

This was published 7 months ago


The romantic-requirements list is a Kardashian trend I can get behind

It sounds lame, but before my first marriage I gave little thought to what it was about my groom that made him worth nailing down.

I’d wanted somebody who could crack a whip because it looked hot in The Man From Snowy River, but that turned out to be too niche. He was a good little mover on the dance floor, was funny and knew which shoes to wear when. Sold!

Kim Kardashian has a priority list for her next partner.

Kim Kardashian has a priority list for her next partner.Credit: AP

Only one friend asked if I was sure I’d met my match at 24. Yep, I said. This man could build a functional helicopter from icy pole sticks and a hot glue gun. If I was dangling by fingertips off a cliff he’d save me.

Second time around, being saved was low on my list. By then I could save myself. What was important were still non-tangibles, but almost everything attractive is. You know, your mutual respect, open communication, shared values, same frequent flyer allegiances.

Something I read from an older married couple had stuck with me. The gist is the wife said forget looks, don’t worry about money – the important thing when choosing a life partner is to know you’ll be having a conversation with them for the rest of your life.


Marriage, she said, is just an endless chat. So make sure that what your darling says amuses, infuriates, intrigues, surprises, educates you. They need to captivate your interest. And you need to do the same for them. A boring, decades-long conversation will kill love faster than anything.

Which is why I chose my Chris. Nearly 12 years on, I’m rarely sick of what he says. And he ticked a lot of my other Husband Material boxes (although still not a whip crack in sight, bugger it).

I’m the first person he looks at in the room when something’s funny. He loves me, not the idea of who he thinks I should be. He grazes my waist on the way to the fridge. He has a life outside our relationship. Can reverse serenely. Notices ankles. His cauliflower au gratin is next level, and he’s sooky about older ladies and dogs.


To the trained eye a reasonably comprehensive list, but my top qualities in a partner were put to shame when Kim Kardashian revealed to James Corden in a recent interview that while she’s “good” at being single, she has a list of what she’s looking for in a potential fourth husband. Look and learn, people.

“Takes accountability. Can hold their own,” said Kim, who mentioned “good teeth” three times. Big on the choppers. She wants someone who can read a room, is calm, “genuinely happy for me” – I’m crying – and smells nice. Oh and someone who will have couple facials and lasers and says, “let’s do ice baths”.

It sounds like she’s looking more for a spa buddy with veneers/a reliable dentist, and do you know what, Kim is bang on trend. A new dating survey from OnePoll/Forbes Health found 80 per cent of 18 to 25-year-olds said self-care is their top priority when dating. And 75 per cent of young singles find someone more attractive if they work on their mental wellbeing.

The theory is that people used the isolation of COVID to self-reflect and identify their values. If wannabe partners don’t meet those standards, people put families, friendships and jobs before love.

The Forbes survey had good news for those who rely on charm: more than half the participants said personality is as important as appearance.


In a cool twist on shallowness, older people are pickier about looks! Yes … standards. Nearly one in five people aged 78 and older named physical appearance their top concern compared with 8 per cent of daters between 18 and 26.

It’s certainly a switch-up from my pre-marriage salad days when what was attractive was someone who could down 10 pots and still walk you to the tram, and knew most of the words to Leilani.

I like it. Not the ice baths so much, but valuing wellness and yourself is almost as sexy as size 11 feet.

Kate Halfpenny is the founder of Bad Mother Media.

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