

This was published 4 years ago

About Last Night: my partner is risking his health. What should I do?

By Maureen Matthews

Q: My partner risks developing a lifestyle-related health issue, but won’t make the necessary changes. What should I do?

A: We often fall in love with an idealised fantasy version of each other. With time, we realise our idol has feet of clay, and the flaws become more obvious. It can be tempting to try to change them. This works both ways, and can turn into mutual nit picking and a struggle for control. We tend to see other people’s faults more clearly than our own. Like the parable says, we must take the plank out of our own eye before we try to take the speck of sawdust from someone else’s. Sometimes the problem is one of differing personalities. He might be a neat freak while she is messy. She might be a disciplined, healthy eater while he loves junk food.

Maureen Matthews.

Maureen Matthews.Credit: Simon Schluter

Pick your battles, and try to work out who actually has the problem. We often hate in others what we dislike in ourselves, or get emotionally triggered by things that remind us of bad behaviour we witnessed in our childhood.

Studies have found that we fall into broad personality groups, and our basic traits do not change. We can change some of the behaviours that derive from these traits, and might strive to do so if these behaviours have negative impacts, but the decision to change must come from within.

It is difficult and upsetting to watch someone you love doing themselves harm, or to live with aspects of their behaviour that negatively affect you. However, even when the problem involved is serious, such as something affecting their health, you cannot force the issue. Tactics like nagging, guilt trips (“If you really loved me …”), angry diatribes, bribery (“If you give up smoking you can buy yourself …”), do not work. And in fact they can make things worse.

The person involved usually knows, intellectually, that they should change. Often they sincerely want to do so, and are capable of beating themselves up, and feeling bad, without your help. It can also become a power struggle where they associate change with capitulation.

Sometimes people in the grip of a compulsion – whether physical or psychological – will feel sorry. They will apologise and make promises, join programs and see counsellors, until things are smoothed over and life is pleasant again – then they relapse. It often takes the full realisation that they are going to lose, permanently, something that is precious to them before change can occur.

Tough love means allowing someone to experience the consequences of their behaviour. If you cannot do this, you might be enabling them. Often the families of drug addicts have to cut contact and remove all support, allowing their loved one to hit rock bottom. You also need to accept the fact that they might never change, and could even die. We know about amputees with oxygen masks smoking outside hospitals.

The ability to choose change must come from a place of self love. Self love enables you to forgive yourself when you fail, to draw a line in the sand, and to keep going. You need to love yourself as well. Do not be the passive victim of someone’s destructive behaviour. For example, when my partner was a cigarette smoker I insisted that we get life insurance to protect us in the worst case scenario.


Genuine change takes time and patience. Some people have a sudden “Road to Damascus” experience, but usually there is a long struggle marked by relapses and backsliding.


Modern technology, such as MRI machines, has allowed us to map the human brain. Scientists have identified the fact that our strongest urges, cravings, compulsions and addictions are generated in the most primitive area of the brain, known as the reptilian brain.

If you, or someone you love, sincerely wants to make a difficult change, help is available. In particular, cognitive behavioural therapy has proven to be very effective in changing behaviour. Talk to your doctor about support options.


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