This was published 4 years ago
For children with disabilities, the lockdown has opened new doors
By Elizabeth Callinan
Finding silver linings in the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t easy. As the mum of a child with a disability who is receiving early intervention services in Melbourne, I’ve seen service provision turned on its head.
But for us, some of these changes have been for the better.
Elizabeth Callinan's daughter Greta (third from right) with ballet classmates before COVID-19.Credit: Clinton Plowman, Leaps n Beats Dance
Most families who have a child with a disability are used to fitting in additional appointments during their week. Every family with young children performs a juggling act but when early intervention plays such an important role in how your child takes their place in the world, the stakes are particularly high.
In pre-COVID days I would set aside an afternoon a fortnight to drive my four-year-old daughter to her speech therapy sessions. Then there were physio sessions and other health-related appointments, including reviews with her paediatrician and ophthalmologist. Greta started kinder this year and it was becoming harder to fit everything in.
Greta has mosaic Down syndrome and early speech therapy intervention has helped her express her ideas more confidently and communicate to those around her. Physiotherapy has helped her gain strength and confidence to run and climb and become a menace to others sharing the footpath with her and her scooter.
While therapies have been a great benefit to her, so has immersion in mainstream kinder, childcare, ballet and music classes. In these settings she’s just one of the gang. She learns new words and ways of doing things from her typically developing peers. Most importantly, she learns that how high she can jump or how clearly she can speak is no barrier to belonging. And her peers have the chance to learn a thing or two from her.
Group activities are a huge boost for children with a disability.Credit: Clinton Plowman, Leaps n Beats Dance
Greta is fortunate to live in Australia and benefit from the early intervention opportunities on offer, many of them supported by the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
You’d think an abundance of therapy options could only be a good thing. But while I acknowledge our privileged position, there can be unintended consequences. While Greta travels to attend therapy and other appointments, she misses out on other things. Perhaps it is leaving a play date early or arriving at kinder after the other kids are already settled into play. None of these moments are earth-shattering on their own but put together they make being part of the gang that little bit harder.
Yet the move to online service delivery has shown it doesn’t have to be this way.
Back in March, following the first COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria, Greta had her first Zoom speech therapy session at home. We propped the iPad up on her drawing table and there was her smiling therapist.
Greta leaned in when she saw the familiar face. She was straight on board using the interactive spinning wheel on the screen. The session finished with Greta and the speech therapist drawing a butterfly together on the whiteboard.
It was all so easy and it took exactly an hour out of our day. No stress about finding lost shoes before leaving the house. No need to reach into the back seat to jiggle her knee to make sure she didn’t fall asleep. Straight after the session, when we’d usually be fighting traffic on the way home, Greta joined her brothers setting up and doing obstacle courses around the house.
On the days where it’s possible to imagine a post-COVID world, I can see a place for these virtual therapy sessions to continue - even if it’s just some of the time. Of course therapy and health services delivered online won’t be suitable for every child or family. For some they will have highlighted how critical in-person delivery of therapy is for their child. But where it does work, this technology opens up the possibility of children receiving the intervention they need while not being taken away from their everyday world longer than necessary.
Many children with disabilities have far more appointments each week than Greta and many families would have to travel much further. There is the potential for these families to benefit even more than ours. My family lives in the city now but I grew up in country Victoria. Many rural families will have already been a step ahead with their use of online therapy. I hope that now these families will benefit from a wider pool of therapists being open to them.
In the midst of Melbourne’s stage 4 restrictions, accessing therapy online has become routine. Greta has also received physiotherapy via Zoom. She had never met this physiotherapist in person and during the first appointment she needed cajoling from me to take part. She wasn’t afraid to tell the physio ‘I don’t want to do that’. But once she chose a teddy to exercise alongside her, she was away.
Something I didn’t know would be possible was a telehealth eye appointment. Before the appointment I was given instructions from the ophthalmology clinic about downloading the Visual Acuity app so we could test Greta’s vision at home. We created our own private eye clinic in the living room - a kitchen chair sitting 10 metres away from the wall. Greta’s big brothers both had a turn holding the phone up against the wall and controlling the app, enjoying their foray into amateur ophthalmology.
The results showed that Greta’s vision had become more even and there was no need to start patching one of her eyes. She’ll be reviewed again in six months. We’ll have to wait and see whether this will be via telehealth or in person.
Greta is lucky to have joined an online music therapy group that is part of a University of Melbourne research project. Led by Professor Katrina McFerran from the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, the project explores different types of online social gatherings centered around music listening, making and singing to enhance connections, foster creativity and promote feeling good. Most days Greta now asks ‘is it music today?’. In the first session, she was soon in fits of laughter as her recorder playing had her therapist tumbling back off his chair. The fact that he was on screen rather than in person didn’t seem to diminish their joyful connection.
Greta with music therapist Eamon Roy, a member of the Melbourne University research team.Credit: Elizabeth Callinan
Greta now regularly kicks me out of the room so she can have one-on-one online time with her speech therapist or story time with her aunty and grandparents. At the same time I’ve seen therapists grow in confidence translating their skills and knowledge to online service delivery. Hopefully the University of Melbourne research findings will offer lessons for optimising online group and therapy engagement more broadly. It’s important to know what works and what doesn’t.
In the coming months I look forward to meeting our therapists, family and friends face to face. But as we become free to roam our communities again, let’s make sure that we don’t forget all we have discovered from our time at home.