

This was published 9 years ago

Peter Beattie book extract: The road to a more prosperous knowledge economy

By Peter Beattie

The following is an extract from former Queensland premier Peter Beattie's new book, Where To From Here, Australia?

What are the lessons for Australia from our experience in the Americas, both North and South? It comes down to one clear message. The invention of the wheel, the printing press and the industrial revolution have all had profound impact on civilisation but nothing will match the disruptive but potentially beneficial impact of this century of innovation.

As a nation we punch above our weight in scientific output. Australia is number two in the world in scientific publications per capita. Therefore our narrow knowledge economy certainly has nothing to do with our scientific base which, on any measure, is world class.

So why hasn't Australia been more successful in creating a larger, more prosperous knowledge economy?

Former Queensland premier Peter Beattie argues for venture capital funding of Australian innovation in his new book.

Former Queensland premier Peter Beattie argues for venture capital funding of Australian innovation in his new book.Credit: Glenn Hunt

The 2015 Global Innovation Index, produced by the prestigious French business school INSEAD, ranks Australia 10th in terms of innovation input. This is a measure of the political, regulatory, and business environment as well as the number of skilled people and the infrastructure.

We rank 24th in terms of innovation output, which is essentially the scientific and creative production of the country, the new inventions, ideas and products. So for its size Australia does reasonably well. However, when it comes to innovation efficiency, which is the ratio of output over input, we plummet to number 72 out of 141 countries assessed.

This means Australians are great at coming up with ideas but terrible at translating them into products and commercialising them. This doesn't mean these great ideas aren't being turned into products, jobs and income. It's just that it is happening in other countries and benefiting other economies.

According to the Global Innovation Index, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Sweden, the Netherlands and the US are the world's five most innovative nations. Meanwhile, the index highlights that China, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, Jordan, Kenya, and Uganda are among a group of countries outperforming their economic peers.

The signing of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement is a golden opportunity for Australian innovation, says Peter Beattie.

The signing of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement is a golden opportunity for Australian innovation, says Peter Beattie.Credit: Kym Smith

So what are our weaknesses?

Without large Australian corporates to take on the commercialisation of Australian innovation Australia has become the innovation mine for the world. Being an innovation mine doesn't create jobs and a sustainable future. Part of our problem is that we don't have the equivalents of Microsoft, Intel or Google. The Australian equivalents, Telstra and Optus, are not in the same league and are service-based companies with little emphasis on innovation.

Nor do we have the healthcare equivalents of Pfizer, GSK, Johnson & Johnson or Merck. Australia's largest biotech, CSL, was government-funded for 75 years before privatisation.

Because we do not have large domestic corporates, the traditional venture-capital model of building innovation businesses and then selling to the large corporates in the local ecosystem is a structural problem. That is why the traditional US venture-capital model has not succeeded in Australia. US venture capitalists only need to be successful in their own backyard to generate successful companies and strong returns. In fact, most of them only think about the US.

For more than 100 years, Australian governments have remained committed to supporting research. Currently $9.7 billion of taxpayers' money is invested annually which has led to the creation of our world-leading research organisations and infrastructure. However, less than 1.5 per cent of that money is spent on commercialisation and translating the outcomes of this research into products, jobs and income for the country. Historically, almost half of the government's commercialisation funding was directed to supporting the automotive industry.

The heart of our problem is that we have a shortage of venture capital. Money sadly makes the world go round. Our funding of commercialising research has not evolved with the developed world's transition to innovation and knowledge-based economies. To be a clever country we need a sustained investment in commercialising science and R&D.

The investment tax initiatives announced in December 2015 by the Turnbull government in its innovation policy are a good start but only part of the solution. In themselves they are not enough. Another dimension is needed.

The free trade agreement with China allows Australia to tackle our lack of venture capital. China can now provide a portal for Australian venture capital and innovation companies. This strong and formal link will enable our innovative products to be co-developed and commercialised in China. Like the US, you only need a product to gain broad adoption in China for it to become an enormous success. This could therefore overcome the lack of both a large population and sufficient multinational companies in Australia.

A smart Australia should establish two joint venture capital funds in collaboration with China: one to invest in the commercialisation of our world-leading biotechnology research and the other to invest in general innovation.

It would be a marriage made in heaven where Australia's world class research would be taken to the world market with Chinese capital and with both countries benefiting. Australian brains and Chinese money! Joint boards should be established in Australia consisting of both Australian and Chinese representatives. However, there are three problems.

Firstly, we only have a window of opportunity of five to 10 years to do this, otherwise Chinese biotechnology research will catch up to Australia and the Chinese will then partner elsewhere or internally. China is big enough and with enough foreign reserves to collaborate internally. Sometimes we do not fully understand the vast potential of China.

Secondly, we have to overcome our phobia about Chinese investment in Australia. Collaboration is vital for our future. We sell China our minerals, now we have to invest together.

Finally, government has to understand this is a long-term strategy and think long-term. In the past there has not been enough understanding in government of what the biotechnology industry can do for the Australian economy and our personal health and wellbeing. Think Gardasil, it took 15 years to get to market.

A specialist commercialisation venture capital fund would be an ideal way to cement a maturing of the relationship with China post the mining boom. It could also encourage superannuation funds to invest in Australia's future. The next generation of Australians need us to be smart about money now.

In the US, venture capital-backed companies account for 9 per cent of all private-sector jobs and 17.6 per cent of gross domestic product.

Australia has an ideal partner to work with a Chinese/Australia investment fund in biotechnology to minimise investment risk and maximise returns. It is the Medical Research Commercialisation Fund (MRCF) of which I have been a director since 2010.

In its simplest form, successful biotechnology is simply 'manufacturing' – manufacturing to make the drug, vaccine or medical device. However, it is a manufacturing industry protected by patents and strict international regulatory guidelines, meaning that it cannot be easily undercut by lower-cost countries and therefore can afford to pay Australian wages and remain competitive.

The demise of our traditional manufacturing jobs and industries, including automotive, is a key challenge facing Australia. The biotech industry can help replace these jobs with smart manufacturing.

The announcement in early 2015 of the successful raising of a new $200 million life-science venture fund by the MRCF and Brandon Capital is truly a beacon of hope that Australia can evolve its economy away from the unhealthy reliance on commodity-based products into sustainable industries that rely on knowledge and innovation. It is the MRCF's third successful fund (MRCF3).

The new fund comes at a critical time in the evolution of the Australian economy. With falling mining-based commodity prices signalling the end of the resources boom, we are seeing the end of an unprecedented period of continuous economic growth.

While at $200 million the MRCF3 may appear modest in comparison with the billion-dollar figures we are accustomed to seeing in relation to our mining companies, banks and even superannuation funds, it is in fact the largest life sciences innovation fund raised in Australia.

The MRCF is an ideal partner because it is a unique collaboration among more than 50 of Australia's leading medical research institutes and research hospitals, which provide the intellectual property and expertise. Four superannuation funds provide the investment capital to support the commercialisation of medical discoveries.

The MRCF is run by Brandon Capital, a team of sector specialists that has the expertise to guide the research discoveries through a complex development path. The impact that the MRCF's first funds, totalling $50 million, have already had on the local biotechnology industry is significant, with more than 20 new companies created.

In the past 18 months the MRCF has had major achievements with two of its companies. A company developing a novel therapy for the treatment of chronic pain, Spinifex Pharmaceutical, which grew out of research at the University of Queensland, was sold for more than $700 million to Swiss-based company Norvartis. And Melbourne-based Fibrotech, which is developing novel drugs to deal with fibrosis, was sold to Shire for US$557 million.

The promise of this new MRCF fund, with its significantly greater pool of capital, is that it will have the capacity, along with a direct co-investment mandate from the superannuation funds, to help create companies that remain in Australia, manufacturing high-value products that are exported to the world.

The support of AustralianSuper, HESTA, Statewide and Hostplus in this new fund is significant. It is in the long term interests of nation building that Australian superannuation funds have made large new commitments to early-stage investments.

Two other funds are on the horizon. In September, 2015 Blackbird Ventures raised $200 million including from First State Super and Hostplus, with this fund focussing on information technology opportunities. Now the G8 universities are working to set up another $200 million early stage commercialisation company to be announced in 2016.

With our superannuation industry worth more than $2 trillion, tapping even a fraction of these funds would transform our innovation ecosystem, creating new jobs and income for the country. However, Australian superannuation funds need to do more.

Australian universities and research institutes may be at the heart of Australia's innovative future but they cannot roll out companies centred on commercialising research on their own. We are therefore undermining our children's future by not investing more superannuation and Future Fund dollars in Australia's innovative research in our world class institutes.

Superannuation has empowered Australians to enjoy a dignified retirement. Its evolution should add the extra ingredient of nation building. I may be an idealist but I believe if Australians were asked by the managers of their superannuation funds to agree to invest just 0.2 per cent of their money in Australian innovation to ensure future jobs and prosperity, they would overwhelmingly say "yes". Maybe it is time Australians were given that choice.

Australia's superannuation industry has one of the largest pools of capital in the world. As superannuation funds grow, their challenge will be whether there is enough diversity for Australian investors. At the moment 61 per cent of ASX earnings are generated by three industries: financial, property and mining, represented by 10 companies. Indeed four banks and two mining companies account for 49 per cent of ASX earnings.

The superannuation industry can't afford to ignore investing in innovation and the development of the next generation of industries and jobs. These future jobs would underpin the long-term strength of the trillion-dollar superannuation industry. Without continued contribution growth from the next generation of employees, the superannuation industry won't be able to continue to support superannuants in their retirement. This should be the next stage of the evolution of Australian superannuation. It completes the virtuous circle that our superannuation industry is reliant upon.

I understand the need for superannuation funds to deliver growth and investment returns for their members based on sound investment practices. Indeed the superannuation industry cannot be expected to invest in research without an appropriate return. Trustees must by law maximise the returns to the members for their retirement.

However, a tiny fraction of their funds invested long-term in well-managed Australian innovations will generate good financial returns with a higher risk but with a higher return trade-off, ensuring our economic growth and being part of a diversified investment portfolio. With the sale of Spinifex and Fibrotech, the MRCF has already demonstrated that this strategy works.

Sadly, the drivers of short-term investment decisions are undermining Australia's future. The careers of superannuation fund investment officers depend on short-term performance, so it is not in their professional interest to recommend long-term, nation-building asset classes. In addition there are new factors conspiring against long-term investment thinking, including a focus on low-cost investments and increasing competition between super funds.

It is almost impossible for government to direct super funds to invest in a particular asset class, especially in a defined contribution environment where the member assumes all the risk.

Why do we need to be obsessed about venture capital?

China is spending $308 billion in its current five-year plan on developing its biotechnology industry, covering bio-manufacturing, biological equipment, bio-engineering, bio-agriculture and bio-pharmacy. Its strategy is to focus on the 'development' in research and development.

It is accelerating its biotechnology industry by learning from the achievements and mistakes of developed countries. Its best and brightest student researchers are being sent to the world's leading research universities and companies. This program is assisted by the return of Chinese scientists to take advantage of the increasing opportunities in their country.

China is seeking new solutions to environmental problems and new energies. I spent time there recently and saw first-hand their determination to build a new energy future. While this will take time and money, it will happen. China has nine universities ranked in the top 200 in the world. Australia has 12. That is why an investment partnership with China is so important.

At the same time, Russia, India, Brazil, the Middle East, South Korea, Malaysia, Poland, Taiwan, Turkey and South Africa are all building a biotechnology capacity. Indian drug makers have become very good at making cheaper copies of pharmaceutical molecules, while South Korea and Singapore have become centres for clinical trials and research and development. Growing health demands in Asia's emerging middle class will accelerate this drive for innovation.

How things work in the future economy will be nothing like the past. While there will be a long transition, by 2050 any economy not driven by knowledge will be the New Poor. This is the innovation century. Therefore, the Australian government's facilitation of innovation investment is about resetting the balance between short- and long-term investments.

In a time of relative prosperity, Australia should also think about establishing a pool of capital to invest in next-generation industries. Superannuation investment returns are taxed at 15 per cent. A fraction of a percentage of this should be invested in innovation translation and commercialisation, creating a knowledge-based economy and leading to jobs and wealth creation.

The Future Fund and the Medical Research Future Fund both have a role to play. They need a focus on investing in commercialising innovation. What is the point of the Future Fund investing in European highways when Australian innovation is put on the backburner? It too should be investing a tiny percentage of its money in commercialising Australian innovation research. Where will the jobs come from to support economic growth if we don't drive the Australian economy by investing in innovation?

Stability is a powerful commodity in investing. Therefore, both sides of Australian politics need to understand that the development of new therapeutics and diagnostics is time-consuming, capital-intensive and risky. We cannot turn funding off and on and expect long-term results. This means Australia has to provide certainty in government policy when it comes to innovation. Stability will come from the patents emerging from our research and from having customers for our products. Our customers will come from the growing middle class around the world (in particular in China and India) and its thirst for quality healthcare and energy.

Imagine what Australia could achieve if, with government support, we were able to capitalise on our research capabilities by establishing a pathway that enabled researchers to move their technologies out of the laboratory, through early-stage development, ultimately gaining access to venture capital from our superannuation sector or the Australia/China funds and take their research to market. What a game changer. To do otherwise will turn Australia into a dumb nation of exhausted quarries, koalas and beautiful beaches.

Peter Beattie's new book, Where To From Here, Australia? will be available for instant purchase in paperback, or for Kindle or Android, on the Strictly Literary website from Saturday.

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