will be delighted at this achievement," Mr Windsor said.

"CSG and coal mining projects can no longer be given the green light unless independent scientific advice concludes they won't damage our precious water resources."

But the Queensland Resources Council said mining companies were already subjected to thousands of regulations in their state, and the laws would only be welcomed by "hell-bent" green groups.

"The water trigger is a sop to marginal politics and isn't going to make a scrap of difference to green activists campaigning to shut down the country's coal and petroleum industries," the council's chief executive Michael Roche said in a statement.

By adding another layer of bureaucracy, Australia was simply reinforcing its global reputation as a "prohibitively expensive and complicated place to do business", he added.


But environment groups largely welcomed the federal oversight, with the Australian Conservation Foundation saying there were real concerns about the regulation of the CSG industry.

The bill passed the Senate after a marathon debate which saw some heated exchanges and a large number of amendments moved by both the coalition and the Australian Greens party.

But in the end the coalition supported the legislation, acknowledging there were "genuine" community concerns about the potential impact of CSG projects on water supply.

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