

This was published 8 years ago

How many strikes do you suffer before tossing your partner out?

By Katherine Feeney

I lost it the other night. I was tired, grumpy, stressed out, and feeling very pregnant. But none of that excuses the way I spoke to my husband. I snapped at him – told him to go pleasure himself but in a much, much cruder way. He was stunned. He'd been trying to help me calm down, sit back, and relax – he could see I was working myself into a flap. Almost as soon as the words were out of my mouth, I felt white-hot shame burning up from my stomach and into my chest, snaking its way up my throat, and flushing my head with horrible guilt. How could I do that? Why did I let my anger get the better of me? And what on earth could I do to make it right again?

Psychologists call it "hostile venting". It's not a good thing. But it's not uncommon, and, apparently, it tends to happen more the longer a couple is together. This is partly because the farther you get from the extraordinarily considerate "honeymoon" phase, the less careful you are with the words you choose at times of strife. You might "love" each other more, but you're less conscious of each other's feelings. Hostile venting happens when we're not quite so determined to not put feet wrong in our daily domestic dealings. It sounds grim, and like something all couples would want to avoid. But it happens. So how do you deal with it?

Hurting: how many times is it OK?

Hurting: how many times is it OK?

Well, if you're the venter, an apology is a good place to start. One that's genuine and doesn't come with a "but" (an apology with a but is really an excuse trying to assuage guilt while ducking the blame). Sure, acknowledge the things that contributed to your bad behaviour, but don't pretend said behaviour is so justified – we're all ultimately responsible for our selves, and so when we do wrong we need to own our mistakes. We should do so freely, and without demanding forgiveness. This can be hard, especially when all you want is for your partner to go back to not being hurt by you so you can stop feeling so utterly crappy. But, like an apology, forgiveness needs to be genuine, and depending on the situation, that can take time. Of course, there's a big difference between a healthy pause for consideration, and the drawn-out silence of purgatory. Being "wronged" doesn't give you a green card to a guilt trip. It does, however, give you the right to question your partner's actions, and what your response should be.

This is an important point. Was this a one-off or was it part of a regular pattern? Does your lover take their anger out on you regularly, and do they have any intention of changing their ways? Is this hostile venting a rarity or an all-too-familiar feature of your relationship? For a relationship, the answers to these questions could be the difference between moving on and mortal peril. There is a line that should never be crossed, and it's vital to keep sight of the mark. Time can obscure it, emotions certainly can, but it's there, all the same, and it's an important boundary to mind.

"Charlie came from a family in which it wasn't just OK to blast people with your anger, but it was considered a legitimate and reasonable way to deal with all sorts of emotions," says Linda Bloom, one half of a psychotherapist couple based in the States who write the blog, Building Relationship Skills. "I know that it sounds crazy, but for a long time I bought into the rationalisations that he used to justify his tendency to indulge his temper." Rationalisations that included the couple's exposure to a school of thought that venting negative emotions on others was therapeutic and beneficial. "This just gave further legitimatisation and reinforcement to what had by now become a dysfunctional pattern of hostility and defensiveness in our marriage," Charlie adds, admitting his behaviour, though excused as a bit of "blowing off steam" was actually harmful bullying.

Eventually, the couple came to the understanding that projecting anger hurts more than helps, backing their experience up with research. Russell Geen, author of the book, Human Aggression, explains this venting actually makes people angrier, not calmer, in part because of the aggression they give in to, but also because feelings of anxiety and guilt soon follow. So the Blooms developed an approach that was more assertive, less aggressive, encouraging each other to express frustration or anger in a manner that was "free from accusation or an intention to punish or retaliate". This is an ideal solution, but it's one that can require a lot of work, commitment and patience. And even then, if there's no real will to change, then serious questions about whether or not a couple should carry on must be asked.

For my part, I know I'm far from perfect. I know that the last thing I want is to hurt my husband, but I also know that there may be times in the future when I will say or do something that does exactly that. Hence, I will strive to remain mindful of my actions, do all that I can to avoid situations that might lead to meanness, and learn from the mistakes I do make so we can, hopefully, live happily ever after.

How about you?

Katherine Feeney is a journalist with the Nine Network Australia

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