

This was published 11 years ago

Government cuts successful juvenile program, despite legal praise

By Bridie Jabour

The Newman government will stop courts referring young criminals to a juvenile offenders program, which had a 98 per cent resolution rate and has been praised by the president of the children's court as a way to help victims and stop reoffending.

The Children's Court of Queensland has released its annual report showing while the number of juvenile offenders dropped in the past financial year, the number of offences they were charged with had risen.

The Youth Justice Conferencing Program has been a resounding success, according to a new report.

The Youth Justice Conferencing Program has been a resounding success, according to a new report.

It was also revealed the Youth Justice Conferencing Program, which brings the offender, their family and their victim together with a police officer, had been a resounding success.

Offenders can be referred to the program by police or by a court, but in a cost saving measure by the state government courts will not be able to use the program from January.

This is despite 95 per cent of participants reaching an agreement in the conference and 98 per cent of participants being satisfied with the resolution reached.

Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie said no other funding cuts had been made to the program.

"The Newman government made a commitment before the election to review the youth justice system and we are looking at new ways to address the current problems," he said.

"The government has made significant progress in the past five months."

Mr Bleijie said he was committed to providing "genuine rehabilitation" and pointed to the $1 million invested in youth boot camps as proof.


"Youth justice is an issue that was neglected by the previous Labor government for more than a decade resulting in a generation of arrogant repeat offenders," he said.

Between 2011-12, the number of juvenile cases that ended up in court fell by 6.9 per cent, but there was an increase of 9.7 per cent in the charges laid.

According to the report of the 5906 juveniles whose cases were finalised, 84.9 per cent were either found or pleaded guilty.

The Youth Justice Conferencing Program had 2937 referrals in the past financial year – with more than half of the referrals coming from courts – for a total of 6230 offences.

Involved in those 6230 offences were one homicide, 162 sexual offences, 656 assaults and 2791 thefts.

Children's Court of Queensland president Michael Shanahan praised the work of judges and magistrates on the cases in the report, as well as the Youth Justices Conferencing Program, saying there were 1691 referrals by the courts last year.

"The Youth Justice Conferencing Program provides a valuable mechanism to the police and the courts for the adoption of restorative justice principles," he said.

"It allows the victim of a crime to confront the offender with the consequences of that crime. In the vast majority of cases it results in an agreement between the parties to address the issues that led to the offending, and to recompense the victim for the impacts of the crime.

"It is an important mechanism in diversion from the court system, recompense to the victim and rehabilitation of the offender."

The Children's Court of Queensland dealt with 1762 charges against 358 defendants, which was a decrease of 15.2 per cent from the previous year though there was a 5.3 per cent increase in the number of charges dealt with.

The Magistrates Court heard 5840 juvenile defendants cases and 313 of those were committed to a higher court and 5527 were finalised.

There was a 6.3 per cent decrease in the number of juvenile defendants before the Magistrates Court but an 8.6 per cent increase in the number of charges.

Mr Shanahan said the statistics from the annual report seemed to demonstrate there were a small number of persistent offenders.

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