

This was published 2 years ago

How to get your career back on track in 2022

By Larissa Ham

As we crawled towards the end of last year, a career rev-up was the last thing on many of our minds. (Much bigger priorities: sleep, beach, fun, family, friends and relaxation).

But now that many of us have recharged a little, it’s almost time to direct some of that new-found energy into giving our careers some TLC.

Shake off the career paralysis of 2021.

Shake off the career paralysis of 2021.Credit: iStock

We asked two career coaches how to start resuscitating your professional relationships, reassess priorities – and shake off any career paralysis.

Career coach Leah Lambart, of Relaunch Me, says many employees are feeling quite disconnected from their work, managers and colleagues.

It’s heightened for those who started a new job during the pandemic. “In many cases, these employees have spent only a handful of days in the office, if at all,” she says.

So, how to turn this ship around?

Relationship reboot

Lambart suggests being strategic about two to three people you’d like to build a relationship with in your team or company in the next six months.

Lambart says you should (without becoming a “serial pest”):

  • Ask lots of questions to get to know these people, the role they play and the challenges they face
  • Think about ways you can help them overcome those problems
  • Share helpful information, such as templates, industry or competitor insights, or interesting articles and podcasts
  • Introduce them to others who may be able to add value to their business

Don’t rush it

Lambart says many workers will find the return to the office – when Omicron permits – overwhelming, so it’s important to avoid coming on too strong.

“Whilst it will be really important for employees to work on building relationships again, it is important not to rush it,” she says.

“Don’t be too pushy when it comes to setting up face-to-face meetings or client visits if you sense that the other person may be resisting.”

Reluctant networkers, take note

Heidi Winney, executive coach at Strategic Career Development, says the pandemic may not have had much impact on “reluctant networkers” because they wouldn’t have been deliberately building relationships anyway.

However if you fall into this category, there are some fairly painless ways of building your professional relationships in 2022, says Winney.

“Don’t start a relationship with somebody you don’t know – build on the ones that you already have and get more comfortable,” Winney says.

For example if you haven’t interacted with someone for six months or so, check in with them. “Just ask them, ‘How are you doing? Is there anything I can do to help you? What’s been your experience during this pandemic?’”

Likewise, being active on LinkedIn – even if it’s just updating your profile, or commenting on posts – keeps your name out there.

Reassessing your priorities


If you’re feeling like a change, the great news is that Australia is currently a candidate’s market, say career coaches.

However, before you hit the quit button, Winney suggests thinking deeply about some different paths you could take, perhaps by drawing a “mind map” on a large sheet of paper. Once you land on your most desired options, spend some time talking to others in that industry.

If you’re stuck for career ideas, Winney says online tools such as Strengths Profile or CliftonStrengths can help.

Getting unstuck

Still feeling tired? Then there’s no harm in chilling out for a bit, says Lambart.

And even once you’re ready to start career planning, you don’t have to do everything at once.

“Start small with just one action each day – whether that is sending out an email, making a new LinkedIn connection or applying for one job,” she says. “By starting with just one action it will build momentum and increase your confidence.”

Leah Lambart’s other tips

  • Feeling dissatisfied in your current role? Pinpoint the problem. For example, is it the actual content of the role, the people or the work environment?
  • Figure out what makes you happy. Think about what energises you, and what drains you.
  • Assess your values. Consider what’s most important to you in your career and life right now. Do you prefer the slower pace of working from home, for example?
  • Identify your transferable skills. If you’re considering a career change, think about your skills that will cross over, and articulate these to prospective employers.

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