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Good Weekend letters to the editor: April 29

This story is part of the April 29 Edition of Good Weekend.See all 18 stories.
Helen Goh’s flourless chocolate crater cake [April 7].

Helen Goh’s flourless chocolate crater cake [April 7].Credit: Instagram/@ac_brite

The King and I

I very much enjoyed the article about Craig Foster [April 22]. He has and is still doing good work with refugees, helping pack food hampers for those in need and doing other community work. We need more people like Craig Foster in the world. He is equally passionate about getting Australians to become a republic. Fair enough, he has his opinions. I think, though, that when he said, “It was just so ridiculous to have our elected leader pledging loyalty to someone who we don’t know, we don’t like, and we don’t particularly respect” (being King Charles) he should have used the word “I” not “We”. He doesn’t speak for all Australians.
Elizabeth Reid
Wollongong, NSW

Having been a huge admirer of Craig Foster for such a long time and very keen on abolishing the monarchy myself, I read the article with much interest. But it was the story of the soccer girls from Afghanistan that grabbed my attention. Craig’s story is almost the mirror of that of my equally amazing daughter-in-law, Claire, in England, who was largely instrumental in getting the senior women’s soccer team and family members, plus coaches, trainers and their families, from Afghanistan to England, where they are now all settled in Leeds.

Eights weeks, two failed attempts, hiding in Kabul, one narrow escape, a dangerous border crossing, two months locked in a Pakistan hotel, massive lobbying to Westminster and then finding a rich soul to finance the plane. I have a beautiful video of them all on the plane minutes after safely landing.

Claire, too, lived on adrenalin during that time, while my 11-year-old granddaughter lived on toast and peanut butter as her father was elsewhere in the world at the time with his humanitarian role. Job well done, both of you, and I look forward to seeing lots of little “Craigs” kicking soccer balls around in the future.
Frances Cooper
Melbourne, Vic

Two of Us

For decades, Bob Brown has led passionately for the environment, and his latest campaign is to end logging of Australia’s forests [April 22]. It is great that he and sheep farmer Paul Thomas are like-minded, supportive partners. Bob is spending more time at home, helping with housework, the sheep and enjoying bushwalks. Paul especially appreciates Bob’s patience, and being taught that it “takes time to achieve things”. I can agree with that as long as we, as a nation, are heading in the wisest direction possible!
Barbara Fraser
Burwood, Vic

While I admire Bob Brown’s work on environmental protection, it saddens me that sheep are not on his radar for that same protection.
Jacqui Warham
Copacabana, NSW

Modern Guru and Kitchen Sink Drama


Thank you, Danny Katz, for your very funny advice today [April 22, on being stuck in traffic and watching a lovers’ tiff in the car behind]. It made me laugh, which was just what I needed after reading Kitchen Sink Drama [“School night”] on the same page. From tears to laughter; the perfect page of weekend reading. Please pass on my appreciation to Paul Connolly and Jim Pavlidis as well.
Ruth Fitzpatrick
Allambie Heights, NSW


Restoring Notre-Dame’s ancient acoustics

I wonder if the acoustic effects in Notre-Dame, and other cathedrals, are the result of deliberate design, or just an accidental artefact of the general shape of the building? In that Gothic cathedrals all have the same basic interior shape and construction, it would seem logical that they would all have very similar acoustics. helc

Fixing up the acoustics of the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall was a challenge, doing [the] Notre-Dame Cathedral acoustics is mind-boggling. Wow, what a task for a large team of professionals. John D. Wilson

Some hate Alex Cameron’s songs. Taylor Swift and Russell Crowe beg to differ

I love Alex Cameron! Forced Witness is my fave album. The song Runnin’ Outta Luck is fantastic. I usually listen to classical music and opera, but my car radio was tuned to Triple J during a routine service at the local garage, and Runnin’ Outta Luck happened to be playing. I was immediately hooked and have been a fan ever since. Thank you for a terrific article on my favourite musical artist! wiej

That was a fascinating article [on singer Alex Cameron]. What an interesting character. Bravo. Praetor

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