

This was published 9 years ago

Peter Beattie book extract: Queensland politics

By Peter Beattie

The following is an extract from former Queensland premier Peter Beattie's new book, Where To From Here, Australia?

I am a proud Queenslander. For someone born in Sydney, some of my southern cousins have found it strange over the years that my love affair with Queensland began in Atherton, a little country town of just over 3000 people in far North Queensland.

The far north in the 1950s was struggling to find its identity in post-war Australia. The people were strong, independent pioneers who believed they had been abandoned by the rest of Australia by the Brisbane Line decision, a supposed line near Brisbane where Australia was to be defended against the invading Japanese.

This history produced strong, self-reliant, northerners in Australia's most decentralised state. Importantly, they were honest, decent and hardworking people.

Former Queensland premier Peter Beattie has lamented the increasingly adversarial nature of politics in the state.

Former Queensland premier Peter Beattie has lamented the increasingly adversarial nature of politics in the state.Credit: Glenn Hunt

Over the years, Queensland produced parochial politicians who amused and fascinated our fellow Australians. It started with Premiers TJ Ryan and Red Ted Theodore, who moved to Canberra in the early part of the 20th century but whose careers were cut down by ill health or scandal. Then there was DLP leader Vince Gair and National Party leader Joh Bjelke-Petersen, who lusted after national power only to be blocked by the common sense of our fellow Australians.

Sadly a corrupt, dark side to the Queensland body politic emerged after World War II and both sides of politics were responsible. Thankfully Queensland shook off this corruption in the late 1980s when commissioner Tony Fitzgerald turned Queensland public life on its head. For the first time in its history Queensland became the Australian leader in honesty and integrity. Almost overnight the corrupt practices in New South Wales and Victoria were a southern disease. Queensland had cleansed itself and we were the honest state.

I was a solicitor at the Fitzgerald Inquiry and as the first chair of the Parliamentary Criminal Justice Committee (PCJC), I strongly supported the work of the child of Fitzgerald: the Criminal Justice Commission (CJC). This angered some of my ALP colleagues and I paid a political price for doing so.

The Goss, Borbidge, Beattie and Bligh governments came and went. The CJC and its successors (later named the CCC) have embarrassed every Queensland government since its inception in 1990 until today. Two of my ministers went to jail based on my complaints to this fearless independent watchdog, which kept an eye on public behaviour regardless of politics.

Peter Beattie had a famously close relationship with then-Brisbane lord mayor Campbell Newman.

Peter Beattie had a famously close relationship with then-Brisbane lord mayor Campbell Newman.Credit: Robert Rough

During all this time the powers of the CJC to keep the 'bastards honest' remained. Then the Newman government introduced a bill which, in effect, could have destroyed the ability of the CCC to independently keep Queensland politics honest.

Removing the need for the bipartisan appointment of the independent chair and commissioners of the CCC destroyed one of Fitzgerald's key inquiry outcomes as enshrined in the CJC's (now CCC's) governing act. Under the proposed new rule, the independent watchdog would have been politicised. The chair would have needed the support of the cabinet to be appointed and not the bipartisan parliamentary committee. In other words he or she would have become a political appointment. As chair of the PCJC, I worked with Nationals Mike Ahern and Bill Gunn as deputy chairmen to make the committee work in a bipartisan way under the governing act of Parliament. That would have been lost in the Newman government changes.

It took years for the state to get over the political appointment of a corrupt police commissioner, Terry Lewis, who won his position through political favour.

My criticism of the Newman government here is neither political nor personal. To the annoyance of the Labor Party at City Hall, I enjoyed a good relationship with Newman when he was lord mayor of Brisbane and it was also no secret that I did not agree with the targeting of Newman's family in the 2012 state election campaign. However, in office, the Newman government did all it could to blacken everything Labor, even ignoring the obvious impact of the global financial crises on the state's finances.

Queensland's state governments over the decades have done little to enhance the state's national reputation.

Former premier Peter Beattie

Thankfully Tony Fitzgerald made a critical submission to the parliamentary committee examining the Newman CCC legislation. It was reported on page two of the Weekend Australian but faded quickly.

The parliamentary committee wrote to me seeking my views on the legislation. They were straight forward: don't destroy Fitzgerald's bipartisanship. In Newman's Queensland my views, like those of Fitzgerald, were ignored.

This child of Fitzgerald was eventually saved as an independent public watchdog by electoral pressure through government by-election losses and the legislation was changed.

But the point remains: Queensland can again be opened up to corruption through political appointments if the Parliament is dominated by a government that no longer wants to be accountable. Honest, decent Queenslanders deserve better.

I was saddened by what happened to Queensland's body politic between 2012 and 2015. A nastiness returned not seen since the days of the Bjelke-Petersen governments. Then Sir Joh went so far as to order his MPs not to sit in the parliamentary dining room with Labor members. I thought we had matured beyond this childish unpleasantness.

Unfortunately, Queensland's state governments over the decades have done little to enhance the state's national reputation being involved in the toughest politics in Australia. I smile when I see the NSW Parliament referred as the 'bear pit'. It is child's play compared with Queensland politics.

The state has produced some divisive national characters such as Vince Gair, Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, Pauline Hanson and more recently Clive Palmer. But Queensland is more than our eccentric politicians. Together with Western Australia, Queensland was for decades the backbone of Australia's mining and energy hub.

Indeed, Queensland's strong economic performance will return based around the state government's leadership through strategies such as Advance Queensland, which focuses on smart innovation. Queensland has an economy that needs knowledge and innovation to drive its future.

Peter Beattie's new book, Where To From Here, Australia? will be available for instant purchase in paperback, or for Kindle or Android, on the Strictly Literary website from Saturday.

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