

This was published 8 years ago

Malcolm Turnbull waxes philosophical but treads carefully about US and China

By Daniel Flitton

The PM has delivered a sensible and careful speech in Washington that really only hints at how a Turnbull government - re-elected - might approach the world.

Yes, there is the usual affection of Australian leaders for America's ingenuity. (Julia Gillard reminded us how the US put a man on the moon, remember?)

And there is a smattering of allies standing "united in freedom's cause" (but not too much, lest he goes "all-the-way", suffer a "man of steel" moment, or become "doe-eyed" as Turnbull himself once warned).

Maybe that continuity really tells us a lot - that Turnbull will continue to tread the familiar path of his predecessors, stretching back decades, and craft Australia's world view with the assumption of US primacy.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull delivers a speech to the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull delivers a speech to the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

But as Australia's former chief intelligence analyst Allan Gyngell notes, Turnbull's speech was also marked by an "absence of absolutes".

That reflects China and the uncertainty - and opportunity, as Turnbull wants to emphasise in all things - about its rising power.

Turnbull reassured a US audience that "America is stronger than ever", while noting "demography is destiny" and China, with nearly 1.4 billion people, is bound to grow more powerful.


That China's economy has sneezed, putting the world at risk of catching a cold, to borrow a phrase, doesn't alter the long-term assumption of Asia's upward trajectory

Mr Turnbull and US President Barack Obama - pictured at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in November - will meet in the Oval Office on Tuesday, local time.

Mr Turnbull and US President Barack Obama - pictured at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in November - will meet in the Oval Office on Tuesday, local time.Credit: AP

It was also striking that when discussing China's growing influence and simmering tensions over territorial claims in the South China Sea, Turnbull emphasised Australia had decided to attend as an "observer" in the international court case brought by Philippines against Beijing.

This was made public in November but not widely reported, and was a delicate decision for Australia.

Turnbull invoked the danger of "Thucydides Trap", the ancient precept that one great power, fearing another's rise, would lash out. He meant this as a warning to China, but some might see this as putting the US on the same plane.

If Turnbull was feeling philosophical, and wanting to emphasise the importance of following established rules to settle disputes, he might have borrowed the wisdom of Australia's famous academic thinker about international relations, Hedley Bull.

"Particular states," Bull warned, "or groups of states that set themselves up as the authoritative judges of the world common good, in disregard of the views of others, are in fact a menace to international order."

Who could disagree?

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