

This was published 8 years ago

MYEFO budget update: why Scott Morrison has rightly avoided swinging the axe

By Peter Martin

Scott Morrison has learnt well from Joe Hockey, Chris Bowen and Wayne Swan.

The best thing to do when revenue is collapsing is to let it, lest it bring the economy down with it.

As he put it: extreme measures would have placed "a hand brake on household consumption and business investment growth" and unnecessarily threatened emerging signs of economic momentum.

He spoke about Australian families going away on holidays and the children in the back of the car asking: "are we there yet?"


CashCredit: Gabriele Charotte

That's natural," he said. But the driver needs to be careful and "not put at risk jobs and growth".

That's why the cutbacks announced on Tuesday do little more than cover the cost of the new spending committed since the budget.

He won't be chasing disappearing revenue into an ever-deepening vortex.


By 2018-19 government revenue will be $14.7 billion less than was expected at budget time, and that's more or less fine with the Treasurer. He will be spending less than was expected at budget time, but only $7.8 billion less.

The budget has been hit by an iron ore price now likely to average US$39 a tonne rather the US$48 expected at budget time, and an oil price of US$43 a barrel rather than budgeted US$64. The oil price is important because it's drives the price of Australia's exported liquified natural gas.

Wages will grow even more slowly than expected at budget time, pushing fewer people than expected into higher tax brackets by 2018-19.

Offsetting that is the good news that employment is growing more quickly than expected. This year it will climb by 2 per cent rather than 1.5 per cent predicted at budget time, although after that Treasury expects it to grow more slowly than it had thought at the time of the budget.

Unemployment will be just 6 per cent in June 2016, rather than the 6.5 per cent forecast in the budget. By 2018-19 it will be 5.5 per cent.

The economy itself will grow far more slowly than expected in the budget, by 2.5 per cent this year instead of 2.75 per cent, and next year by 2.75 per cent instead of 3.25 per cent. After that it'll be 3 per cent rather than 3.5 per cent; a big difference.

What matters most for the budget is so-called nominal GDP – the amount of dollars actually spent. Treasury says it will grow by just 2.75 per cent this year instead of 3.25 per cent, and next year by 4.5 per cent instead of 5.5 per cent.

This year's deficit will be $2.3 billion deeper and the next year's $7.9 billion deeper.

The budget will return to surplus one year later than had been expected, in 2020-21 and net debt will peak one year later than had been expected, in 2017-18. It'll peak at 18.5 per cent of GDP rather than 18 per cent of GDP. We will be paying around $500 million per year extra in interest.

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