

This was published 11 months ago

The decision to send my daughters to an all-girls school came down to one reason

By Margaret Ambrose
This story is part of the November 5 edition of Sunday Life.See all 14 stories.

As a feminist writer, I’ve lost track of the number of times I have been accused of disliking men, a view apparently confirmed when I made the decision last year to send both my daughters to an all-girls’ school: “Wow, you’re paying a stack of cash to remove boys from your kids’ school life – you must really, really hate men.”

There are about 284,000 students enrolled in single-sex schools in Australia.

There are about 284,000 students enrolled in single-sex schools in Australia.Credit: Stocksy

The truth is, the decision was based on my belief that my daughters would be happier at an all-girls school, and it’s an opinion I am not alone in having. Currently about 284,000 kids are enrolled in single-sex schools in Australia, and each family has made their decision based on different factors. Mine was largely based on personal experience, and the belief that girls perform better academically at girls’ schools.

I went to a co-educational state primary school before being sent to a fancy co-ed private school for year 7. I hated every minute of that year. I was quiet and studious and intimidated by the loud, obnoxious boys; I found the focus on sports alienating and generally felt unnoticed. My mother, seeing my grades plummet along with my happiness, enrolled me at Shelford Girls Grammar, a small school in Melbourne’s east.

Back then, I didn’t know that I was attending a prestigious girls’ school, nor did I consider what my mother was paying to send me there. If you had asked me how I felt about going to a girls’ school, I probably would have just said I felt comfortable. The girls were welcoming and kind, the classes were less hectic and raucous, and the teachers knew who I was. My grades improved and my anxiety lessened.

I always planned to send my daughters to Shelford, but until they reached school age, I didn’t think about the single-sex versus co-ed debate. I just wanted to send them there because I’d had such a great experience. Then came the opinions.


“How will they be able to relate to men when they leave school and go out into the real world?” was the question I was most frequently asked. “You’re stopping them from learning how to exist in a world where they will be competing against men,” was another accusation.

This idea that single-sex schools provide girls with a skewed view of the world is echoed by some single-sex schools making the decision to turn co-ed. St Aloysius College in North Melbourne, for example, had been an all-girls school since the 1880s but has recently switched to co-ed.

“Life is certainly co-ed and so are we,” principal Mary Farah told The Age in January. “That’s why co-education is the best preparation for students to take on real life.”


At first, I trotted out the well-worn reasons given by parents who send their children to single-sex schools: academically, girls perform better in single-sex schools and boys in co-ed. But do a bit of research and you’ll find a lack of hard data in this area, most of which is based on NAPLAN scores.

Analysis of NAPLAN results from 2010-12 by the Australian Council for Educational Research found single-sex schools have higher scores in both literacy and numeracy than co-ed schools. A 2008 study by the same organisation found some academic advantages for girls who attended single-sex schools. Meanwhile, a 2013 study by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research found that single-sex schools have higher university entrance scores than co-ed schools.

I want my daughters to be loud, to take up space, to claim their place in the world. I want them to be bold, to feel comfortable putting themselves out there and taking risks.

While it’s easy to conclude that students in single-sex schools perform better than their co-ed peers, most studies don’t take into account factors that could be influencing the scores. Most single-sex schools are private, and the pupils are socio-economically advantaged, which can lead to better educational outcomes, regardless of whether a school is single-sex or co-ed.

In reality, ATAR scores, which indicate a student’s academic position relative to others in the same age group, are just one of the reasons parents like me decide to send their daughters to single-sex schools. High school can be brutal. Your body’s changing and you’re wondering about your place in the world. What the school experience teaches you during these years can set the course for the rest of your life.

My daughters both attended a co-ed primary school, a lovely school filled with talented and passionate teachers. On the first day of one of their last years there, my eldest daughter’s teacher emailed parents a photo of the class enjoying being back with their friends. I took one look at the photo and thought, “Hell, no.”

There were the girls, sitting smiling, cross-legged on the floor. Hands folded in their laps, they looked unquestionably happy. Behind them were the boys. Not sitting down, rather with arms outstretched, taking up all the space, claiming the classroom as their own. It wasn’t a staged picture; these were the positions naturally adopted by the kids. And to me, that was the problem. I want my daughters to be loud, to take up space, to claim their place in the world. I want them to be bold, to feel comfortable putting themselves out there and taking risks.

Pauline Cutajar, principal of Shelford Girls Grammar in Melbourne, has worked exclusively at girls-only schools and says the reason girls thrive at this type of establishment has less to do with gender and more to do with the fact that girls’ schools teach wellbeing particularly well.

“I did my first teaching round at a girls’ school in Melbourne’s west, and I remember being impacted by that experience,” she says. “There was a strong sense of pastoral care and wellbeing. I had never seen anything like that in the co-ed schools I had gone to as a student. I could see that the girls were feeling safe and connected and able to participate.

“I’ve seen that at every girls’ school I’ve worked at since. My experience of girls’ schools is that wellbeing is prioritised as much as educational outcomes, and I see the difference it can make in education. Once you get a young girl who feels they are in a place free of any fear, they feel more comfortable taking risks. It is a safe space to grow. It is about being in an environment of safety and connection – you grow up taking risks and allowing yourself to grow to your full potential.”

Safety is a reason many parents decide to send their children to girls-only schools. They are largely protected, at least at school, from sexual comments, sexual harassment and gender stereotyping. In fact, when we talk about promoting gender equality, we’re often told we can’t be what we can’t see. At girls’ schools, kids see every opportunity being given to a girl; every leadership position going to a girl. The argument that this fails children by not representing the real world is one that Cutajar has heard many times.


“My response is that as a parent, you choose a school based on whether it will provide your child with confidence and what they need to flourish and to manage whatever life throws at them – and girls’ schools do that,” she says. “The girls have agency, they have a voice. At schools like Shelford, girls are given a seat at the table. Why wouldn’t you want your child, at the end of their educational journey, to have gone to a school that developed and nurtured their confidence?”

For me, it’s about my daughters being educated in a space where they are seen and valued, where they’re not striving to fit in with the boys – rather, they are celebrated as girls.

When my eldest daughter went to camp last year, parents were sent a list of items the girls were required to take. One of the items read: “Period products (keeping in mind that the change in environment may impact your cycle).”

It made me teary that my daughters, at least, are being taught that having your period is absolutely normal, natural and not something to hide or play down lest it causes discomfort to the boys. Girls’ schools may not entirely reflect the world as it actually is, but they show our girls a world that can be.

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